
Today, we will not forget!

author:Zhuhai released
Today, we will not forget!

Today is September 30th,

Our country's eighth "Martyrs' Day".

According to incomplete statistics, in modern times

About 20 million martyrs died heroically,

They are for justice, for the nation, for the country,

Sprinkle blood without fear of life and death,

Defend national dignity with life.

They're a bunch of ordinary people.

Also heroic and extraordinary people.

In Zhuhai,

There is such a list,

Behind every name on the list,

There is a story of blood hidden,

It is still widely praised today.

Today, we will not forget!

Su Zhaozheng

Communist Party of China

One of the key early leaders

Today, we will not forget!

Su Zhaozheng was born in 1885 on Qi'ao Island in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province. He was a pioneer and famous leader of the Chinese workers' movement, an activist of the international workers' movement, and one of the important leaders of the early days of the Communist Party of China. He is one of the "one hundred heroic and exemplary figures who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China".

Su Zhaozheng Former Residence Exhibition Hall▼

Today, we will not forget!

Su Zhaozheng led the Hong Kong seamen's strike and the provincial and Hong Kong general strike, and planned and formulated the Guangzhou uprising plan. On February 25, 1929, Su Zhaozheng, who had been suffering from many years of overwork, had an old illness and died tragically. "Everyone worked together to struggle, everyone worked together to achieve our final success..." At the time of his death, Su Zhaozheng left his last words in a weak voice.

Yang Zaian

The first person to spread Marxism in South China

Today, we will not forget!

Born in Beishan Village, Nanping Town, Xiangshan, Guangdong Province, Yang Zai'an was an outstanding theoretician and revolutionary activist in the early days of the Communist Party of China, the first person to spread Marxism in South China, and he used his short life to interpret the power of faith.

Yang Zai'an Deeds Exhibition Hall▼

Today, we will not forget!

After the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, Yang Zaian was appointed by the party to serve mainly in the Kuomintang, devoted himself to the work of Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, and in 1925 participated in the organization of the provincial and Hong Kong strikes. In 1927, he was appointed as a member of the Central Supervision Commission of the Communist Party of China. In 1928, he went to Nanyang to engage in revolutionary activities, returned to Shanghai in 1929 to work in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was arrested in July 1931, and was secretly killed in Shanghai in August.

Lin Weimin

A pioneer of the Chinese workers' movement

Today, we will not forget!

Lin Weimin, a native of Yuyue Village, Sanzao, Zhuhai. As a pioneer of the Chinese workers' movement, he made important contributions in the revolutionary struggle for the liberation of the Chinese nation and the protection of the interests of the working class.

Lin Weimin and the Museum of Historical Sites of the Early Chinese Workers' Movement

Today, we will not forget!

From 1920 onwards, Lin Weimin and Su Zhaozheng carried out revolutionary propaganda among Hong Kong seafarers, and initiated the establishment of a preparatory group for the seafarers' union, which was one of the preparatory committee members. In January 1922, he led the Hong Kong seamen's strike with Su Zhaozheng and others.

Due to the long-term tense and busy struggle and the hard and poor life, Lin Weimin's bone tuberculosis in the leg had a vicious attack during the provincial and Hong Kong general strike, and he had to be hospitalized in August 1925. Lin Weimin is still in the hospital and still cares about and supports the work of the provincial and Hong Kong strike committees. In the spring of 1927, Lin Weimin's condition deteriorated, and he died in Guangzhou Hospital on September 1 of the same year at the age of 40.

Kwong Rensheng

The first party branch in Zhuhai was created

Today, we will not forget!

Kwong Rensheng, the secretary of the party branch of Xiaohaoyong, the first party branch in Zhuhai. In 1938, he was appointed secretary of the Eighth District Committee of Zhongshan County. In 1939, he was appointed Secretary of the Macao Working Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1942, he was transferred to the propaganda department of the Central County Committee of Nanfan Zhongshun.

XiaoHaoyong Party History Education Base▼

Today, we will not forget!

On March 25, 1942, Kwong Rensheng presided over a secret meeting on the struggle against the enemy at the home of an underground traffic officer in Shunde County, and encountered a major purge by the enemy. Kwong Rensheng, who was hiding in the cane tail pile, was unfortunately stabbed, and the blood stained the bayonet red, and he was arrested on the spot. Kwong Wassen tight-lipped about party secrets, unyielding, and was only 31 years old when he died.

Tang Syming Brothers

Sent to the front line by his mother herself;

Old San Kuang Shuming jumped into the river and sacrificed,

Old Fourth Kwong Zhen died of illness due to work,

All seven members of their family are members of the Communist Party of China;

"Zhuhai Liu Hulan" Zheng Yan

A week before marriage, a heroic sacrifice...

Those touching stories

And there are many more.

But more,

It was those heroic sacrifices

But also obscure names and stories.

This list of heroic martyrs in Zhuhai,

There is a paragraph behind every name

We should always remember the heroism in our hearts!

Today, we will not forget!

(The "Table of Heroic Martyrs" is excerpted from the "Centennial Zhuhai Atlas", due to restrictions such as the publication date, the list of martyrs is incomplete)△

Fighting in a rain of bullets,

Trekking through all odds,

Carrying ideals and beliefs before...

Heroes use

Like the faith of the mountain, like the will of the iron

Guarding every inch of the land of Huaxia,

Cast a monument that will never fade.

Today, we comfort the souls of the heroes,

Splendid prosperity, the motherland's mountains and rivers are unharmed!

Today, my generation should be self-reliant,

Inherit the faith, do not forget the original heart, will be determined to move forward!

People's heroes, immortal!

Drafting/Zhuhai release Liu Yinan

Editor-in-Charge/Blue Dragon

Editor/Tan Weijiang