
What is unique about Morocco, unlike the African countries of Africa?

author:Bureau of Geographical Science and Science

On the African continent, there is a unique country whose inhabitants are mainly white, but also has a striking resemblance to Europeans, and it is no exaggeration to say that this country is the most unusual existence on the African continent, and this country is Morocco.

What is unique about Morocco, unlike the African countries of Africa?

Morocco, also known as the Kingdom of Morocco, is a coastal country located on the northwest side of Africa, but also an Arab country, in its east is Algeria, in the south is Western Sahara, in the west is the turbulent Atlantic Ocean, and its north is separated from Portugal and Spain across the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea, the total territory of the country is about 459,000 square kilometers.

The earliest inhabitants of Morocco were Berbers, and in the 7th century AD, the Arabs began their conquest of North Africa and established the first Arab kingdom in the 8th century. In 1660, the Arabs founded the Alawite dynasty, which continues to this day. However, in the 15th century, Morocco suffered successive aggressions from Western powers. In 1912, Morocco became a protectorate of France and Spain. In 1956, Morocco declared its independence and officially changed its name to the Kingdom of Morocco, marking a significant increase in the country's status and influence on the international stage.

What is unique about Morocco, unlike the African countries of Africa?

Morocco's terrain is complex, with the steep Atlas Mountains in the north and center, an Upper Plateau in the southeast and a narrow plain on the northwest coast. The highest peak in the country is the Tubgarle Mountains, which reach an altitude of 4,165 meters. In Moroccan territory, the main rivers include the um Raibia and the Sebu River, among others, of which the um Raibia River is one of the largest rivers in the country, with a total length of 556 km.

Morocco's climate is very similar to neighboring Spain, but it is significantly different from some other countries in Africa, due to the Atlas Mountains, the heat wave of the southern Sahara Desert is reduced, and at the same time, a fifth of the country's territory is covered by forests, so Morocco's climate is pleasant, lush flowers, an average annual temperature of about 20 ° C, is a picturesque country, known as the "Garden of North Africa."

What is unique about Morocco, unlike the African countries of Africa?

Morocco has a population of about 36.21 million, mainly Arabs and Berbers, of which Arabs account for about 80%, Berbers account for about 20%, more than half of the country's population lives in cities, and the rest are mostly nomadic people.

As an African country, Morocco's architecture is dominated by European-style architecture, and street signs are filled with Arabic and French, which contrasts sharply with our impression of Africa, as most people speak French or Spanish instead of Arabic, which makes Morocco out of place with the Africa we have in mind.

What is unique about Morocco, unlike the African countries of Africa?

Morocco has the fifth-largest economy in Africa, with a GDP per capita of about $3,120, making the country a relatively wealthy country in the North African region. The country's economy is mainly based on phosphate exports, and phosphate reserves account for 75% of the global total, therefore, ranking first in the world. In addition, the region is rich in fisheries, making it the largest fish producer in Africa. In addition, animal husbandry and tourism have also shown a fairly prosperous trend. However, the development of the agricultural sector is relatively lagging behind, which also leads to the lack of self-sufficiency in food supply.

The capital of Morocco is Rabat, the largest city is Casa Braca, as well as Marrakech, Meknes and other cities, which are all important cities in Morocco.

What is unique about Morocco, unlike the African countries of Africa?

Rabat, a coastal city bordering the Atlantic Ocean with a population of about 2.12 million, is the political, cultural and transportation center of the country, with a mild climate, beautiful scenery and many cultural monuments, attracting many European tourists.

Casablanca, located on the Atlantic coast of Morocco in the west of Morocco, with a population of about 2.9 million, is a famous city with a long history in Morocco, as well as the country's largest port city, economic center and transportation hub, known as the heart of Morocco and the bride of the Atlantic. This famous tourist city in North Africa not only has 70% of the country's modern industry, but also has become a high-profile city with its pleasant coastal scenery and many cultural relics such as mosques and museums.

What is unique about Morocco, unlike the African countries of Africa?

Today, Morocco's major cities are home to nearly 2 million Spanish and French expatriates, and if you add European tourists, the streets are full of Europeans, and Morocco is close to Europe and deeply influenced by European culture, so Morocco looks more like a European country despite being an African country.

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