
Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

author:My sunshine rain dew

Gu'an School of Excellence today

Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

In the middle of summer, hebei Gu'an School of Excellence, the party flag and the national flag shine together, and the campus is filled with a festive and warm atmosphere. On the morning of June 26, the chinese logic society language logic thinking talent forum and the launch ceremony of the "Language Logic Thinking Talent Textbook" were grandly opened in the school conference center, and the talents presented the party's centennial birthday with solid and rich educational innovation achievements.

The Forum was hosted by the Applied Logic Committee of the Chinese Logic Society, the Logic Education Committee of the Chinese Logic Society and the Language Research Center of the Applied Logic Committee of the Chinese Logic Society, implemented by the Gu'an County Education and Sports Bureau, and hosted by the Elite School.

The leaders seated at the rostrum were: Du Guoping, president of the Chinese Logic Society; Wu Geming, director of the Logic Education Professional Committee of the Chinese Logic Society; Lin Shengqiang, deputy director; Liu Yetao, secretary general; Yang Wujin, professor of the School of Philosophy of Chinese Min University; Yan Baoshan, director of the Teaching and Research Office of the Langfang Municipal Education Bureau; Liu Haijiang, director of the Gu'an County Education and Sports Bureau; Liu Shunian, deputy director of the Bureau; Xu Yenong, director of the Teaching and Research Office; and Sun He, chief president of the School of Talents.

Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

Since 2018, under the guidance of the leaders of the Chinese Logic Association and the Applied Logic Professional Committee of the Chinese Logic Society and the Logic Education Professional Committee of the Chinese Logic Society, under the specific guidance and guidance of Professor Xu Jiang, the language logical thinking research group of the primary, junior and senior high schools of the School of Excellence has seriously studied logical thinking knowledge such as definition division and hypothetical selection, studied and interpreted language teaching materials from the perspective of logical thinking, and is committed to injecting logical thinking into the teaching of primary and secondary high language disciplines to improve students' logical thinking ability. The ability to think critically enables students to continuously gain the growing wisdom of being good at finding problems, having the courage to question problems, actively solving problems, and reading articles.

Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

At the opening ceremony, Du Guoping, president of the Chinese Logic Society, delivered an important speech, he said that a person's thinking ability is mainly reflected in the two aspects of logical thinking ability and non-logical thinking ability, China's education should pay attention to the cultivation of logical thinking ability, and the development and quality improvement of logical thinking ability in the new version of the high school curriculum program and language and other subject curriculum standards have been very well valued.

President Du Guoping said that in the core literacy of language disciplines, it is emphasized that language education must simultaneously promote the development of students' thinking ability and the improvement of thinking quality, which specifically mentions the development of logical thinking; in the core literacy of mathematics disciplines, logical reasoning is listed separately as an independent core literacy, which also specifically points out logical thinking, including induction, analogy and deduction, it can be considered that attaching importance to the development of logical thinking ability and character improvement is the trend of the times, and elite schools can adapt to this situation. Taking the lead in the basic education of the language discipline to carry out logical thinking ability training research, this is a forward-looking, pioneering work, is very commendable, the Chinese Logic Society will give full support to the innovative exploration of the elite school, hoping that through today's elite forum, jointly promote the development of students' thinking ability and character improvement, improve the level of rational thinking of our Chinese nation.

Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

Liu Haijiang, director of the Gu'an County Education and Sports Bureau, delivered an important speech at the forum, he pointed out that in recent years, under the leadership of the county party committee, the county government and the county education and sports bureau, the school leadership team has actively changed the traditional teaching concept, strived to explore advanced school running concepts, committed to cultivating students' excellent ideological quality, excellent will quality, and excellent thinking quality, and gradually formed a "one body and two wings" school-running pattern with the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty, and labor as the main body, and national defense education and campus football characteristic education as the two wings. By the government at all levels and all sectors of society highly concerned and unanimous affirmation, in the education system held a number of teaching and research exchange activities, for the county and outside the brother school curriculum reform work provided an important reference, the introduction of teaching and research results language logical thinking elite teaching materials, the logical thinking and education and teaching integration, the forum can be held in the elite school, reflecting the Chinese Logic Society for the elite school language logical thinking teaching full affirmation, but also reflects the Chinese Logic Society rooted in the grassroots, pragmatic and truth-seeking excellent style, It is believed that the holding of this forum will greatly improve the teaching ability of our teachers in language logic thinking, and play an important role in promoting the overall quality of language classroom reform in Gu'an County.

Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

Sun He, president of the School of Excellence, delivered an opening speech at the Forum of Talents, saying that the in-depth development of the research topic of language logical thinking in the School of Excellence not only enriched the content of language classroom teaching, but also provided students with new ways and paths for reading texts in addition to conventional interpretation texts, so that students no longer believe in books, superstitious authority and turn to advocating truth, and gradually formed a rational thinking that is not for books, not for the sake of the top, and has a critical spirit of seeking truth and pragmatism. Teachers and students know how to do research and investigation, make correct judgments according to the actual situation, adopt corresponding strategies to solve problems, in the face of complex environments, know to think, in line with the principle of seeking advantages and avoiding harm and choosing the lesser of two evils, they have learned to express reasons, improved their ability to think critically and express language, and students' reading ability and composition level have been significantly improved.

President Sun He said that under the careful guidance of Professor Xu Jiang, our language teachers not only learned logical knowledge, but also were able to interpret texts and study texts from a logical perspective, and apply them to the practice of language classroom teaching. While learning, practicing, practicing, summarizing, and writing a series of teaching dialogues, they not only improved the basic literacy of cultivating students' logical thinking ability, but also improved the ability to control the classroom, achieved the goal of aggregating a group of people, exercising a group of people, cultivating a group of people, and launching a group of people, and promoted the professional growth of talented teachers and the improvement of overall literacy.

Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened
Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

At the opening ceremony, Wu Geming, director of the Logic Education Professional Committee of the Chinese Logic Society, announced the organizational structure of the Excellence Forum, and subsequently, du Guoping, president of the Chinese Logic Society, unveiled the "Language Logical Thinking Excellence Forum".

Gu'an Elite School continues to innovate The Chinese Logic Society Language Logic Thinking Excellence Forum was grandly opened

After the opening ceremony, academic exchange and display activities were carried out, and Professor Yang Wujin of the School of Philosophy of Chinese University made an academic report on the theme of "Three Dimensions of Logical Thinking Ability from the Framework and Elements of Argumentation", and Pan Hongxia, a Language Teacher of the Primary School of Yingcai School, made an interpretation of the language logic thinking of "Smart Han Yu".

It is reported that this forum will focus on the on-site classes of many teachers, including Xing Wei, Feng Zhenzhen and Zhang Ning of the Elite School, Gao Yongli of Caofeidian No. 1 Middle School in Tangshan City, and Wang Conghua of Fuli Middle School in Xiqing District, Tianjin, to show the unique educational value of language logic teaching to many primary and secondary schools in Gu'an County.

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