
The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

author:Historical Collection

"Student, congratulations on being admitted to the economics major of Chinese Minmin University. Chinese Minmin University is the first new type of formal university founded by the Communist Party of China, with a gathering of talents and famous people.

I hope that you will inherit the red gene, cherish the 'great of the country', come and sing the magnificent song of youth, live up to the Shaohua, live up to the times, live up to the people, and strive to be a 'pillar of rejuvenation and a pioneer of strengthening the country'! ”

This is the admission letter of Chinese Minmin University, at this moment, it lies quietly in the hands of a person, and it rises and falls with the owner's kneeling motion.

"Dad, I was also admitted to the same university as you, and I will go with you in the future." I will be a good person like you. The master wiped his tears and got up. Not long ago, he refused the olive branch thrown by Peking University.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

Faced with a better choice, why did he choose the NPC instead of Peking University, and what was his reason for doing so?

Zhu Lantern went out, Zhu Yanxun

As the end bell rang, I closed my lesson plan. Smile and watch your classmates leave. I'm not in a hurry to leave, and even after class time, there may be students who come and discuss some academic issues with me.

Sure enough, a figure quickly walked towards me.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

"The "Economics of Discrimination" recommended by you is very in-depth, I have read it for several days in a row, and I think it is very exciting, that is, some of the proper nouns involved in it, I still have difficulty understanding after reading it. Could you please explain? ”

"Of course, junior, let the teacher take a look." The student in front of him is the freshman of this class, Bao Jiajun. He is very smart and studious, and the teachers around him like him a lot.

"Thank you for the teacher's answer, the student is suddenly cheerful, don't bother now, goodbye teacher." I waved my hand approvingly and nodded to signal him to leave.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

I packed my book in my bag and drove home.

Twilight, I opened the door, did not turn on the light, a faint warm light flashed in, I took off my glasses, looked at the photo hanging on the wall, the photo is some years old, yellowed and worn, although I wipe the frame every day, but still can't resist the passage of time.

It was filmed in 1995, when he and I were very young.

The song is well known, and the good sound is clear

Bao Zhanquan also came to report for duty in such an autumn.

I was thinking about an economic model, and while scratching my ears and cheeks, I was stopped by a man.

"Hello, classmate, I just came to our school to report, I am not familiar with anything, can you please tell me the general distribution of buildings in the school?" I turned my head and saw that it was a boy, smiling shyly.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

"No problem, come and follow me, I'll talk to you and take you to familiarize." In the spirit of helping others, I also responded with a smile.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

"This is the Mingde Building, this is the Catholic Church, and this is the Leader Building... That's basically it, if you have any questions, you can come to me directly. I'm right next to the teacher's apartment. ”

"Thank you, you are a teacher, haha, hello teacher, my name is Bao Zhanquan, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you." He scratched his head.

"It's okay, it's okay haha, okay, I'll go first." I waved my hand.

I didn't expect to meet again so soon.

"Hi, teacher, meet again, what a coincidence." As soon as I walked into the classroom, I was greeted by a student in the first row.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

I also smiled in return.

College students in the nineties were still very rare, and those who could become college students had some skills, and most of them were a little arrogant, but not conceited, but a confidence in mastering knowledge. The so-called literati arrogance should be like this.

However, Bao Zhanquan is very different.

He was humble, so humble, that every time I saw him, I thought of the rice fields of my hometown, and every autumn I bent over.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

Universities encourage freedom of thought, and it is common for students to argue with me about teaching issues, and the answers will be different from different angles, and the results are not unique.

Once I was discussing problems with him and exchanging ideas. After a short chat, we talked about volunteering.

"I was admitted to this school at that time, haha." I'm kidding.

"No, I'm really happy, but I went to college mainly to find a way to repay my mother." He lowered his head.

I was shocked by his answer, speechless, and couldn't help but be ashamed of my jokes, touched his filial piety, and at the same time understood that he was a sincere person.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

On the day he graduated, I went to drop him off. It was the turn of the millennium, and the whole world was floating in a huge carnival, and I jokingly asked him why he didn't write me a postcard, if he was upset with me as a teacher.

"Be respectful, not false." He said, and then laughed too.

"Cheng, mountains and rivers meet." I waved my hand and smiled too.

The song is in and out of people, and the green shirt is full of tears

He did not stay in Beijing, but returned to Tongliao, as he said, and became a local police officer.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

He worked conscientiously and wholeheartedly served the people, cracked more than ten large and small cases, and won third-class merit several times.

Although we didn't see each other much, we kept in touch intermittently. I admire his choice, but I often worry about him that being a police officer means putting your life in the hands of the people. We must put the safety and interests of the masses of the people first and put our own safety in a later position.

"Chao Wen, you can die at night." He comforted me with the ancient texts he had learned. It has been his dream since childhood to become a police officer, and he has kept in mind his mother's teachings and is determined to contribute to this society.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

"If I die, you will have to take more care of that kid in my family, haha, he will be skinny for a day." Occasionally, he would make this kind of life and death joke, and I would respond with a smile, definitely.

