
Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

author:Hole A C

Between the square inches, above the chessboard, black and white intersect, life tosses. As a generation of Go masters, Wu Qingyuan has defended the championship many times between the Qiankun of black and white chess pieces, and is also known as the "Showa Chess Player" because he once single-handedly defeated all the super-first-class masters who came to the scene one by one.

Wu Qingyuan was born in the Chinese scholarly mendi family, the family education is very strict, suffered from the chaos of the world several times, twice in his life to join the Japanese nationality, for people after tea and dinner to discuss. Why did Mr. Wu Qingyuan become a Japanese citizen? Regarding the cause and effect of the intervening period, he tried to tell the world through his autobiography "The Spirit of The Middle" when he was alive.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Those tortuous past events seemed so common to Wu Qingyuan, who was dying of old age, and the words were so calm that it seemed as if it was not himself who was forced to do so in the chaotic world. Perhaps, no matter how much helplessness and impermanence there are, at his age, he has cultivated such a true and pure state of mind, and he can bring up all the sorrows and misfortunes without doing anything.

In Go, he is the undefeated god of war in all directions. In the rolling red dust, he seemed to be just a bystander.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

First, "chess idiot" Wu Qingyuan

Throughout the ages, those who achieve great things must have firm goals and continue to strive for them. In this life, people will always cling to something, and if they do not have that faith in their hearts, they will spend the rest of their lives in a fog. If a person is obsessed with something, people will say that the person is too obsessed, and this "obsession" reaches a certain realm and is also a master-level figure.

In 1914, Wu Qingyuan was born in the city of Fuzhou with endless plum rain, probably born with water, so Wu's father named him Wu Qingyuan. A person's name often accompanies his life, as long as the name is still there, the original intention has not been forgotten.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

The water in his name makes him as pure as water, always tracing his roots all the way on the road of Go, tirelessly exploring the source of the mysteries between the chessboards.

When he was 7 years old, Wu Qingyuan first came into contact with Go, and the chessboard seemed to be tailor-made for him, and he showed his talent for Go that was different from ordinary people as soon as he first started. When Wu Qingyuan encountered Go, it was like a martial arts wizard who finally opened up the second vein of Ren Dou and found a suitable Gongfa sect for himself, and from then on he was invincible on the road to dominating wulin.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Although he has a very high talent, Wu Qingyuan is still very hardworking. It was precisely because he practiced day and night and was tireless that he did not end up like a genius like Zhongyong. Since then, its Go skills have increased day by day, and it has been helpful.

Even the first-class chess player at that time, when playing against him, was also frightened by the fact that he was not afraid of the tiger momentum of the newborn calf, and because of this, he was affirmed and appreciated by more people with his aura and talent in Go.

Even after encountering many tribulations, even after encountering fatal disasters and his body deteriorating day by day, Wu Qingyuan still insisted on his Go career and never said that he would give up. Fate has always been harsh and tolerant and benevolent for Wu Qingyuan. While pushing him to the top of the chess world, he still did not forget to add bumps to it.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

When he was 47 years old, he unfortunately encountered a car accident, which was extremely fatal to a chess player who was increasingly delving into Go, and his body was the capital of the revolution.

And not only that, but later Wu Qingyuan suffered from tuberculosis, and the collapse of his body made this determined chess player feel powerless, and under all circumstances, he had to announce that he would quit various major Go matches from then on.

However, even if he has been forced to such a field by hardship, Wu Qingyuan has not given up lightly, he is still obsessed with Go, and that state of obsession can be said to be a "chess fanatic". Until the early morning of November 30, 2014, Wu Qingyuan was sleeping in Kanagawa, Japan, at the age of 100, which can also be regarded as the end of life.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Even though he was controversial during his lifetime, and his two admissions to Japanese citizenship were mentioned many times after dinner, this did not affect his achievements in Go, and the impression he left on the world was still a "chess fanatic".

All his life he has been fighting for Go, even if he has a very high talent and young fame, he has never forgotten his original intention to always study the way of Go diligently, he is simply born for Go.

