
Which college entrance examination essay is stronger? Several AIs have written about it, and the famous teacher commented

Source: Chao News

Today is the first day of the college entrance examination, and the first language test has just ended, and the essay topic has rushed to the hot search. This time, Zhejiang language returned to the national volume, with the theme of "good stories", netizens said "I can again", "this topic is easy to understand" and "there should be many angles to write".

When the wave of AI hits, it is artificial intelligence that will challenge the college entrance examination composition this time.

Chao News respectively invited ChatGPT, Wen Xin Yiyan, Tongyi Qianwen and other large models to write college entrance examination essays, so that AI can end up and compete with college entrance examination students.

Chao News reporters used several popular language models, and after entering the following questions in the dialog box, the AI almost completed it within a minute, and the word count was more than 800 words. Which one do you think writes best? How many points can it be scored? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.


Read the material below and write as requested.

Good stories can help us better express and communicate, touch the heart and enlighten wisdom; A good story can change a person's destiny, can show the image of a nation ... Stories have power.

What kind of associations and thoughts did the above materials trigger you? Please write an article.

Requirements: choose the correct angle, determine the intention, clarify the style, and draft the title; Do not copy, do not copy; Do not disclose personal information; Not less than 800 words.

Which college entrance examination essay is stronger? Several AIs have written about it, and the famous teacher commented


The power of storytelling: light up hearts and shape destiny

Stories play an important role in our lives. Whether it is a fairy tale in childhood, or a novel, movie, biography, etc. in adulthood, good stories have great power. They can help us express and communicate better, touch the heart, enlighten wisdom, and even change a person's destiny and show the image of a people. It is for these reasons that stories have become an important part of human culture, and the power of stories is worth thinking about.

First, good stories help with expression and communication. Humans naturally love to tell stories, and through stories, we can communicate our thoughts, emotions, and experiences to others. The story blends plot, characters, and emotions to make the message more lively and interesting, easy to accept and understand. Whether it is oral traditional folk tales or modern film scripts, they can transform abstract concepts into concrete images through the setting of plots and the shaping of characters, allowing people to understand and resonate more deeply. Good stories are contagious, resonate emotionally, and promote communication and understanding.

Second, good stories have the effect of enlightening wisdom. Stories often convey wisdom and truth by telling the story of characters' growth, conflict, and problem-solving processes. In our lives, we encounter a variety of challenges and dilemmas. By reading and listening to stories, we can learn valuable lessons about coping with difficulties, solving problems, and even discovering our inner strength. Good stories can stimulate our thinking, lead us to reflect on our actions and values, and help us grow and develop better.

In addition, a good story has the power to change a person's destiny. Many great people and leaders have been influenced by stories that have changed the course of their lives. Stories can inspire people's dreams and pursuits, giving them the strength and courage to pursue their goals. Through the characters in the story, we can see their perseverance, courage and perseverance, which can also inspire our desire and pursuit of success. Good stories inspire people to face challenges, pursue their dreams, and ultimately achieve their goals.

Finally, a good story can also show the image of a people. Each nation has a unique culture and values, which can be passed on and displayed through stories. Through the characters and plots in the story, we can learn about the history, traditions and way of life of different peoples. Good stories can stimulate interest and understanding in other cultures and promote communication and integration between different ethnic groups. Through the spread of stories, the image of a people can be revealed, and people's respect and appreciation of other cultures can be enhanced.

To sum up, good stories have great power. They can help us to better express and communicate, inspire wisdom, change our destiny and present our national image. Whether as listeners or tellers, we should value good stories and use them to convey information, inspire thought, and advance personal and social development. Let us appreciate and pass on the power of stories together, and let them become beacons of our hearts and illuminate the way forward.

Which college entrance examination essay is stronger? Several AIs have written about it, and the famous teacher commented

Wen Xin's words:

The charm of the story - from "The Little Prince" to "Nezha: The Devil Child Descends"

Stories are the treasures of human culture, like a mirror that reflects human emotions, values and history. Good stories can help us express and communicate better, touch hearts and inspire wisdom. As Yang Lan said: "Stories are the most beautiful education and the best communication." "The power of a story cannot be underestimated, it can even change the image of a country.

