
You have to catch up with the speed at which the power reproduces itself

You have to catch up with the speed at which the power reproduces itself

You have to catch up with the speed at which the power reproduces itself

Text/Rokushen Leilei


It's the college entrance examination again. In the past two days, I have seen many people arguing about a topic: can knowledge change destiny? Some say yes, some say no.

Those who think they can, think that reading is an opportunity, and if they do not study well, they don't even have the opportunity to change their destiny. With a degree, there are always multiple choices in the future, and there are always more cards in the face of risks.

Those who think that they can't are more pessimistic, and feel that the passage for class ascent is getting narrower and narrower, the father is a Ximen official, and the child is still a senior official; Dad's children who sell cooking cakes still sell cooking cakes, the only difference is that they will also be on the news: graduates of prestigious colleges will sell cooking cakes.

If I want to say, my personal feeling is that knowledge can no longer change destiny, and it takes very, very much knowledge to change destiny.

In other words, the improvement of your knowledge and the growth of your ability must catch up with the speed at which power reproduces itself.


Tell a simple personal story to explain why the "knowledge" of the past is not good now.

When I was a child, I grew up in the county, and because there were fewer people and less competition, I had more opportunities to participate in various competitions.

When I was in elementary school, I once had to form a team with the middle school and go to the local area to participate in a knowledge competition. So my teacher rode a bicycle at night to take me to middle school.

Remember that the other party took the exam with two questions: First, which is the largest country in the world? Second, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, because of anti-corruption, two big cadres were shot, which two?

You look at these two problems, especially the first one, if you put it today, you can't test the knowledge of children at all.

In today's heavily rolled places, let alone elementary schools, many kindergarten children may be able to answer which country is the largest country in the world, and even the fourth, fifth, and sixth largest countries.

Nowadays, it is impossible to pick out contestants with such questions. You have to take at least a little questions in mathematics, physics and chemistry, foreign languages, history and culture. It's a matter of anachronism, and competition just becomes fierce.

More than thirty years ago, a child liked to read, a little broader, you can barely be a little master, but now no, you have to be very, very "reachable" to be able to, and the ability to grow very fast.


As we all know, an individual's wealth growth must outperform the CPI.

If you can't win, you will feel that life is getting harder and harder, and the money in your hand is becoming less and less valuable.

In the same way, the growth rate of ability must also outpace the reproduction rate of power, otherwise by the time you sprint to the intersection, the road will already be blocked.

My main occupation is reading Jin Yong novels. Have you noticed the reality that the power structure of the quacks will solidify?

When Guo Jing debuted, the competitors of his generation were Yang Kang, Ouyang Ke, Quanzhen and Yin Zhiping, basically just a few people. It's not too intense.

But when Yang Guo debuted more than ten years later, Nima was incredible, and Uncle Guo Jing's family had an older miss, his own.

Uncle Guo also has two apprentices, Dawu Xiaowu, who are the relationship on the side of the Southern Emperor, and they are very hard.

Yang Guo rolled up on Peach Blossom Island and went to the Quanzhen Sect. However, the Quanzhen sect has swelled from the original "Quanzhen Seven Sons" to hundreds of people, and each real person has a large number of gangs.

Where else can Yang Guo go? If he goes to the Gang and mixes into middle age, he will find that the leader of the Gang has become Uncle Guo's son-in-law Yeluqi!

Feel Yang Guo's mood.

Yang Guo was finally able to kill the encirclement, that is, he stepped on the rocket, reached the first, second, and third cosmic speeds, and only then achieved the level escape, and finally qualified to enter Xiangyang City side by side with Uncle Guo.

Notice that I didn't even say that the class jumped, I said that the class escaped.

Power and wealth are automatically copied by themselves. This is their nature, not subject to human will.

In "Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Zhen got a dragon forbidden lieutenant for her son for 1,200 taels of silver. This is blood breeding.

Jia Zheng helped Jia Yucun of the same sect, who withstood the lack of Jinling Yingtianfu. This is distant breeding.

If the rules of society as a whole are vigilant and inhibit this reproduction, then it will reproduce a little slower and eat a little better.

If the rules of the game indulge this breeding, or even quietly encourage this breeding, then there will be three or five Jia Yu villages a year, hundreds of Jia Yu villages if it is not done well in two years, and Jia Yu villages everywhere in ten years.

Then you will encounter the pain of "not outperforming power inflation".

When you come out after reading the book, your skills will certainly grow, but Jia Yu Village has already occupied all the pits, and not only there are big officials in the west gate, but also big officials at the east, north, and south gates.


Back to "Knowledge Changes Destiny".

If a person's "knowledge" today is still so-called: a foreign language that is not good or bad, a professional ability that is not very bad or very fine, a bit of knowledge fragments that have been heard in college classes and learned in idle books, and then not very alert, and luck is not good to burst.

Then at this speed, you may never reach the first cosmic speed, and even if you jump hard, you will eventually fall heavily to the ground.

Moreover, the more ordinary a person's origin and background, the smaller the tolerance for fault, and he must have very perfect habits, will, execution, sense of purpose, and learning ability. If he happens to have one or two weaknesses, such as lack of execution and love to procrastinate, then his condition will be very bad in the next ten years and he will be eaten dry and wiped clean by Zhou Gongzi.

I know that there are people who don't like to listen, they just love to hear me blame society. Everyone loves to listen to what I write to do, and there are so many on the Internet.

The Zhou Gongzi are insatiable. Not only will they snatch the intersection, but they will also put up barricades and laugh at you loudly on the other side of the barricade.

Moreover, there will be many people from ordinary backgrounds and ordinary starting points like you who will betray their own class and take the initiative to embrace the Zhou Gongzi and defend these roadblocks. Even the Zhou Gongzi themselves did not defend Chiguoguo, they also defended:

To be a strong peach blossom island, so we must engage in more big martial arts and small martial arts; We must do a good job of the Jeruzzi, so we must cultivate more Jeruzzi; Even said: Our Miss Guo is strong!

Get rid of these people, see the way, and take your time.

If you value time, time is your friend.

People, you still have to have a goal. Let's not talk about becoming Yang Guo and becoming a strong person, but at least we have to do one thing:

Whether he ate duck neck or something else, he said that he could count.


You have to catch up with the speed at which the power reproduces itself
You have to catch up with the speed at which the power reproduces itself

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