
Internet trolls, if in the Qing Dynasty, you would have been linked to the Nine Tribes long ago

author:Little dragon buns

Recently, a sad tragedy occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A six-year-old boy was hit and killed by a teacher's car at school. This should have been an event of common concern and sympathy for society, but the Internet trolls who were full of indifference and malice towards this sad family.

Internet trolls, if in the Qing Dynasty, you would have been linked to the Nine Tribes long ago

Because of the second injury of the Internet troll, the grieving mother also finally jumped from the 24th floor to accompany her baby.

Internet trolls, if in the Qing Dynasty, you would have been linked to the Nine Tribes long ago

Every parent has a deep understanding of how much thought and effort a child needs to put in from pregnancy to birth to raising a child. I remember when my daughter was learning to walk, once she fell on the curb with blood from her mouth. At that moment, my heart almost stopped beating, I was so scared that my soul almost disappeared, and I hugged the child tightly and went straight to the hospital. In the end, fortunately, it was just bleeding gums and a false alarm.

However, even such a small fall has reduced a mother's soul by half. Imagine the immense pain and grief if your child were crushed to death. However, the online trolls mercilessly accuse this sad family of not being sad, which makes it impossible to understand your intentions.

Internet trolls, if in the Qing Dynasty, you would have been linked to the Nine Tribes long ago

Internet satyrs, don't your consciences hurt when you use such words to tease a mother who has lost a child?

Whatever we do, we should be careful in what we say and do. No matter what era or era we live in, we should be aware of the power and responsibility of words.

The pain of a mother losing her child is indescribable, it is a heart-tearing pain. In the face of such a tragedy, we should give care and compassion, not hurt others with malicious words.

Everyone should ask themselves, doesn't our conscience hurt when our words hurt others? We should reflect on our own actions, maintain good morality and humanity, and treat the pain and plight of others with empathy.

In the online world, the power of words is more influential. We should treat others with kindness and respect, and stay away from malicious attacks and teasing. Only in this way can we collectively build a society of respect, love and understanding, so that everyone can receive the respect and care they deserve.

Please remember everyone: be careful in our words and actions, treat others with kindness and compassion at all times and in all places, and let us work together to create a better and warmer world.

Remember this buddy?

Internet trolls, if in the Qing Dynasty, you would have been linked to the Nine Tribes long ago

When Shinzo Abe was shot, this 21-year-old Taiwanese guy just left a short message: I also want to shoot Tsai Ing-wen. As a result, it took Tsai Ing-wen a full 5 hours to find this guy and review it. In the end, it was discovered that he was actually no real threat, so he let him go.

Despite the controversy surrounding this series of events, we must recognize that in modern society, people have the right to express their views and opinions. However, this does not mean that it is okay to insult, threaten, or harm others at will. Freedom of expression should be combined with responsible use of speech.

If such an incident occurred during the Qing Dynasty, according to the political atmosphere and legal system of the time, the young man would probably be severely punished by the Zhulian Nine Tribes. The Qing Dynasty's restrictions on speech were extremely strict, and any disrespectful remarks against the imperial power or ruler could have serious consequences.

The first literary prison after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty occurred in the second year of Shunzhi, a township test, a Henan Zhongju wrote "Imperial Uncle" Dolgon as "Uncle Wang" Dolgon, if this matter is now, at most as a typo, it is a big deal to give 0 points. However, during the Qing Dynasty, the situation was quite different. It was a great disrespect to the regent Dolgon, not only the candidates were punished, but the chief examiners Ouyang Zheng and Lv Yunzao were unlucky, first dismissed, and then handed over to the Criminal Department for handling. As for whether he died or not, there is no record.

This incident revealed the extreme sensitivity and strict requirements for writing during the Qing Dynasty. The word difference was interpreted as disrespect for the powerful, setting off a chain reaction of tragedy. Such cases are not unique in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and the frequency of literary prisons is alarming.

We should reflect on this event. In modern society, we have the right to freedom of speech and the expression of opinions, but we should also be aware of the power and responsibility of words. We should avoid hurting others with words, and be tolerant and tolerant of their mistakes.

But there are still some people who use the network to carry out malicious attacks and name-calling. These trolls spread hatred and injustice online in their virtual identities, but they have no remorse for their actions. However, if they had lived in the Qing Dynasty, such malicious remarks and attacks would have probably already caused them to suffer the punishment of the Zhulian Nine Tribes.

We should learn from history and warn the trolls. Let us cherish the right to freedom of expression, but also exercise responsibility and respect for others. Express your views with kindness and rationality, and participate in social discussions in a constructive way. Only in this way can we create a harmonious and tolerant online environment and move towards a more progressive society.

Finally, may the deceased rest in peace, and may there be no more indifference in heaven. For trolls, we should reflect on our own behavior and build cyberspace with kindness and respect. Let us use this tragedy as a lesson to warn Internet trolls not to let themselves become a repeat of history, let alone the successor of the Qing Dynasty's literary prison.