And why did Wu Qingyuan become a Japanese citizen twice? Everyone has their own karma and results, if Go is the fruit of Wu Qingyuan, and the trajectory of life that is twisted and turned is the karma that Wu Qingyuan has to bear. His innate talent and his obsession with Go in his bones made him a talented Go player in the eyes of the world.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

However, the birth and growth of genius is often accompanied by unbearable pain in life, and the heavens will descend on the Great Cause of Go to the Si people, and they must first temper their hearts. True masters, in addition to having extraordinary skills, naturally must also have a particularly strong willpower.

Perhaps in order to let Wu Qingyuan cultivate the realm he should have as a Go master, fate painstakingly arranged everything to help him strengthen his will and make him taste the suffering of the world. After that, we can better understand the thousands of laws hidden in the chessboard.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Second, the world is safe and complete, and it does not live up to the family of Go

The reason why Wu Qingyuan, who has loved Go all his life, has twice joined the Japanese nationality can be said to be a person who has created people. In this world, unless there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, no one is willing to leave their hometown in the peaceful and prosperous world, or even live a life of upheaval and displacement and being pointed out. In the era of war and chaos, it was always half a point.

Fate is like a giant spider, which not only unoccupied the web, but also traps people in the center, making sentient beings like lambs on a chopping board, unable to move at all. And in such a situation, it is excellent to have one or two choices in a place that can break away from fate a little bit, and to seek a more comfortable posture to survive.

The first time I became a Japanese citizen, I was for my family. At that time, the social situation was chaotic, and relations at home and abroad were becoming increasingly tense, but on the one hand, the beloved Go profession, on the other hand, the family life was unable to make ends meet, and the family was almost torn apart after the death of his father.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Perhaps the most carefree and happy time in Wu Qingyuan's life was when he was a child. Walking the streets and alleys in the alleys of the hutongs, returning to the study to study and being reprimanded, in the days when the teenager did not know the taste of sorrow, the most troublesome thing for him was only learning and his father's harsh scolding.

After countless nights of deliberation, one day in 1936, Wu Qingyuan finally had a clear answer in his heart: he decided to immigrate to Japan and become a Japanese citizen. Because he knows that only this method can break the current predicament and save him from the shackles.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

In this way, on the one hand, he can continue to stay in Japan for further study and continue to study and study the skills of Go; on the other hand, he can also let his family live a life without worrying about food and clothing, and his dying mother also hopes that her young son can pursue the dream of Go with peace of mind. It was from this that Wu Qingyuan began the trajectory of his life of twice becoming a Japanese citizen for his family and Go.

Wu Qingyuan became a Japanese citizen for the second time because Go and his family were extremely important presences in his life. He once said: "For chess players, Go is a lifelong friend."

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

In Go, he is still a chess saint, but in real life, he is not only a Go player, but also the father of his own children, between friends and family, it seems that he still has to focus on his family. Go is precious, but children are priceless.

In his life, Wu Qingyuan actually did not spend much time with his family, out of his love for Go, he spent most of his time and energy studying Go on weekdays. Even though he later stopped participating in large-scale Go games due to physical reasons, he often shut himself in his room and immersed himself in the chess game, thinking only about the changes of black and white chess pieces, and ignoring his wife and children outside the room.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

This causes his children to recall their childhood and how much their young self longed for his father's company, and when the fashionable and young child carefully expressed his heart: "I miss my father's room very much, it is a special room."

In fact, where in the world are there parents who do not love their children? It's just that sometimes people have other things that are also very important in addition to their families, so it is inevitable that they will temporarily ignore their relatives. It is said that parents love their children, then they have far-reaching plans, no matter how busy their careers are, they still have to take care of their families to consider the lifelong events of their children, and Wu Qingyuan is also such a father.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Since Wu Qingyuan's children were still studying in Japan after he left his Japanese citizenship in 1946, he did not think that they had encountered great obstacles in their studies because of their nationality. Therefore, as a father, Wu Qingyuan considered the future of his children and decided to apply for and join Japanese citizenship again, hoping that in this way, the children would study with peace of mind, grow up smoothly and have their own careers.

