
The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

author:Jiangzhu Pavilion
The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

"Red Detachment of Women" is a well-known literary and artistic work in Chinese. This story comes from the real deeds of the Women's Army Special Agent Company of the Second Independent Division of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in 1931, and after literary and artistic creation, it became the story of the famous "Red Women's Army".

The earliest interpretation of the story of the "Red Detachment of Women" was the local drama Qiong Opera in Hainan Province. In 1958, according to the dictation of Feng Zengmin, the second company commander of the Women's Special Agent Company of the Second Independent Division of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and the reportage "Red Detachment of Women" recorded by Liu Wenshao, people were able to know their stories. But this reportage is not widely circulated.

Later, the film literary script of "The Red Detachment of Women" appeared and was filmed and released in 1961.

In 1962, the film literary script of "The Red Detachment of Women" was published.

In 1964, the Chinese Dance Troupe transplanted the ballet "Red Detachment of Women" from the film "Red Detachment of Women" and premiered it in the auditorium of the Great Hall of the People in September of that year; it later became one of the eight model plays of the time.

In 1968, the ballet version of the Red Detachment of Women began to be revised, and in 1969, the revised dance script and related articles were published.

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

In 1970, the film crew of the Beijing Film Studio's "Red Detachment of Women" and the Chinese Dance Troupe made the dance drama into a movie and widely circulated it.

In the 1980s, the National Ballet of China (formerly known as the "China Dance Troupe") rearranged the entire play. For various reasons, the second half of the second game was restored to the 1964 first edition, and the remaining games were basically revised in 1970.

There are two songs in the play that are widely circulated: "Red Women's Army Song" and "Wanquan River Water".

"Wanquan River Water" appears in the second half of the fourth scene, showing the scene between the local people and the Red Army, "the army loves the people and the people support the army", which is the original song of the play.

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

The "Red Detachment of Women" is derived from the theme song of the 1961 feature film version of "Red Detachment of Women".

However, comparing the theme song of the 1961 film version with the same theme song of the 1970 dance drama version, we can find some differences between the two.

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

Lyrics of the theme song for the 1961 film version:

Forward Forward, Forward

The responsibility of the warrior is heavy

Women's grievances are deep

In ancient times, Mulan went to the army for her father

Today there are women's armies carrying guns for the people

Forward, forward

The Communist Party is the leader

Slaves have to turn over Slaves have to turn over

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

Lyrics of the 1970 dance drama version of "The Song of the Girl Scouts":

Women's resentment is deep

Break the chains and turn over to make a revolution

We, the Women's Army, carry guns for the people

The True Communist Party is the leader

Slaves have to turn over Slaves have to turn over

The original author of the lyrics is the screenwriter Guo Liangxin of the 1961 film version, and the composer is Huang Zhun.

The main difference between the two versions is that "there is an ancient Mulan who went to the army for her father" was changed to "break the iron chain and turn over to make a revolution" (in addition to some other word differences), so the lyrics of the two systems were formed:

"Ancient Mulan went to the army for her father" - 1961 version

"Break the chains and turn over and make a revolution" - 1970 edition

In addition to the differences between the two systems, there are many versions with differences within the two systems.

The 1961 edition has roughly three versions: the original version of the film, the "grievance" version, and the "communist true" version.

According to the recollection of composer Huang Zhun, before the film version was filmed in 1961, the film crew discussed the theme song. Some people think that an old revolutionary song should be used as the theme song. But Huang Zhun believes that a new song should be written, and she also promises to make this song a classic that can be passed on to future generations.

In fact she did.

That is to say, before the film began, the script was already there, but there was no theme song, and the theme song was created after the script was completed.

But the 1962 film literary script "The Red Detachment of Women" included the lyrics of this song:

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified
The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

This shows that the literary scripts of the film published in 1962 were based on the finished films. In the lyrics of the lyrics, "The responsibility of the warrior is heavy, and the women's grievances are deep", it is "the revenge is deep":

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

But since at least 1962, there has been a version of this phrase that has been changed to "women's resentment":

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

In addition, the original version of the film "Communism is Doctrine, the Party is the Leader", at least since 1962, has been changed to "Communism is True, the Party is the Leader" version is circulating:

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

In this way, even the lyrics of the original version of the film, the lyrics of the 1961 system have three versions.

In 1983, the Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House published "Selected Songs of Huang Zhun", the 23rd choice used the "Niangzi Army Lian Song", and the lyrics used the versions of "Women's Grievances and Deep Hatred" and "Communism is True, the Party is the Leader":

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

However, in the "Huang Zhun Song Collection" and "Huang Zhun Vocal Works Selection" published by the Shanghai Music Publishing House in 2009, the lyrics of "The Song of the Girl Scout Army" are both used in the version of "Women's Resentment":

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

According to bian Zushan's 1967 recording of the 1964 dance drama version, the lyrics of the 1964 version have been changed to "women's resentment" and "breaking the chains to turn over the revolution", which is reflected in the 1970 ballet "Red Detachment of Women" orchestra score, the script with stills, and the script with stills in the 1974 "Compilation of Revolutionary Model Drama Books (Episode I)":

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

However, some musical scores or subtitles for 1970 dance drama films later wrote "women's resentment" as "women's resentment", which formed two versions of the 1970 system.

The re-layout of the National Ballet of China after 1980 restored the lyrics from the phrase "break the iron chains and turn over and make a revolution" to the version of "there was an ancient Mulan who went to the army for her father"; many publications also used this version. However, the biggest difference between the versions is still the difference between "women's resentment" and "women's resentment".

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

It can be seen that the score of "The Song of the Girl Scouts" has not yet had a fixed, authoritarian version of the lyrics. According to the modern version of circulation, it is obvious that they all agree to restore the phrase "breaking the iron chains and turning over and making a revolution" to the version of "ancient Mulan went to the army for her father", which has no objection and can be called the modern version.

But in the modern version, there are two versions: "women's resentment" and "women's resentment".

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

The difference between "resentment" and "resentment" has appeared since 1962, and the script and score of the 1970 ballet version are all "resentment".

But the lyrics' author, Guo Liangxin, wrote about "revenge" in the literary script of the red detachment of women published in 1962.

As for why "grievances" became "resentments", it may be related to the language environment at that time, or according to the original soundtrack of the movie, the lyrics were recorded as "resentment". But exactly how this result came about, the truth of the facts remains to be examined.

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

However, combing through the circulation of this song, it can be seen that "revenge" is the original version used by the lyrics author, so the original version of this sentence should be "women's grievances".

The 1970 dance drama version adopted the version of "women's resentment", and at the same time changed the version of "Ancient Mulan went to the army for her father" to "break the iron chains and turn over and make a revolution".

The version of "The Song of the Lady Scout Army" is verified

In summary, if subtitles are made for the 1970 dance drama film version, the version of "Women's Resentment" should be used; if the subtitle of the 1961 feature film version is produced, the version of "Women's Grievances Deep" should be used.

The modern version, the "grudge" version and the "grudge" version, both exist, but most of them are "grudge" versions.

I hope that the insiders of the year can provide more information and give a fixed version.


This article is the original of Jiangzhu Xiaoge, and the infringement must be investigated!