
Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

After 15 years, people have revived the sugar of Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing. Both have remarried and have new partners and children, but this does not prevent people from snorting about this expired candy.

The recent wave of heavy criticism began with an interview video picked up by netizens. In the video, the host Hua Shao talked to the guest Yu Chengqing about "Spring Mud", mentioning the allusion to "Yu Lang pan horse land, but afraid of spring mud", Yu Chengqing's eyes appeared a trace of panic, he carefully clapped his hands but did not make a sound. This was interpreted as a look of shock, panic, and lingering feelings. Yi Nengjing's words are regarded as the girl's nostalgia, and before she wrote the lyrics, she went through countless searches and learned everything about him, and finally silently buried the foreshadowing of this love that lasted for decades. Everyone came back to their senses and sighed at this reincarnation-like sense of fate.

Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

Hua Shao mentioned in the show that "Yulang pan horse land, but afraid of spring mud"

This is really an over-interpretation. But anyone who knows Yi Nengjing will know how full of expression she is. Since her debut, she has never stopped exporting to the outside world. She writes songs, writes books, talks about herself on talk shows, waiting to be understood, summarized, and summarized. Without anyone reading it, she dissected herself over and over again. If there really was such a meaningful meme, it would have been said countless times by herself.

In the face of the revival of old sugar, the post-80s generation has not forgotten the hand-in-hand door of the year: in 2008, the media photographed Yi Nengjing holding Huang Weide's hand, speculating that Yi Yu and the two were married. Half a year later, Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing officially issued a divorce statement. It can be seen that the process of the couple's separation in the past was not so pleasant. The people who came over warned the young man that anything would only harm you. But don't underestimate the filter of time, let alone the people who drink sugar, any material fed to them, can chew different flavors of sweetness.

What's more, to some extent, this piece of old sugar is indeed much better than industrial saccharin.

First of all, both protagonists are good enough. Yu Chengqing was handsome and handsome when he was young. Yi Nengjing is a member of the idol girl group debut, youthful, sweet needless to say, her expression is often a little innocent, and a little stubborn, writer Zhu Tianwen described her as having "the wreckage of youth".

Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

Zhu Tianwen described Yi Nengjing as "the wreckage of youth" on her body

Good looks are the foundation, and "personality" is also important. The reason why this CP is memorable is largely because of the disparity in identity and status between the two. The larger the gap, the stronger the sense of tragedy after be. Stories have been told this way since ancient times. For example, the prince falls in love with Cinderella; For example, "Titanic", a poor boy falls in love with a rich girl; The worst thing, the overbearing president falling in love with me is also a "classic" class difference narrative structure... In the evocative love story, there must always be external obstacles, so a pair of lovers who do not seem to be the same are needed, so that the fierce conflict, friction, and trials can highlight the sincerity of the relationship between the two and the determination to be with each other even if the world is against me, how tragic and lonely, how good.

Yu Chengqing was born into a large family, his grandfather Yu Enxi was the mayor of Kunming, his father was in politics, and his mother was a famous Peking Opera actress. In contrast, Yi Nengjing's first half of life can be called a turbulent displacement, and the story has long been told by the media: her parents divorced, she followed her mother to wander around, moved to Hong Kong, remarried to Japan, and then returned to Taiwan to work to subsidize the family. The harm brought to her by her native family made her cling to the driftwood of marriage.

Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

Yu Chengqing (front row) and family as a child

This combination can be called Jinjiang literature into reality, really a pair of bi people. The difference is that the trend of Jinjiang literature is often salvation, in which one party stubbornly raises its head and shouts "damn it, how can this be" smoothly integrate into the other's life. But in real-world texts, things tend to be much more tortuous and complicated.

These people who belong to two worlds get along with each other. Of course, there are many, many sweet, 23 years together, truly loved, and a public figure, every word and deed is seen, and the evidence of love is everywhere. In particular, Yi Nengjing, one of the protagonists, is a person who has such a strong desire for expression.

She wrote "Spring Mud": "Let's take a name and call it cherish"; In "Kangxi is Coming", he generously shared the sweet interaction with Yu Chengqing - was allergic to mosquito bites, Yu Chengqing helped her ice, and she was lazy to sleep; Entering the delivery room, Yu Chengqing took her hand and sang "Love Must Be Done", leaving a complete set of shower caps, masks and hospital gowns... Speaking of excitement, she laughed so much that she bent over and patted her thigh. It was indeed a face in a happy marriage, full of smiles.

Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

Yi Nengjing shared a marriage clip on "Kangxi is Coming"

But these are probably not as enjoyable as writing by yourself. Yi Nengjing has published several books. In the eyes of the candy drinker, the book "Last Words of Life and Death" is full of evidence of her love: she describes Yu Chengqing's emotions as "innocent and thick as non-human"; When you fall in love with someone, any ordinary scene can trigger longing: "When I turned into the small shop, I suddenly saw the newspaper that your family also ordered, and I almost stood as a fossil, and my feet lost the ability to walk. Holding the newspaper sealed with scotch tape, I paid in a panic, and then held the newspaper, thinking I was holding you. ”

She has the necessary tribulations and losses for Wen Qing. "So I thought we had to have our own children soon, and we had to have more, at least three." I am like a woman in the old society, believing that children are equal to my status, I am reluctant to give you to anyone, and our children will have half of our souls, then you can always look at me, protect me, and love me. ”

"Last Words of Life and Death" is simply a strong and naked collection of love stories, she can't wait to show her full love: "It's so interesting to love you, I can simulate anything, or set a trap for you" "Oh, it's so cool, it's good that it's you" "I always love you the most and see you smile, I secretly swear in my heart, let me have one more day for you, just live you one more day, I want to accompany you to the end, I want to give you the first and final affection, I want to take care of you"... These are now hard evidence.

Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

In Yi Nengjing's book "Last Words of Life and Death", he confessed a lot to Yu Chengqing

Oh, Yu Chengqing also left a lot of evidence: on the variety show he hosted, Yi Nengjing's video material appeared, and he always had to praise it proudly; He sang "Only for You" for her in the air, and the lyrics said, "Only for you, I would like to become a shadow and follow you step by step..."; Xiao S said that Yi Nengjing "has a huge chatterbox", and Yu Chengqing can also spoil and say, "This is a way to relax."

Cai Kangyong asked Yu Chengqing, everyone thinks that they are people from two worlds, only he doesn't think so? Yu Chengqing's answer is full of love - he first admits that they do belong to two worlds, and then says that all men and women belong to two worlds, but this does not hinder him, because he thinks about how to "turn two worlds into one world".

However, two worlds are two worlds after all. The vows of the spirit of the affection are difficult to withstand the test of reality. Carefully reading Yi Nengjing's text, there are already crises lurking between the lines: he is "clumsy and does not know how to express", and she is "extremely suspicious and insecure"; She liked "One Hundred Years of Solitude", but because the names in the book were too long, he couldn't memorize them, so he had to turn all the way to the front, so he simply gave up... She can't adapt to life after marriage, feeling that one self is torn apart by the other, and her life is filled with TV, "I watch TV at five o'clock, I watch TV at six o'clock, I watch TV at seven o'clock, I watch TV at eight o'clock, I watch TV at nine o'clock, I watch TV at ten o'clock", "I watch TV, I watch TV with a smile", "I watch more TV than all my past years, every day"... In the living room where he felt "touched and happy", she felt the thinning air, the frustration of communication and the sudden loneliness, like a "wild animal" being raised, and had to pretend to be natural, so cats are not cats, dogs are not dogs.

She decided early on that she would suffer in love like fate. However, she is also a sensitive, self-pitying, greedy for love, unable to knock out teeth and swallow blood, and has to repeatedly analyze herself. So this love ended up.

Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing's love "came back to life" does not blame netizens, blame the two for leaving too much evidence

The former couple finally separated

But fortunately, it is "be", so that it is more full of motivation. The advantage of expired sugar is that everything is a foregone conclusion, like a piece of amber, the shape is fixed, the color is transparent, and anyone can interpret it from all angles without worrying about its regeneration variables.

It's also safer to pick them up. After all, the two in the incident are no longer rising artists, and they no longer need to worry about them tearing their faces for the sake of interests and dissociating themselves from each other. Probably, the two who have already established new families on their own are too lazy to think about the current children, and come out to tell them not to mess with CP.

At the same time, precisely because it is be, there can be countless spaces for interpretation. You see, even Tolstoy said that happy families are all similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes. Marriage and love are nothing more than this, so the image of mosquito blood and cinnabar moles can be so long-standing.

The pleasure of pure sugar may be high-density sweetness, and there is a risk of greasy. But a knife in sugar is different, making you feel some pain in the sweetness, produce some embarrassment, and leave some regret. Broken beauty is more impressive than mere beauty. This is also why great love stories throughout the ages have ended in tragedy: having loved vigorously but without ending, struggling but having to let go, after all, love is the norm in life, just as fairy tales always end at the moment when princes and princesses are together.

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