Let's start with the story of The Little Prince. The story is an allegorical story of a little prince who leaves his planet and visits various planets and experiences various adventures. The Little Prince's interactions with various strange creatures and characters reflect the various flaws and problems of human nature. This simple story contains profound philosophies that teach us to see the world with a pure heart and to respect the uniqueness of each human being. Imagine that if a person is touched by the ideas in the story, his behavior will be kinder, which will undoubtedly change the behavior of those around him and improve the quality of the whole society.

Let's look at the story of "Nezha: The Devil Child Descends". This story tells the story of Nezha's growth from a discriminated demon boy to a hero who saves the world. This story deeply moved me because it shows the growth of a hero and is a good story to show the image of China. As a half-breed, Nezha suffered discrimination from the world, but he did not give up, but proved his worth through his own efforts. This story not only shows the inclusiveness and diversity of Chinese culture, but also expresses the common emotions of human beings. Such a story not only shocks me, but also gives foreigners a new understanding of China's image.

The power of stories is endless, it can help us express and communicate better, it can touch hearts and inspire wisdom. Stories can change the image of a person or even a country. As Lin Yutang said: "Stories are the soul of the country, and with stories, the country has a soul." "Good stories make us think about life and humanity, and they can give us a better understanding of ourselves and others.

We can draw stories from history. For example, the story of Confucius, his words and deeds are full of philosophy, and his ideas have influenced the history of China for thousands of years. We can draw wisdom from Confucius's stories, learn from his attitude to life, and let these stories become beacons in our lives.

We can also tap into the charm of stories from culture. For example, the story of "Dream of Red Mansions", which depicts a grand social picture and shows the charm of traditional Chinese culture. We can better understand traditional Chinese culture and appreciate it better through this story.

The power of stories is everywhere, and it can leave a deep mark on our lives and lasting memories in our hearts. Good stories can help us express and communicate better, touch the heart and enlighten wisdom; A good story can change a person's destiny and can show the image of a nation. We should learn to appreciate and spread good stories and make it a part of our lives.

Which college entrance examination essay is stronger? Several AIs have written about it, and the famous teacher commented

Tongyi Qianqian:

Good stories, a wonderful life

Life is like a thick book, every page records our experience and growth. And the story, like the most wonderful page of it, brings us infinite inspiration and emotion. A good story can not only help us better express and communicate, but also touch the heart, enlighten wisdom, and even change a person's destiny and show the image of a nation.

Growing up, we've heard countless stories, whether from books, or from parents, teachers, and friends. Some of these stories may have faded over time, but the principles and values they convey have always deeply influenced us.

We have all heard the story of "Meng's mother and three migrations". In order to give him a good environment to grow up, Mencius's mother did not hesitate to move many times, and finally chose a place with a strong learning style to settle down. This story tells us that the environment is essential for a person's growth. If we want to be a good person, we need to choose a good environment to constantly learn and improve ourselves.

There is also the story of "smelling the chicken and dancing". Zu Yi of the Jin Dynasty was a very talented general, but he was discriminated against because of his low origin. In order to constantly improve himself, he got up early every day, smelled the chickens and danced, and practiced martial arts hard. Eventually, he became a highly respected general who made great contributions to the country. This story tells us that only through continuous efforts and struggles can we achieve our ideals and goals.

In addition to these familiar stories, there are many other examples in life. For example, in his book "The Charm of Talking", Liu Yong describes how he achieved success by telling vivid stories to impress listeners. These stories, perhaps without any great truth, can make us deeply understand some of the true meaning of life.

Nowadays, with the continuous development of information technology, we have entered an "era of reading pictures". But no matter how technology evolves, the value and meaning of the story will never be replaced. Because a good story can not only help us express and communicate better, but also touch the heart, enlighten wisdom, and even change a person's destiny.

