
30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

author:Classical Literature and Poetry

Mango seeds today.

During the mango season, the temperature rises and the rainfall is abundant, which is perfect for sowing and transplanting.

The folk saying "Mangseed is busy, next night seedling" refers to the busy season for planting seedlings.

The half month from mango seeding to the summer solstice is the busy climax of autumn crop sowing and transplanting, and seedling management.

The folk also say: Mangchang homonym "busy seed", the sun is just right, the rain is abundant, everything is growing, and the momentum is just right.

There is sowing seeds, there is a harvest, and behind every hard work, there is a happy ending.

30 poems to feel the beauty of labor together.

30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

Beigu overlook

Zhongtang · Sinus often

After the water country was planted, the plum sky was cool and rainy.

The dew silkworm opened the evening cluster, and Jiang Yan circled the dangerous tree.

The toes of the mountains come to the north to solidify, and the tide head to the west to grow.

Every year, personnel have disappeared.

Yong Twenty Four Qi Poems Mangchong May Festival

Zhongtang · Yuan Tree

Mangsian looks at today, and the mantis should be born.

The clouds are high and the shadows are lowered, and the birds are coming and going.

Lotus flowers bloom in the swamp, hot wind and rain.

When I met and asked about silkworm wheat, I was lucky to be human.

Twenty-one poems of the ploughing map Eight Pulling seedlings

Song · Lou Xuan

The new seedlings are beginning to emerge from the water, and the emerald carpet is complete.

Early in the morning and promotion, father and son compete for support.

It is full of green hands, and then there is no mud.

Take advantage of the mangsion in time to scatter things.

Longhuashan Temple resides in ten songs, ten of them

Song · King's Hope

The water town is rainy in the moon, and the tide is twilight in spring.

There is no day in the mangs, and there are years to lose.

People are more than dish, village or cut off cooking smoke.

Who is called mountain music, worry to fry.

After the mango seed, there is no rain every day, and occasionally a long sentence

Southern Song · Lu

The first rain was timely, and the yarn chef slept with a corner towel.

The clouds do not disperse and often cover the tower, and the wild water enters the pool silently.

The green trees are late and the doves are noisy, and the painting beams are silent and the swallows are late.

Idle and complacent, covered in clothes and reciting poetry alone.

30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

At the turn of spring and summer, the decay and disease are still over, and the mangsa is the first health play

Southern Song · Lu

The medicine wrap cares about the hundred unknown, poor pen inkstone lock spider silk.

The pouring pot still has Mo Chun wine, and there is no early summer poem when opened.

Outdoors, people are shocked, and the shadows in front of the lights are sighing.

Obsessive, often sad, drumming long songs and music holy time.


Southern Song · Lu

When the rain and the mango seed, the four fields are planted.

The family's wheat rice is beautiful, and the song is long everywhere.

The old me became a lazy farmer, and he paid bamboo beds forever.

Hair is short, love this rain cool.

Niwaki Shū Strange Voice, Kaitō Yuka.

The warbler clothes are not wet, so I am advised to hold it.

Fortunately, nothing happened today, and the sea is full of farmers.

The wild old man is not poor, and he struck Yu Tang.

The second of the five rains

Southern Song · Fan Chengda

Acetate Jia Shen thunderstorm shocked, multiplied by but He Mang seeded Qing.

Planting seedlings first inserts flea indica rice, and less patience is made by steaming rice.

After the mango seed, the accumulated rain suddenly cooled one of the three absolutes

Southern Song · Fan Chengda

An is as wet as a turtle, and the cold in late summer is not common.

Yesterday was covered with silk and now there is a cold outside.

After the mango seed, the accumulated rain suddenly cooled three times

Song Fan Chengda

Plum yellow season timidity, May Jiang Wu Mai Xiuhan.

The incense seal spit out the clouds and was warm, and the rain was heavy from the teaching window.

30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

Gao Youzhijun looked for peony medicine, one of which was varied

Southern Song · Zhou Fu

Mangsang has been embarrassed by himself, and Ruiyun has saved up and relied on the fence to dry.

Annoying Jun asked to take the same state example, one dry three flowers to play peony.

He made a return visit to Zhao Yan and his uncle

Southern Song · Han Shu

Jiangshan welcomes the father, and the summer will be deep.

Family Tao cultivates the legacy, and life has good news.

Decline and glory have been in ancient times, and elegant and vulgar conditions live today.

Return to the search for seclusion, and the moonlight of the chai gate invades.

Fan Thi Zhuang

Late Yuan and early Ming · Chen Ji

The Tian family is close to the Mangsang, and the guest is already dusk.

Open the door and line up the table, a little compass.

Loyal and rewarding, poetry and book of Misho.

Qin Yongheng was under the door, chatting but dusty.

The four things of the Tian family

Late Song and early Yuan · Fang Yikui

I was born in Guyangzhou, Tianxia Yiliangyong.

Yamada grows barren vegetables, and paddy fields grow floating leaves.

The soil is fat and thin, and the agricultural tools are not shared.

Spread new valleys in time, and deliver the ghostly water.

Business grows day and night, and seedlings are moved.

No guinea wine toast, self-pleasure chicken offering.

The sunset bamboo branch song is still a song of the Yuanyuan.

Rain before mango

Late Yuan and early Ming · Tao An

The weather was sunny at the same time, and the turtle was indeed exposed.

Mountain farmers want to move seedlings, three days to peganze.

30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

April 19th is the event (May Day) Third

Late Yuan and early Ming · Yuan Tianxi

The warblers and pigeons call for a clear atmosphere, and the good mountains are clear and the government is clear.

