
Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

author:Lanzhe Grill History

In today's new era of variety shows and various TV series that are as updated and emerging as fast food, there is such a detective variety show on Mango TV, which can be said to be a clear stream among many entertainment variety shows.

It's Detective. Since the beginning of the first season, "Detective" has gradually revealed its vision with the humor of the stars and the power and philosophy behind the case.

Among the classic cases, the most unforgettable for the author is "Rose Hotel". This is a story that belongs to girls alone. They are in the flower season, but they are ravaged and trampled by sinful people.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

The skirt dances lightly and falls lonely, how can beauty be their fault? This tearful story is fictional in variety shows, but it cannot be forgotten that the adaptation comes from reality.

The heroine of our story today, these inhuman tortures have really happened to her. She lived in an age where she couldn't help herself, and with her own blood and tears, she and the suffering of another group of women came together into one word - comfort women.

Her name should be remembered by everyone living in peacetime today, her name is He Shigu. And during the war, there were thousands of He Shigu.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

Their bodies are in their own hands, and fate makes these girls like duckweeds, whose souls are torn apart by the shameful Japanese.

He Shigu is just one of them. She should have had an extremely happy life, but in the roar of war, she became the devil's meal, and became their tool step by step.

The most disgusting thing is that after ruining He Shigu's beautiful body at the age of 19, the Japanese officer also eroded her heart with sweet words: I will marry you! I'll take you back to Japan!

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

This whisper from the devil opened He Shigu's lifelong nightmare. But the beginning of all suffering was an ordinary summer afternoon.

A moment of happiness before the rain falls

He Shigu sat in her humble home, tearfully recounting her years of pain to visitors.

At this time, her delicate face had long been eroded by the years and covered with ravines, and she could not see the charm and beauty of her early years. But for He Shigu, the life of a rural village woman is now a rare happy time.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

Before the Japanese army did not break the peace of He Shigu's life with shells, He Shigu also had a moment of happiness.

In 1920, a white baby girl was born into a farming family in Lingshui County, Hainan. She has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and she is the first child in the family, so her parents regarded her as a gift from heaven and named her He Shigu to raise her carefully.

Rural life at that time, sunrise and sunset, simple and repetitive. And the golden rice grains in the field also raised He Shigu, allowing her to gradually emerge from a baby girl into a pure and beautiful girl.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

He Shigu's face, which had already shown her mark when she was a child, completely grew open, and she was still beautiful without applying powder.

At that time, there were no gorgeous clothes, but even if she was only wearing simple clothes, He Shigu's beauty still amazed the neighbors in the village, and whoever saw her had to give a thumbs up and praise, she was a beauty embryo that met once in a century.

For the undisguised praise of others and the emotional gazes from the young men in the same village, He Shigu is shy and, like most adolescent girls, secretly looks forward to her future husband.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

Will he be a man who stands tall? Will he love himself and work with him to give birth to a new family?

The reason why He Shigu looks forward to the family so much is actually because her father died early in order to take on the responsibilities of the family after giving birth to three boys with his mother.

But although He Shigu lost her father's love, her mother was also a great woman, and she never lacked attention and education for He Shigu.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

Facing her daughter, who is 19 years old and is of marriageable age and good age, He Shigu's mother attaches great importance to her marriage and carefully selects a young man surnamed Huang whose personality and conduct are obvious to everyone in the village.

Two young girls who have never been born to the world have turned into a prospective couple who are about to enter the marriage hall.

And this fiancé also followed the example of other families, not only came to He Shigu's home twice in three days to cut tea and fetch water, but also helped He Shigu do farm work together, like a new male master.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

The small family is on track, and He Shigu is wrapped in warmth, and even when she is busy in the farm, she feels inexhaustible. She used to be so close to happiness, so close that she was within reach.

However, at that time, it was just the ordinary. Amid the playful sounds of his younger brothers and the happy smiles of his mother, on February 10, 1939, the Japanese army landed on Hainan Island.

The roar of the fighter plane and the bullets in the gun were aimed at the small village where He Shigu lived, revealing the devil's minions. He Shigu, an ordinary rural girl, where should she go?

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

Second, the death knell of fate, the beginning of suffering

The war turned the Japanese army on Hainan Island into a scorched earth. And He Shigu, as a member of this island, could not escape the calamity of fate.

He Shigu mentioned this time when it was so dim that there was no sunlight, and her voice trembled: "Time may erase a lot, but I will never forget that it was a gloomy day in 1940." ”

The Japanese sword was wielding mercilessly outside the door, and the explosion was loud enough to shatter the dilapidated gate of He Shigu's house.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

But in the face of the old mother who could not work, and the three younger brothers who were waiting to be fed, He Shigu, as the only labor force in the family, had no choice but to sigh deeply and pick up farm tools and go out to farm against the risk of her life.

With each swing of the hoe, He Shigu's heart beat violently. She's just a 19-year-old girl, and she's also timid and withdrawn.

