
Do you really understand red wine? Little secrets about red wine

author:A girl with a lot of vitality

Today, the editor would like to introduce you to the little secret of red wine, don't say you don't know in the future! Red wine is not only a delicious drink, it also has a positive effect on health. Whether you're a wine lover or a first-time experiment, know the following!

  • Drinking red wine in moderation is healthier than drinking nothing at all

This may be beyond your imagination, but there have been many scientific experiments to confirm that drinking red wine in moderation is healthier than not drinking it at all. Why? Because the antioxidants in red wine can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and death. Of course, if you exceed the appropriate amount of drinking, these advantages will be superseded by risks! Therefore, it is very important not to overkill yourself and drink alcohol in moderation.

Do you really understand red wine? Little secrets about red wine
  • The benefits of red wine for the body come from tannins

Speaking of tannins, probably most people have heard of this substance for the first time. Tannins are natural polyphenolic compounds found in substances such as grape skins, black tea, and berries. In the composition of wine, except for alcohol and water, the rest are polyphenols. Polyphenols contain about 5,000 other plant compounds, such as tannins. Among these polyphenols, the most positive health effects are preanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins are concentrated tannins that can also be found in both green tea and chocolate. This compound is quite helpful in suppressing blood clots, which in turn aims for heart health and longevity.

Do you really understand red wine? Little secrets about red wine
  • Young wines are healthier than older wines

People always say that wine is good when it is old, and many wines do become tastier after aging, but when you think about it from a health perspective, it's different! Because young red wines have higher tannin content than any other wine, and tannins are good for our health.

Do you really understand red wine? Little secrets about red wine
  • As red wine ages, the color becomes lighter and lighter

The longer the red wine is spoken, the lighter the color of the wine will become. The color of aged wines is dull and clear.

Do you really understand red wine? Little secrets about red wine

Well, the little knowledge about red wine will be shared here today, if you have anything else to know, you can tell me in the comment area! Follow me for more trivia!