
"There are four inexhaustible things, and all men are defeated", remember that these four things are not exhaustible!

author:Little gold says history

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"There are four inexhaustible things, and all men are defeated", remember that these four things are not exhaustible!

As the saying goes: "When the water is full, it overflows, and the moon gains and it loses", and many things are easy to decay when they are at their peak.

Therefore, the ancients summed up a saying called: "There are four endless people, and all people are defeated", which four things cannot be done? Let's take a look!

"There are four inexhaustible things, and all men are defeated", remember that these four things are not exhaustible!

01 "You can't do everything"

We often say: "Be a person and leave a line, see each other well in the future", in fact, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, don't do too much, learn to leave room for yourself.

It is said: "Those who have lost the way have little help", if you do everything to the end and do everything, then in the end you will also be defeated.

Xiang Yu is such an example, although he is brave and victorious, he has an obvious shortcoming, that is, he does things too ruthlessly.

After he conquered Xiangcheng, he killed all the soldiers and civilians defending the city, and later killed more than 200,000 prisoners of the Qin army, burned Xianyang City, and dug the grave of Qin Shi Huang, etc., Xiang Yu's actions laid the foundation for his future defeat.

Therefore, the really wise person must know how to spare others and spare others, and do not do everything.

02 "Words are inexhaustible"

As the saying goes: "Disease comes from the mouth, disaster comes from the mouth", if a person talks too much and does not use his brain, it is easy to attract trouble for himself.

When we interact with others, we often know people without knowing their hearts, and it is difficult to ensure that there are no villains in the people they know, and sometimes an unintentional word is listened to by people with intentions, and others will spread it with added fuel, which may lead to very serious consequences.

Therefore, when we interact with others, it is best to be "inexhaustible". This is not only to protect oneself, but also to be a manifestation of great wisdom and foolishness.

"There are four inexhaustible things, and all men are defeated", remember that these four things are not exhaustible!

03 "Unstoppable"

Each of us has times when we are proud and lose power, and when we gain power or wealth, we must not be too arrogant or showy, otherwise it is easy to backfire.

In "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Concubine Hua fought her brother to be powerful, flying and domineering in the harem, and even sometimes even the emperor looked down on, offended many people, and finally crashed to death on the wall; Another example is that Han Xin was brave and resourceful but proud of his achievements, and finally let Liu Bang design the killing.

These people all ended up losing because their power reached the limit rather than convergence.

Therefore, "there is no end to the momentum", and it is necessary to be humble and low-key.

04 "Blessings are inexhaustible"

As the saying goes, "Where misfortune depends, misfortune falls", this sentence means to rely on each other, and excessive blessing is a calamity, and in the end a calamity is a blessing.

Zeng Guofan also said: "Seek the lack of blessings, the flowers are not fully bloomed and the moon is not full, and the blessings cannot be enjoyed", this is the secret of the prosperity of the Zeng family.

When people are lucky and enjoy blessings, they may wish to give some to others, help others within their own capabilities, and do more good deeds to accumulate virtue, only in this way can the blessings last.

"Things cannot be done, words cannot be exhausted, the power cannot be relied on, and blessings cannot be enjoyed", if a person achieves these "four inexhaustibles", he is truly great wisdom.