
Hearing aid knowledge: What are the negative effects of wearing hearing aids for a long time?

author:Ostar hearing aids

If you have hearing loss, optional hearing aids can help you hear sounds better, and hearing aids can delay your hearing loss, thereby preserving your residual hearing. After wearing hearing aids, you can better communicate with family and friends, making life more enjoyable.

Hearing aid knowledge: What are the negative effects of wearing hearing aids for a long time?

Hearing aid knowledge: What are the negative effects of wearing hearing aids for a long time?

Wearing scientifically fitted hearing aids correctly for a long time will not cause hearing damage, but has a protective effect. If the hearing aid is purchased by yourself, worn without scientific fitting, or bought an analog hearing aid instead of a real hearing aid with a chip, then there is a risk of hearing damage. Many elderly people feel that hearing aids are harmful to the ears, most of which are caused by these conditions.

Hearing aid knowledge: What are the negative effects of wearing hearing aids for a long time?

Scientifically fitted hearing aids. Better hearing aids have the function of limiting the loud output, and automatically process excessive loud sounds and control them at the wearer's comfortable hearing threshold, thereby protecting hearing from damage. However, if you are in a noisy environment, whether you have hearing loss or wear hearing aids, you should stay away as soon as possible.

Hearing aid knowledge: What are the negative effects of wearing hearing aids for a long time?

Wearing hearing aids is generally not harmful to normal ears. However, for some patients with ear pus, eardrum perforation, and otitis media, when wearing hearing aids, it is easy to cause dampness in the ear, causing ear infection, or aggravating the infection. In the case of normal ear inflammation, there is no harm in wearing hearing aids, which can improve hearing, and it is generally recommended that the sooner you wear it correctly, improving the resolution of the ear to the outside language has great benefits, thereby also improving the quality of life.

Hearing aid knowledge: What are the negative effects of wearing hearing aids for a long time?

Generally speaking, with the increase of age, the physiological functions of the human body gradually decline, the inner ear hair cells apoptosis, and the hearing function declines. Also, other underlying conditions (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.) may also cause hearing loss. Therefore, progressive hearing loss in elderly deaf patients has little to do with whether or not they wear hearing aids. Failure to use hearing aids leads to a decrease in hearing function and brain function.

Hearing aid knowledge: What are the negative effects of wearing hearing aids for a long time?

In short, there is no harm in wearing hearing aids for a long time, although hearing aids can not improve your hearing, but can help you avoid further hearing loss. In daily use, we must strictly demand ourselves, use it in accordance with the guidelines in the manual, maintain it regularly, and develop good behavior habits.