But even more frightening than the unknown danger is the reality that children and old people in homes who do not work cannot survive. Just as He Shigu was working in fear, danger came.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

As soon as the hoe in his hand swung and had not yet smashed into the soil, He Shigu keenly felt a pair of cold big hands climbing his slender waist.

He Shigu suddenly stiffened, obviously it was June, but she felt a chill all over her body. In that sentence of unintelligible Japanese, He Shigu slowly turned her head.

What did He Shigu see? She saw the Japanese officer's rank dangling on his shoulder and the sycophantic smile of a traitor interpreter behind him.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

He Shigu suddenly felt that her eyes were dark, but she didn't even have time to shed tears, so she was forcibly thrown down by the Japanese officer who was inferior to the animals and animals in the wheat field that raised her and her family.

Mai Lang pounced layer by layer, and He Shigu lost her virginity in endless pain and roughness. The Japanese officer "went away", leaving only the tearful He Shigu back home with scars all over her body.

In the face of his mother's concerned inquiry, He Shigu was dumbfounded. She went from being a smart girl to a puppet deprived of her life and hope, only to sluggishly tell her mother her decision: quit.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

Looking at her mother's old back when she walked out of the house, He Shigu had already secretly made a decision, so she let tears flow to her heart, and she still had to carry this family.

But in the face of his fiancé who came to resolutely disagree to cancel the marriage contract upon hearing the news, He Shigu's strength was broken by the sincerity of the man in a moment.

She choked up and described this "wheat nightmare" to her fiancé, and there was no disgust or disgust in the man's eyes, and his response was a firm and powerful hug.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

In the soft comfort of her fiancé, He Shigu regained her strength, and at this time she was still naively hopeful about the future, thinking that as long as she forgot everything that happened today, her life could get back on track.

But all suffering goes to those who can really endure suffering. He Shigu's beauty is not a gift from heaven, but a dagger stabbed at her.

Third, the bad news came, and he fell into the demon cave

That Japanese officer, even if he returned to the barracks, did not let He Shigu go. Her beauty led the Japanese officer to find her home quickly, and worst of all, He Shigu's fiancé was accompanying her in her home.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

Seeing that his "prey" was being embraced by other men at this moment, the Japanese officer became angry, and his brutality completely made this already shaky family bleed.

The bayonets and leather whips in the hands of the Japanese soldiers were all turned into weapons to hurt He Shigu's fiancé. The man's skin was open, and he was no longer able to protect He Shigu, so he could only watch her being taken away by the Japanese army.

He Shigu also did not expect that this difference was actually a forever separation between heaven and man. Under the control of the Japanese army, He Shigu was better off alive than dead, worrying about her injured fiancé night and night.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

The village was already small, and the news that her fiancé had died of his injuries soon reached He Shigu's ears. She completely lost any hope, wanted to commit suicide, and her family became the weakness of the Japanese army threatening her: if she wanted to survive, she had to endure the bullying of Japanese officers day and night.

Even in order to beautify his actions, the officer constantly coaxed the simple He Shigu with sweet words: "I will take you back to Japan, you will enjoy infinite glory, and we will rebuild a new small home together." ”

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

He Shigu, who had never seen the outside world, believed it, but would reality really go as she wished?

He Shigu became pregnant, and she began to react day and night in the first trimester. She thought it was good news, but instead suffered from the coldness of the officers because of her pregnancy.

After the novelty, the officer completely tore off the mask of disguise, and such a living person as He Shigu became a "gift" that he could give to his subordinates at will.

He Shigu was completely reduced to the plaything of the Japanese army, a woman among the comfort women. In the so-called military camp, every inch of soil has fallen into the tears of the raped women, and every ear has passed into their roar of resistance.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

But the bestiality of the Japanese army will not continue any longer, the darkness will always end, and the dawn will always come. He Shigu's patience and strength made her wait until this day: on August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally.

However, before withdrawing from Hainan, the Japanese officers still did not let go of He Shigu, who had been tortured and did not look like a human, and he kidnapped He Shigu's two-year-old daughter just as he had taken He Shigu away.

He Shigu washed her face with tears every day, until 2006, when she was lying on a hospital bed, muttering about her daughter, who had not seen each other for decades.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

He Shigu passed away, and in the last second of her life, did she recall the picture of poverty and warmth around the fire, or the warm body temperature of the baby girl in her arms? None of us knows the answer.


What He Shigu experienced was shared by all the comfort women who had suffered inhumane treatment by the Japanese army at that time.

Their humiliation and pain are like a needle, piercing the hearts of young people in today's new era all the time, reminding us not to forget the national shame and remember our mission.

Because of her beauty, she was taken into the Japanese military camp at the age of 19, and the Japanese captain: I will marry you and take you home

He Shigu is an extremely strong woman. Even though the Japanese army tore her body countless times, her soul shone with an unyielding light.

The last death a person experiences is to be forgotten. We should not forget He Shigu, and we should not forget the thousands of Chinese women of her generation who had the same experience as her, some of whom died under the brutality of the Japanese army without even leaving a name in history.

But people will always remember them, and only by not forgetting the suffering of their ancestors and the way they came can they go to a brilliant future.

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