I once heard a story called "Rashomon". The story follows a traveler who gets lost in the wilderness and meets three mysterious people. The three men told different stories to the traveler, but all claimed that what they were telling was the truth. In the end, the traveler could not tell who was telling the truth, so he had to leave helplessly. This story teaches us that the truth is complex, and sometimes it can be difficult to tell who is telling the truth. But, no matter what, we should persist in the pursuit of the truth, constantly exploring and discovering.

In short, stories have power. They can help us express and communicate better, touch the heart and enlighten wisdom; At the same time, a good story can also change a person's destiny and show the image of a nation. Therefore, we should be good at telling stories and make them the best page of our lives.

Which college entrance examination essay is stronger? Several AIs have written about it, and the famous teacher commented

iFLYTEK Spark:

Good story

"Once upon a time, there was a bird. It loves to fly in the sky and fly far away every day to forage for food..."Whenever I hear an opening like this, I know that it's time to tell another story."

Since I was a child, I have loved listening to stories because I think stories are magical and can take us to another world and show us things that we have never seen before. Moreover, stories can also help us express and communicate better, touch the heart and enlighten wisdom; A good story can even change a person's destiny and show the image of a nation.

When I was a kid, my favorite thing to hear was the story of "Snow White". Every time I hear the episode of Snow White passing out after the poisoned apple is eaten, and then the prince wakes her up with his kiss, my heart is always excited. I thought, how nice it would be if I were Snow White! But now, I know that every story has its ending, whether it's good or sad, in order for us to learn something from it. Like the story of Snow White tells us, don't trust others easily, because some people seem friendly on the surface, but in fact they have bad intentions.

When I grew up, I started making up my own stories. I like to put into my story what I see, hear, and experience. Sometimes, I adapt real things into fictional stories to make them more interesting and engaging. I believe that everyone has their own story, and as long as we feel life with our hearts, we can find that they are everywhere.

Once, I told a story to my good friend. The story is about a young boy who loves to draw very much, but his parents do not support him. They think that drawing is a promising thing to do, and it is better to learn some practical skills. But the little boy did not give up on his dream, and he would secretly take out pen and paper every day to draw. Eventually, his paintings were picked up by a gallery and he became a famous painter. My friend was very encouraged after hearing this story. She told me that she also had a dream, but her parents did not support her. I thought that if this little boy could stick to his dream and eventually achieve it, then my friend would be able to do it too.

Stories are a very good way to express it. Through storytelling, we can convey complex concepts, thoughts, or emotions to others in a simple and clear way. At the same time, stories are a very good way to educate. We can teach children how to be a person, how to learn, and so on through storytelling. Therefore, I think that good stories are very valuable.

In short, good stories can help us better express and communicate, touch the heart and enlighten wisdom; A good story can even change a person's destiny and show the image of a nation. I believe that in the days ahead, I will encounter more and better stories that will make my life more fulfilling and meaningful.

How much can AI writing score? Experts commented like this -

Professor Wang Hongtu of the Department of Chinese of Fudan University:

Several essays written by AI on the topic of "good stories" are all fluent and have different emphases. But they read like textbooks, where it is difficult to find flaws and errors, but also to find any personalized expressions and characteristics. They are a bit like a robot standing in front of you, every movement is very accurate, but the face lacks expression, lacks temperature and, above all, lacks emotion, just carrying out commands issued by a certain terminal.

Zheng Chunxia, member of China Writers Association and mentor of Zhejiang Young Writers Association:

As a former college entrance examination essay revision teacher, the current composition instructor, it should be said that these three essays written by AI are our most common essays. There are no hard injuries, and it can even be said that the drip is not leaky, and I will score about 40 points if I score 60. Enough to save life, but not brilliant, let alone surprise. It is a "story", and there is not a real and vivid story from beginning to end. They are all the same, well-known stories (so things in the pile of paper), in a word, lack of novelty. At the same time, there is a lack of sincerity. It is embodied in "there is no self in the text, and there is no heart in the text". The whole text revolves around the periphery of "telling a good story", which does not enter the center of the topic from beginning to end, and of course does not enter the reader's heart. In fact, there are many such stories in our lives, true, fresh, and touchable, which can be written into the composition. Always remember that writing comes from life, and writing is also about living better.