It's a joke.

When I arrived, he was already packed into a small urn.

He died in the line of duty and died gloriously.

I came in a hurry and learned the whole course of the incident from the mouths of the people around me.

He had an accident in the Horqin district. On the evening of July 10th, he received a report that there were gambling machines in the city.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

He immediately took people to investigate, raided, and caught the people in the video game city by surprise. All 29 gambling machines were seized and all those involved were handcuffed.

I thought this matter would end here, but I didn't expect a follow-up.

It was not the hands of the people in the game city, it was his own people who shot him.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

The person who shot was Du Wenjie, belonging to the Horqin Police Station of the Horqin Branch, and his position in the police station was a service worker, with no education, who dropped out of high school and later paid for a junior college.

Originally, the two of them were incompatible with each other, but this Du Wenjie was the "shareholder" of the game city.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

When Bao Zhanquan sealed the gambling machine, he was bragging with people at the barbecue stall, saying that he had recently invested in a big project and could be dashing for a while. Someone called Du Wenjie, he felt bad at that time, why did he put up such an "iron-clad gong".

He stopped drinking, took the keys and drove to them. On the way, he met an old policeman, and he immediately wrapped his face around him, begging people to let go and keep a few units, otherwise he would not be able to return to the book. People waved their hands, "This matter is under the responsibility of the deputy director of the contract, and it is useless to talk to us."

Du Wenjeden felt that it was over, and his entire net worth was going to be smashed in.

But he still didn't die, and called Bao Zhanquan again.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

"Hey, hello, Director Bao, it's your matter today, can you be accommodating, but I smashed all my wealth into it, please raise your noble hand, let us go, and promise not to commit it next time." He begged.

"Impossible, this is gambling, not a small game, it really threatens the interests of the people, you are good to yourself!" After receiving his stern refusal, Du Wenjie did not go home to wash and sleep, but instead drove the car in the direction where Bao Zhanquan was.

"Damn, don't give a face, Bao Zhanquan really thinks he is something." He cursed in a low voice, while secretly making up some kind of determination.

He greeted Bao Zhanquan and said that he wanted to meet him at the police station and chat by the way. After Bao Zhanquan learned the news, he asked Du Wenjie to wait on the first floor, and he would come down immediately.

When Du Wenjie drove the car to the police station, Bao Zhanquan just came down from the second floor.

The two chatted for a while, but Bao Zhanquan still did not accept Du Wenjie's words and refused to join him.

Then, a gunshot pierced the sky.

Fame and fame, Confucianism is not wrong

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

The police hurried to the first floor, and what came into view was Bao Zhanquan, who was lying in a pool of blood.

Desperate, they dialed 120 as soon as possible. Du Wenjie, on the other hand, took advantage of the chaos and fled.

His injuries were severe, caused by gunshots, a full two bullets. The first shot went from the upper edge of his right eye frame and pierced straight through the back of his head. The second shot entered the left ear and penetrated the entire temple.

I listened to my heart and closed my eyes, and I was sure to die.

He lay on the ground convulsing and panting for ten minutes, but still did not reach the ambulance.

After only ten minutes, I remembered a time when he and I studied a problem during a class break, and discussed for a long time for a problem, and at that time I felt that the time was extremely long, and now that I think about it, he fell in a pool of blood, and he must have had a long and painful life. Did he think of his mother, his wife, and his elementary school son?

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

Du Wenjie only realized what he had done after the shooting, he fled in a police car in a panic, and the chicken thief changed to a taxi halfway, and asked the driver master to send his gun to the police station.

But these practices were also destined to change his end, and he was arrested the next day.

I pinned the white flowers and looked at his wife and children. They were all emaciated, and the sudden change was directly reflected on their faces. I stepped forward and hugged his wife, then touched Bao Jiajun's head. I took him aside.

"You must be sad now, just hearing this news uncle's heart will break."

"Hello, uncle, who are you from my father?" The little boy looked up and asked me, with undried tears on his face.

"I am your father's teacher, your father used to be a very good student, and I believe you must also be an excellent little man."

"I understand, if I have been so depressed now, my father will not rest under the Nine Springs, I must work harder and be better!"

"You and your father are exactly the same. Come on, I believe you. "I touched the child's head.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

As I stared at the photo on the wall, my mind overlapping Bao Jiajun's face. I burst into tears.


There are always some people, not for fame and fortune, money, status, who hold their red hearts in front of the people. There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of life, you still love the world, and Bao Zhanquan and Bao Jiajun are undoubtedly symbols of heroism.

The son of a martyr scored 652 points in the college entrance examination, refused the invitation of Peking University, and chose the National People's University: this is his father's alma mater

Instead of being discouraged by the loss of his father, 13-year-old Bao Jiajun cheered up and learned how to be a good contributor to society like his father.

We should learn from this father and son and follow their example, if there is a light, there is a fire, there is a fire, there is a love, there is love!