
Build a strong fortress and bravely undertake the mission (struggle for a hundred years, set sail for a new journey, and the party flag is flying high at the grassroots level)

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

Walking into the general dispatch room of the National Energy Group, a huge curved display screen is particularly eye-catching. On the display screen, the digital, image, text and other elements are displayed centrally, the group's production and operation collaborative scheduling is at a glance, and the production data of each production link of each subsidiary company across the country is constantly beating and sharing in real time.

In 2017, China Guodian Group and Shenhua Group merged and reorganized, and the National Energy Group was formally established. The party group of the National Energy Group deeply implements the spirit of the national state-owned enterprise party building work conference, leads the high-quality development of enterprises with high-quality party building, gives full play to the role of taking the direction, managing the overall situation, and promoting implementation, and bravely undertakes the heavy responsibility of "stabilizer" and "ballast stone" of energy supply。

In the process of improving corporate governance, the Group strengthens the leadership of the Party, formulates the guidelines for the articles of association of the subsidiaries, and writes the requirements of party building work into the articles of association of the company; comprehensively implements the leadership system of "two-way entry and cross-appointment", and all the subsidiary companies realize the "one shoulder picking" of the party secretary and the chairman of the board, and the party member general manager concurrently serves as the deputy secretary; improve the deliberative decision-making system, revise the "triple major" decision-making system, the party group work rules and other systems, introduce a list of decision-making matters, clarify the boundaries of the rights and responsibilities of the party group, the board of directors and the manager, and strictly implement the deliberative decision-making system.

Longyuan Power is a subsidiary of the National Energy Group, and the company has compiled and revised the list of major operational and management matters studied and discussed by the party committee in advance. Tang Jian, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of the company, said that this practice clarified the scope of decision-making, clarified the decision-making authority, standardized the decision-making procedure, strengthened the implementation and supervision of decision-making, and truly achieved "decision-making institutionalization, system listing, and list informatization".

Power plants are 24-hour continuous production enterprises that need to monitor the operation of equipment systems. In the past, most of this kind of work was done manually, not only the amount of labor was large, but the accuracy could not be guaranteed. The party branch of the National Energy Group Guodian Electric Power Beijing Combustion Thermal Power Plant formed a party member commando team, and the young backbone party members took the lead in tackling the key problems, and through more than 300 days of unremitting efforts, analyzed and studied more than 1,000 various working conditions, and successfully developed an intelligent monitoring system. After the system is online, it reduces the workload of the operation supervisor personnel by 2/3, and many times in advance to find the important hidden dangers of the unit. Nowadays, the courage to innovate has become a distinctive feature of this branch, and the branch has established a working model of "finding a branch with difficult problems", and the backbone is after 80 and 90. "Our innovation project reserve project has been scheduled for the second half of next year." Cheng Wei, secretary of the party branch of the Beijing-fired thermal power plant, said.

"Build the branch on the dispatch desk." When it comes to party building, the comrades of the dispatching department of the National Energy Group are familiar with this sentence.

"Giving full play to the role of party branches as fighting bastions is an important starting point for integrating party building into the whole process of production, operation and management." Liu Zhijiang, director of the group's general dispatching office and secretary of the party branch, said that the general dispatching room is the central department of the group's production and operation management, and the branch tests the effectiveness of the branch's work with the actual performance of production and operation, and around the annual production tasks, the branch party members "unveiled" the front and gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role.

Facing the key tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan" reform and development, the group party group named and listed 460 "Endeavor 14th Five-Year" party member vanguards and 424 party member demonstration posts, and party organizations at all levels extensively carried out the construction of responsibility areas, demonstration posts and commandos around the key difficulties in production and operation, and vigorously carried out theme party day activities such as "100-day battle" and "war epidemic as a pioneer" to promote the completion of key tasks in production and operation. The party committee of the material company focused on the tasks of fighting the epidemic and ensuring supply, shopping mall development, and creating first-class, and set up 247 commandos, demonstration posts and innovation studios, giving full play to the exemplary role of party members as pioneers, and promoting the effectiveness of party building to better transform the results of enterprise development.

Since the beginning of this year, energy price fluctuations have attracted attention, and ensuring supply and price stability has become the current primary task. "In the face of multiple challenges such as the arduous task of supply assurance and the sharp fluctuations in the market, we can effectively cope with the historical test of the large fluctuations in the level of integrated operation, which is inseparable from the leadership of high-quality party building." Sun Yan, deputy director of the Party Building Work Department of the Group, said that if we continue to firmly grasp the party building and run the party's leadership through the entire process of corporate governance, we will always maintain a high-quality development trend.

People's Daily ( October 18, 2021 04 edition)

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