
End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

It is undeniable that with the rapid development of modern medical technology, many diseases that could not be cured before have become no longer terrible, and many patients suffering from serious diseases have seen hope again.

However, in most cases, the cost of drugs is positively correlated with the difficulty of disease treatment, that is, the more difficult and rare the disease, the higher the cost of the drug required. This has also led to the fact that in recent years, there have often been cases of controversy caused by "sky-high drugs".

End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

For example, two years ago, a liver cancer treatment called "yttrium 90 microspheres" was approved for marketing in mainland China. Later, although the therapeutic effect of "yttrium 90 microspheres" was clinically verified and recognized, its high threshold of 400,000 needles made many patients only "sigh".

According to WHO data, 45 out of every 100 cases of liver disease in the world occur in the mainland, which shows the importance of "yttrium 90 microsphere" treatment to the mainland. In the face of this situation, how to get rid of the problem of "sky-high imports" is imminent.

In fact, the reason why the cost of "yttrium 90 microspheres" remains high, in addition to the difficulty of research and development, high production costs and difficult transportation, it also has a lot to do with the monopoly of its core research and development technology by Europe and the United States. The sky-high price of 400,000 injections is undoubtedly "worse" for the sick group.

Many patients sighed at this: "It turns out that the thickness of the wallet can also determine the length of life."

End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

The Norwegian Public Health Research Institute conducted a social survey in 2019 that looked at the gap in life expectancy between rich and poor groups. According to the survey, the gap in life expectancy between the rich and poor groups in Norway has reached 14 years.

It can be seen that the statement that the thickness of the wallet determines the length of life is not untargeted. In addition to "yttrium 90 microspheres", the problem of sky-high imports actually occurs in many other cutting-edge life technology fields.

For example, SMA reagents with a single use cost of up to 14 million and Class B hemophilia specific effect needles with a single use cost of 24.7 million per dose. There is also the "Wright Wlife" type of technology that has been ridiculed as a "rich man's time game" and has shown the effect of extending survival in Massachusetts and Oxford.

End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

Fortunately, after two years of domestic application, the "yttrium 90 microsphere" technology has finally ushered in a turnaround in the near future - under the leadership of Professor Teng Gaojun of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the first domestic "yttrium 90 microsphere" application surgery was completed.

According to the data, while the domestic "yttrium 90 microsphere" has achieved localization of core materials, it has made major breakthroughs in R&D costs and production difficulties. The original price of 400,000 a dose was reduced to 30,000 yuan for 100 ml after domestic production, and 100 ml is enough to meet the needs of an operation.

Not only that, in addition to "yttrium 90 microspheres", domestic penicillin, PD-1 monoclonal antibody and "Wright wlife" technology, after technical changes, their use thresholds have been greatly reduced.

End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

Interestingly, after perceiving the above changes, many foreign media actually angrily criticized the mainland's price reduction behavior and undermined market rules.

To be sure, no matter which angle you analyze, it is never us who break the rules of the market. As mentioned many times before, it has been evaluated by European and American academic circles as "Wright WLIFE" technology that "can help human beings enter the century-old era in advance".

In the early years, when such technology first came out, it was speculated by the European and American net worth of 20,000 per gram by virtue of its good performance in empowering cell mitochondria and inverting aging indicators. However, the exaggerated threshold of use makes most people "shut out".

End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

Later, due to its own special properties, the above substances were favored by a Japanese company, and invested funds to successfully commercialize them, which caused a lot of repercussions in the market.

After a period of operation, "Wright WLIFE" technology entered China through Jingdong and Tmall channels by chance. Although this type of substance has successfully attracted the attention of domestic groups by relying on its performance in "slowing down the aging of the body", it can only be reduced to a game for a few people because of its high threshold for use.

Until the past two years, under the leadership of domestic bioscience and technology enterprises, the "Wright WLIFE" technology was successfully domestically produced, and the threshold for use was lowered to four digits, so that more ordinary people could also enjoy the benefits brought by such cutting-edge technologies.

End 400,000 sky-high imports! Domestic "life-saving needles" reduced prices by ninety percent, foreign media: broken rules

Coincidentally, the above 14 million doses of SMA reagents have also received good news recently, and the threshold for use has been greatly reduced after domestic substitution; There is also the original 700,000 doses of "nocinaxen sodoxen", which was successfully included in medical insurance in the past two years, and the patient's self-payment part was only 6,000 yuan.

In recent years, the determination of domestic products to solve the problem of sky-high imported drugs is believed to be visible to everyone. Just as Zhang Jinni, a negotiator of the National Health Insurance Administration, solemnly said at the negotiation site of the medical insurance catalog: "Every small group should not be abandoned."

"I hope that there is no suffering in the world, I would rather put medicine on the shelf and dust", solving the problem of sky-high imported drugs seems to be a simple change in a few numbers, but behind it is the "desire for life" of all sick groups, which is worth pondering for each of us!