
This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

author:Read Time Magazine

June 4,

#我的脸被隐翅虫毁容了 #

Climbed to the top of the hot search

Stirring a heated discussion

This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

Many netizens posted the same scar

Remind everyone with a hard lesson...

This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

"First it was red and swollen, then it was blistering

Finally the bubble burst

The whole process hurts

Luckily, there were no scars."


This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

"Never hated bugs so much in my life"


This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

"This bug can't shoot to death"


This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

"Sleep and that's it"


This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot
This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

Many netizens said that they had encountered this kind of bug

"It was good not to be climbed

Killed 3 of them."


This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

Cryptoptera, a bug,

If it climbs on people,

Don't slap it off!

Beware that it will make the skin fester!

Cryptoptera, where does it come from?

Cryptoptera, also known as "flying ants". It is yellow and black and looks like an ant with wings. Cryptoptera emerge in large numbers from June to September each year. After the summer and autumn rains, it is the period when cryptoptera are active, generally appearing in moist meadows. Cryptoptera are phototaxis and fly towards lights at night.

This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

All segments of the body of Cryptoptera contain toxins, are strongly acidic and corrosive, and are called "flying sulfuric acid".

Cryptoptera is actually not biting, just because it climbs on human skin, often unconsciously killed or crushed by everyone, at this time, will cause a large amount of venom splash, acid value is very large, human skin is very corrosive.

Cryptoptera dermatitis refers to contact dermatitis caused by skin contact with venom in the body of Cryptoptera. Clinical manifestations are local band-like, flaky, or dotted cluster edematous erythema after hours to 2 days of exposure to venom. It is densely papuled, blistered, or pustule, and erosions, crusting, and epidermal necrosis may occur, with itching, burning, and burning.

This kind of worm rushed to the top of the hot search! Don't shoot

Many netizens said that they had been bitten by cryptoptera

Some people were nearly disfigured and blind

There are many patients with severe dermatitis caused by contact with cryptoptera, and some even said that they were "almost disfigured" and recovered for a long time.

Recently, Ms. Wang from Xiangyang, Hubei Province, flew to the side of her eye because of a bug and patted her hand, but she did not expect that the bodily fluid of the bug was stuck to her left eye. Subsequently, Ms. Wang's eyes were red, swollen and painful, and gradually worsened, accompanied by tearing discomfort and decreased vision. Three days later, she went to the hospital for help. After examination by the attending physician, it was considered that the inflammation caused by the venom of the cryptoptera was considered, and he was admitted to the hospital in an emergency. Fortunately, after receiving the treatment, Ms. Wang's eyes gradually improved.

According to reports, the liquid of cryptoptera into the eyes, will cause conjunctiva and corneal burns, if the eyelid injury is not treated in time, can lead to eyelid, cornea and conjunctival damage, severe blindness.

Many netizens have said that they have been bitten by cryptoptera, and it can be seen from the photos posted by everyone that after contact with cryptoptera, obvious marks will be left on the skin, and it will take a long time to eliminate them.

The right way to repel cryptoptera

When cryptoptera crawls through the body, it leaves a small amount of venom on the person, causing punctate, flaky or cord-like erythema on the skin, but not too severe. It is only when people shoot it to death and twist it, and a lot of venom stains the skin, which will cause acute skin inflammation.

■ If you find that Cryptoptera stays on the skin: Do not pat or rub with your hands, the correct thing to do is to gently blow away, or shake it off, and then wash the skin that has touched Cryptoptera with clean water or alkaline soapy water.

■ If cryptoptera appears in the home: stick it with tape, or catch it with a tissue and throw it away, taking care not to touch the venom.

■ Clean the home regularly to keep the indoor and outdoor environment clean to prevent the breeding of cryptoptera.

■ Screen doors and windows should be installed at home. Do not turn on too strong lights at home at night; Try not to "touch the dark" to play with mobile phones, so as not to attract cryptoptera.

■ Check the bed for cryptoptera before going to bed to avoid pressing.

In summer and autumn when cryptoptera appear on a large scale, pay attention to the following things:

■ When visiting parks, suburbs, villages, etc., wear long-sleeved clothes and pants, and carry mosquito repellent supplies with you.

■ Various mosquito repellent measures can be taken, such as spraying insecticides or applying mosquito repellent to the body.

If you don't notice the venom,

What to do?

Experts say that although poisonous cryptoptera causes disease, it is generally not fatal.

If a part of the body has come into contact with the venom of a cryptoptera: Do not touch other parts of the body where it touches the venom. After washing the skin with clean water or alkaline soapy water, seek medical attention in time and explain the situation to the doctor.

If symptoms of suspected cryptoptera dermatitis appear on the skin: medical attention should be seen as soon as possible. Do not apply ointment yourself and do not scratch the affected area with your hands to prevent secondary infection.


If cryptoptera crawls onto the body

Don't kill it,

Just blow it away or shake it off!

Source: Morning News, China News Network, Urban Express

Editor: Miao Miao

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