When the festival is when the cultivation of the farmer will be late, the family of Wangyu will be more enjoyable.

Eight songs in the field

Ming · Fan Fu

The jujube flowers fell, and a dog protected the firewood.

The order of the festival is the mangsang, who has to be idle.

The frog pond is full of water, and the grass grows between the steps.

The wheat is about to end, and the wind and rain pass over the mountains.

The eldest child had not eaten early and sighed about the hardship of farming.

Luxury is destined and unattainable.

Don't smell saltless women, ugly black is not beautiful.

May rainy season

Ming · Tu Qiao

Only to see Yingmei send plum again, durian flowers bloom in the rain in May.

Jiangnan Mangchang Tianjiahou, Baixia Duanyang Hakkizi Cup.

On the ancient wall, the empty step leads to the stone clothes.

How to drown and drown from the intestines, with the shame of the drought relief talent of the year.


Ming · Tang Zhen

When the rain is like anointing, it can add fresh bamboo trees.

The stone bridge divides the wilderness, and the clouds and the sun smokes.

The monks return to the flowers, and the fishing boats are willows.

Villages and villages are planted and sown grain and fields.


Ming · Wen Zhaozhi

Open the window and look around gladly, and insert the new green fields.

At first warm and cold, Qi Qing is still ripe in the rain.

The fine waves by the pool know the fish music, and the grass grows flat to watch the ducks sleep.

Laughing at yourself is old and clumsy, dredging is really suitable for leisure.

30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

Yu Wuchang County sent Zhending Mr. Liu Jinchuan Second

Ming · Li Zhen

Mangsang is in this dynasty, and the king is not far away.

The farmer was overjoyed, and the rain was rising.

Summer is a thing

Ming · Huo and flaws

The wild pond is curved and the tall buildings, and the Yunbai Mountain and Qingjiang flow freely.

The sun and the moon gradually harvest and plant rain, and the west wind blows the old rice flowers in autumn.

Shi Qinghai National Family Music, Riyong Shan Zhai is quiet.

The water steps sit down in the forest, and the children sing in unison to go home.

One of the seven poems of birds

Ming · Shen Mingchen

Cuckoo, full calves.

The mango seeds are timely, and the green wheat is ripe.

Takada Ya, Takada Takaya.

The government did not spare and urged the rent to blame.

Runong Rutian, cuckoo cuckoo.

Wing Litchi One

Ming · District Wai Nian

The Mangchong family listened to the Zigui and invited where to the west of Liutang.

The fragrant wind is ten miles long summer, and thousands of clusters of red clouds brew fire.

Twenty-three Pieces of Cultivation Picture Ninth Picture (Pulling Seedlings)

Qing · Xuan Ye

The green onion thorns are full of water, and the transplantation of the western domain is more prosperous.

The sequence of the festival is terrifying, and the seeds are divided and the early summer days.

30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

Twenty-three pieces of cultivation and ten of the planting of seedlings

Qing · Yin Yu

Order: When the order is planted, the farmer inserts the dill day.

The branch was neat, stop looking at Ying Qianqian.

Lihe listened to the song and planted it in front of listening to the drum.

A thousand times, long as the years.

Forty-three poems of the Ili Chronicle Eight

Qing · Hong Liangji

The mango seed has only passed the snow, and the grass outside the Ili River has first fertilized.

It is difficult to walk steadily, and there are fears that snakes will fly from the nose.

Qingxian Road is the matter

Qing · Wang Chang

I don't see the wind and wheat waves, but I see the smoke willows connecting to the causeway.

The cows sleep on the wild shore of the first fat grass, swallow swallow cold tide and receding mud.

Shan Yi sells pulp and feeds vegetables and vegetables.

Suspense will be planted, and then hope that Gan Lin will help a plow.

Such a flower-filled word

Qing · Yuan Shou

The streamer twists the seeds, and the medicine bar blows red rain.

Cut the ribbon flags, cut the silk posts, and wait for the return of the god of flowers.

Intricately linked.

It is intended to wrap around the flower tip, and may remain.

The lights are on all night, and the embroidered windows are busy with the children.

Fang Chun red and purple are competitive, remembering the drunken moon, and he is afraid of being disappointed.

Yan cherished the mud fragrance, the butterfly mercy faded, and the Qing and timing were changed.

A little affectionate.

Listening to the singing to Yangguan adds to the confusion.

Before the drunken wind, Du Yu was crying across the forest.

Dori Mangs

Late Qing Dynasty · Zeng Lian

Mr. Laugh.

Lazy clouds hinder ploughing.

Zhengdongxuan, Zhaobin put wine, and there is only an empty shed.

Shanglin Ying, I don't know where, the Central Plains deer, even do everything.

Decay the dragon bell, help people lean on the staff, do not climb the Tai Dai hope Pengying.

Ask the river, sheep and fur fishing, but for the floating name.

Only won, a few huts, a roll of the Tea Sutra.

More Xiao Xiao and the servants dispersed, and someone came to knock on the firewood.

Vine and green courtyard, songbirds, window mullions.

Three days of sunshine, rain night to listen to the rain, the most pleasant, shallow and cold.

It is when the beans are green and yellow, and the rain and shine are even.

The year is good, there is no worry, that is in charge of the tun soldiers.

30 poems, the wind blows the wheat waves, the cicadas are busy, and the countryside is busy

Four seasons, Mangsang winter storage. Ploughing the years, going east and west. Life is nothing more than a struggle. Laughter is good for life, pride flying. Be brave and fly freely. When it comes to Mangsang, friends are long. May you be happy and brilliant!

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