
Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

author:The warmth of the kitchen
Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make.

I suddenly found that my breakfast at home is not as varied as before.

The reason is because the child is at home, the daily breakfast is made of a fixed variety of the child's favorite food, the child does not like to eat breakfast, the child is not delicious after cooking, so invisibly, my family's breakfast has become simpler.

The method is simple, does not take time, most of them only need to make an appointment the night before, and you can eat the next day, which is very convenient.

Breakfast on the first day

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Steamed babe pumpkin, fried rice with eggs and vegetables, black beans soaked in vinegar, cold dough lettuce, fruit is apricots.

I love to eat Bebe pumpkin, but every time I buy back Bebe pumpkin is too tender, not sandy enough, now summed up the experience, when buying Bebe pumpkin, you must pinch the skin, if you can't pinch, it means that the elder, the old Bebe pumpkin is the best.

But every time I buy it, I always forget to pinch it, and when I come back, I find that it is tender.

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Breakfast the next day

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Sour and spicy shredded potatoes, fried egg pancakes, peanut soy bean paste, fruits are apricots and mangoes.

Children love shredded potatoes, and today's breakfast arranged egg stall cake rolls with shredded potatoes.

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

To prepare the egg stall cake:

Beat three eggs, add 200g of flour, stir the noodles with chopsticks, add water while stirring, add about 300ml of water, stir into a batter that is not too thick, seal with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Get up in the morning, take out the egg batter, brush a layer of oil in the frying pan, pour in a large spoonful of batter, turn the frying pan so that the batter spreads evenly on the bottom of the pan, fry over medium-low heat until bubbles appear in the dough cake, turn over and fry the other side, and when bubbles also appear, come out of the pan. It takes less than a minute to fry a pancake.

When spreading the cakes, you can also sprinkle a layer of sesame seeds.

Take an egg cake and roll it with sour and spicy shredded potatoes, which is nutritious and delicious.

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Breakfast on the third day

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Beef black beans pilaf, cold bitter chrysanthemum, crispy cashew nuts, fruit is melon.

Today's breakfast is finger rice, first serve yourself a bowl in the morning, eat breakfast to go out early, and get up later to serve it yourself.

Finger rice is delicious and nutritious, and the method is particularly simple, and you can eat it directly after getting up in the morning.

Beef black bean pilaf recipe:

Half a bowl of rice, a handful of black beans, a handful of wheat kernels to clean and set aside, half a carrot, a potato, a piece of cooked beef cut into small pieces, discharge all the ingredients into the rice cooker, add the water that has just passed the ingredients, sprinkle half a spoonful of salt, a few drops of extremely delicious taste, a small half spoonful of five-spice powder, a spoonful of sesame oil, cover the pot, calculate the time for breakfast the next day, make an appointment to cook rice, and open the lid of the pot in the morning.

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Breakfast on the fourth day

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Beef, black beans, carrots, porridge, crispy scones, fruit is melon.

Beef black bean carrot porridge preparation:

Beef porridge is delicious, the method is also very simple, a handful of rice, a handful of black rice, a handful of corn bales, a handful of black beans clean, a piece of cooked beef, half a carrot are chopped, put the above ingredients into the rice cooker, pour an appropriate amount of water, calculate the time of delicious breakfast, press the appointment button, open the lid of the pot in the morning and eat.

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Eat a bowl of beef porridge for breakfast, nutritious and healthy, with carbohydrates, vegetables, whole grains, protein, full and convenient.

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Breakfast on the fifth day

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make

Glutinous rice meat, lotus root meatballs, roasted white ji bun, red dates, soybeans, millet soy milk, fruit is dazzling mandarin.

Glutinous rice meat and lotus root meatballs are steamed in advance, freezer refrigerator, usually eat breakfast, take it out and steam for 5 minutes, white ji bun put in the oven for 5 minutes, the outer skin is crispy and delicious, the more chewed the more fragrant.

Simple and fast 5-day breakfast for busy office workers, delicious and easy to make
The most beautiful thing is the home-cooked food, I am: the warmth of the kitchen - home-cooked food every day. Make a meal, a dish and a soup for your family every day! Home cooking is the taste of home, the warmth of the kitchen, the little day full of love. Home-cooked food is to use simple ingredients every day to make healthy and nutritious meals that the family loves. Stay tuned! Welcome to leave comments in the comment area and put forward valuable comments. Thank you for your comments, likes, and shares.

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