
The "Lala seedling", which is hated by farmers, is also regarded as a treasure because it has four major uses

author:Three small hairs

Lala seedling, a plant widely distributed in rural areas. And this plant is also extremely dangerous, people and animals dare not approach when they see it, because its stems, branches, and even leaves are covered with tiny barb thorns, and if it is accidentally scratched, there will be slender blood marks.

Also because of its strong vitality, does not pick the environment for growth, and is resistant to barrenness and drought, especially its vines are very developed, and can quickly grow into a large area, which makes it difficult for other plants to grow. If it is entangled in its vines, then it is also difficult to escape.

The "Lala seedling", which is hated by farmers, is also regarded as a treasure because it has four major uses

It is also for these reasons that many farmers hate it and call it a vicious weed. But some people regard it as a "treasure", just because it is not all useless, and there are four great uses. Do you know what it is? Today, let's talk about Lala Yang, which people love and hate.

What is Lala Straw?

For friends who have lived in the countryside, they should be no strangers to this plant, which is also called snake cutting vine, cutting human vine, strangler grass, lara vine and so on. Its name is Humulus, which is a perennial climbing herb of the genus Humulus of the cannabis family.

This plant is not very conspicuous, but it is extremely harmful. As mentioned earlier, the harm of lara straw is manifested in two aspects, one is that its whole plant has small barb thorns, whether people and animals encounter it, they will always be scarred by it. It is estimated that many rural friends have been hurt by it, so the name "cutting vine" is not an exaggeration.

The "Lala seedling", which is hated by farmers, is also regarded as a treasure because it has four major uses

Another feature is strong vitality, its vines are very developed, and often entangled on fruit trees, crops, thus affecting their normal growth, it can be said that it is extremely harmful to agriculture. Because of this, Lala has long been included in the China Agricultural Pest Information System as a pest plant.

However, Lala rice is not useless, and some farmer friends also regard it as a treasure.

Four uses of lara straw

(1) High-quality forage.

Friends who have raised rabbits should know this very well, rabbits love to eat this plant. When I was a child, I also had rabbits in my family, and I used to cut the vines of Lala to feed the rabbits. And not only rabbits love to eat, it can also be used to feed pigs, goats, geese and chickens.

The "Lala seedling", which is hated by farmers, is also regarded as a treasure because it has four major uses

If it is used to feed rabbits, pigs and other long meat, it can also increase its litter rate. Feeding dairy goats with it allows them to produce more milk. If crushed and added to feed laying hens and geese, the survival rate and egg production rate are improved.

Therefore, lara straw is a kind of forage, which can be used as green fodder, silage, or dried into hay crushed and added to feed it. It can not only significantly improve the adaptability of animals to the environment, regulate nutrient balance, but also enhance digestion and absorption function.

(2) Lala straw is also a high-quality nectar source plant.

I didn't know about this before, but a beekeeper in the village told me later. It says that the flowers of Lala are lush and have a particularly long flowering period, especially in autumn.

In addition, this plant is widely distributed in the countryside, and some barren mountains are a large area. Bees also love this plant, so it is very popular with bees.

The "Lala seedling", which is hated by farmers, is also regarded as a treasure because it has four major uses

(3) Fruit ears can also be used instead of hops.

Hops, a cash crop widely cultivated in the past on the mainland, is the indispensable soul of beer making. The ears of lara straw can also be used instead of hops, because hops are perennial climbing herbs of the genus Humulus of the cannabis family, and Lala Straw is also a perennial climbing herb of the genus Hyacina of the cannabis family, so they are closely related.

(4) Lala also has medicinal value.

In ancient times on the mainland, many plants were medicinal, among which lara straw was also medicinal value, and it was recorded in the "Materia Medica": Humula has clear heat and detoxification; The effect of diuretic and leaching.

And the vines of this plant are developed, the fiber of the stem bark is very rich, and it can also be used to make paper, and the seeds can be used to squeeze oil, make soap, etc.

The "Lala seedling", which is hated by farmers, is also regarded as a treasure because it has four major uses

Especially abroad, lara is also grown as a cash crop, just because its ears can be used to make hops. And compared to planted hops, lara straw is easier to grow, more extensive management, but more advantageous yield.

The above is the introduction of the common malignant weed Lala rice in rural areas, it is estimated that many people do not know that it still has so many uses. Have you ever been hurt by it, and would hate it if you knew these values? If you are engaged in farming in rural areas, you can have an in-depth understanding of it to see if you can "turn waste into treasure".