
Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney

author:Yuzhang old student

Zhou Hongyi said that "AI is an industrial revolution, and its development is an inevitable trend."

Indeed, it seems to me that the birth of AI technology has opened a door for mankind to a new digital world, and players are scrambling to step through this door and see what the world inside is like.

I think parallel universes, digital immortality, and silicon-based life are most likely on the other side of the door. Whoever gets AI gets the future!

Just as the so-called knowing oneself and knowing the other, a hundred battles will not be lost, today I first asked Wen Xin to fight Midjourney, PK the painting skills of the two. Some friends may say that this is not "attacking the strengths of others with their own weaknesses", but in fact, as a new generation of knowledge enhancement large language model, the core ability should be the processing of natural language. The first thing about AI painting is to understand natural language, and then combine image editing technology, neural network models, image generation algorithms, etc. to generate pictures. It should be noted here that in terms of natural language processing, the English grammar structure is relatively simple, and it may be easier to process and analyze English text, and Chinese as one of the most complex languages in the world, not only the grammar is complex, but also many Chinese characters are multi-sounding and meaningful, and many grammar rules need to be determined by context, natural language processing algorithms may be more complex, so English has an innate advantage in natural language processing. This can also be clearly experienced in the following comparison, without saying much, seeing is believing:

Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney
Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney
Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney
Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney

It can be seen that for the keyword information with relatively simple semantics and structure, Wen Xin students can grasp some of the key information, and the generated pictures are still passed, barely able to give a passing score, but compared to Mid students, Wen Xin's gap is indeed relatively large, Mid students can not only accurately capture most of the keyword information, but also its understanding of natural language is closer to human thinking, such as the following picture, imagine if you are an original artist in front of the screen, When a user gives you such a request, what kind of work will you deliver?

Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney

Next, we increased the difficulty and asked the two students to draw a man who combined realism and surrealism, Mid still lived up to expectations, it should be said that he understood the needs expressed by the keywords relatively completely and gave a more satisfactory answer, but this time Wen Xin handed over the blank paper.

Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney
Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney
Approaching AI, Wen Xin said PK Midjourney

It can be seen that in the processing of natural language, Wen Xin still has a lot of room for improvement, and further optimization of the algorithm is needed. In general, there is indeed a certain gap between the mainland and the United States in AI technology, mainly reflected in hardware, algorithms and research, and commercialization. In terms of hardware, the United States has advanced AI chip technology, while we are still relatively backward in the chip field, and there is a large gap; In terms of algorithms and research, the United States has many leading AI research institutions and laboratories, such as OpenAI and DeepMind, which have carried out a lot of research work in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and other fields; In terms of commercialization, American AI technology has been widely used in various industries, such as medical, financial, manufacturing, etc., while the commercial application of AI in the mainland has just begun.

Like any discipline, the development of AI technology is not achieved overnight, requiring a large amount of continuous investment in hardware, talents, and funds. The mainland government has listed artificial intelligence as a national strategy, will increase investment and support for AI technology, promote the development and application of artificial intelligence technology, I believe that in the near future, China's AI technology will definitely make greater progress and breakthroughs! Hats off to all the companies and individuals who are committed to the cause of AI, because you are creating the future and wonders!

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