This is the reason why Wu Qingyuan has twice joined the Japanese nationality, and it can be said that he has lived up to the game of Go and his family. Such an ending may not sound perfect, but it is the result of his maximum compromise with fate.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Third, obsessed with chess, there is no regret

Life is short, there are too many precious things, but what can be retained is far from enough. If you want to hold everything tightly in your hands, then it is very likely that you will not be able to keep anything. Everyone's whole life, if they can hold on to the two most important things in their lives like Wu Qingyuan, it is an extremely rare consummation.

It is said that there is no regret in falling, and presumably as a master of Go, he also has no regrets about every choice he makes in his life steps. Wu Qingyuan has an extremely valuable quality in himself, that is, "persistence", perseverance in the things he loves, and eventually goes to the place he wants.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

There is a saying in "The Fantastic Journey of the Shepherd Boy": "When you pursue your destiny, the whole universe will unite to help you complete it." And Wu Qingyuan is the same, where his heart is headed is the reason why he does not know his suffering.

When he was young, in order to study the chess game, Wu Qingyuan could be said to be a waste of sleep and forgetfulness, he often sat in front of the chessboard, holding the chess score memory observation in one hand, and holding the black and white chess pieces on the other hand to practice on the chessboard, so as to study the chess scores at home more quickly to satisfy his curiosity about the World of Go.

Wu Qingyuan placed himself in the chess game, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with it, no matter day or night, he didn't care, because in his opinion, except for the black and white in his expectations, the color of other things seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

He also didn't care about the spring flowers and autumn moons or the leaves or withering, anyway, his chessboard would never wither or wither, there was no ice and snow or the sun was like fire, staying in that world, Wu Qingyuan always felt energetic and tireless, where there was always spring and flowers without human suffering.

That almost fanatical thirst for Go knowledge made Wu Qingyuan's Go skills almost improve rapidly, and the growth rate can be exaggerated to say that it is almost a thousand miles a day. It is precisely because he Wu Qingyuan is too hardworking, while the Go technique is becoming more and more mature, because of the long-term maintenance of the same kind of movement, his fingers are slightly deformed by the compression of the chess game.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Because Wu Qingyuan once said a sentence - "Seek harmony in the vast world." In his eyes, chess is a vast world as vast as a sea of stars. It can be said that he has spent his whole life pursuing a certain harmony between black and white chess pieces. Such a pursuit may seem extremely simple, but only those who have tried it understand how difficult it is.

Just as the so-called "tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stopping", many things are not how they want to be, because there are always many unexpected things in the red dust that is crowded, and they are sudden without prior notice.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

When these accidents come, no one can maintain the original tranquility and peace indefinitely, so the harmonious realm that Mr. Wu Qingyuan seeks is very difficult to achieve. The simplest are often the most complex, and the same is true of the chessboard for which Mr. Wu Qingyuan has stood for a lifetime.

The black and white characters on the Go board, although extremely simple and pure, can clearly see black and white at a glance, how clear and easy to distinguish.

But it is such a simple black and white chess piece, but it is extremely difficult to control between the square inches, because it is unpredictable, just like the placement of mysterious formations, at any time constantly changing the ranks and directions, it is easy to find a way out during the period of loss.

Wu Qingyuan: Why did I become a Japanese citizen?

Not only that, this black and white chess piece is also like the Taoist Taiji Bagua Array, yin and yang are mutually exclusive, making people constantly toss and turn between black and white good and evil, and it is difficult to penetrate the mysteries of it throughout their lives to reach the ultimate.

In fact, life is also like the chessboard of Go, the world struggles with fate between black and white, and the different positions where each piece falls will lead to a world of difference in the trajectory of life. Therefore, every step not only needs to be unrepentant, but also has to be careful to make yourself leave no resentment.

I only wish that every step of life comes, I will not regret what I have done, nor do I regret what I have not done, after all, it is my own choice.

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