
The bone age is one year older, the height is less than 5-7 cm, do you know the child's bone age condition?

author:Rongsheng Health

How do people grow taller?

Objectively speaking, height is determined by the height of the bones, and the bones that make up the height include the skull, spine, thigh bones, calf bones and foot bones, and the skeletal factors affecting height also include the curvature of the spine and the height of the arch.

The bone age is one year older, the height is less than 5-7 cm, do you know the child's bone age condition?

Human growth and development can be expressed by two "ages", namely age at life (calendar age) and age at biology (age at bone).

Biological age (bone age): is the bone maturity at each age, that is, by observing the changes in the size, morphology, structure and interrelationship of the ossification center to judge the degree of physical and physiological development, through statistical processing of the degree of development, in the form of age, expressed in years of biological age.

The growth of height begins in the fetal period. After the birth of the child, the height grows every year, and the bone age also grows every year. When boys reach the age of 16 and girls reach the age of 14, height growth basically stops.

For example, two 6-year-olds, A and B,

In a year's time, A has grown 4 cm tall and B has grown 8 cm taller, who do you think has a better growth trend?

I believe many people will think that the growth trend of B is better.

But if the bone age of A year is 0.5 years longer, and the bone age of B year is 1.5 years longer, then, who has the better growth trend?

The answer is A.

The bone age is one year older, the height is less than 5-7 cm, do you know the child's bone age condition?

As shown in the figure above: assume that A and B are both 120 cm tall at the age of 6 and both have a bone age of 6 years.

One year later, A's height was 124 cm and his bone age was 6.5 years; B's height was 128 cm and his bone age was 7.5 years.

In the figure above, depicting the height percentile where A and B are located, it can be seen that A is 75th and B is 50th. So we say, A's growth trend is better.

From the above example, we can grasp two key factors: height growth rate and bone age growth rate.

The relationship between height growth rate and bone age growth rate is like classic cars and racing cars in competition.

Classic cars (height growth) are slow, but fuel-efficient;

Racing (bone growth) is fast, but fuel-intensive.

Fast cars consume fixed gasoline and may reach the end of 180 cm early; It may also run fast in the early stage, the gasoline consumption is too fast, and the gasoline is used up in the later stage, and it can only stay in the halfway of 170 cm forever.

The tortoise-speed classic car runs slowly, although it takes more time, but it slowly consumes a fixed amount of gasoline and can eventually climb to the end of 180 cm;

Of course, it is also possible to run too slowly, and eventually run out of gasoline, and only run to 165 centimeters.

It can be seen that the speed of the car (height growth rate) and the speed of gasoline consumption (bone age growth rate) jointly determine how far the car can run in the end.

That is to say: the faster the speed (height growth), the better, and the slower the gasoline consumption (the rate at which bones grow), the better.

How to increase the speed of the vehicle (promote growth)?

In addition to early prevention and treatment of diseases, reasonable diet, appropriate nutrient supplementation, appropriate exercise, adequate sleep, good mood, regular growth monitoring, and prevention of overweight and obesity are all effective means of height promotion.

To increase the rate of height growth, it is necessary to "multi-pronged", and the comprehensive height promotion method ice crystal helps to grow taller and has a profound impact on the child's health.

Nutrition - Eat a balanced diet

1. Protein

Protein is the main raw material for growing taller, mainly found in animal foods such as lean meat, fish, shrimp and other seafood, animal offal, eggs, milk, soy products are also an ideal source of high-quality protein.

2. Calcium

Milk is the most ideal source of calcium, it is best to ensure about 500 ml per day; Soy milk, shrimp skin and various vegetables also contain more calcium.

3. Vitamins and trace elements

Let your child eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood, and eat some nut foods to provide sufficient vitamins and trace elements.

4. Limit junk food

Junk food and drinks contain a variety of additives, and excessive consumption of children in the developing stage will affect height and damage the brain.

5. It is not encouraged to give children supplements and nutritional products, such as protein powder, royal jelly, etc., which is likely to be counterproductive.

Exercise more - exercise for 20 minutes a day

1. Run

Jog for 10 minutes, do flexibility and relaxation training for 20 minutes, including splitting legs, bending back and forth, shaking the body, etc.

2. Jump training

More than 200 times a day, such as jumping up and touching height, jumping on one foot and taking turns; Children aged 5-10 can choose to jump rope.

3. Swim

It is more beneficial to the growth of spinal bones and limb bones, and can be learned at the age of 4-8.

4. Pull-ups

Promotes hyperplasia of the bones of the spine; It can also be dangled on the horizontal bar for 20-30 seconds at a time.

5. Balls

Basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc., after exercise, there should be relaxation exercises and pay attention to hydration.

6. Pulling exercises

One parent holds the child's hands and the other grasps both feet, while gently pulling the body for 20 seconds at a time.


The bone age is one year older, the height is less than 5-7 cm, do you know the child's bone age condition?

Positive posture - correct the child's poor posture

1. Stand up

Look up at eye level, spine straight, stretch your back, pelvis position just above the legs, abdominal force, calves relaxed. Prevents compression of the bone discs in the spine from causing shortening.

2. Sleeping position

Lie on your back with pillows lowered. The pressure on the lower back is one-third of that of lying on the side to avoid squeezing the lumbar spine.

3. Seated

The neck is straight and does not extend forward, the back is straight, the hips are seated, the legs are not shojilang, and the neck is often moved.

Stay asleep – go to bed before 22 o'clock

1. Around 10 p.m., the secretion of growth hormone reaches its highest level, and you must go to sleep at this time.

2. Long sleep time will affect the secretion of growth hormone in the human body, but only when entering deep sleep, the mechanism of growth hormone secretion will be initiated.

3. Two periods of sleep are very important for growing taller. From 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. the next day, especially around 10 p.m., the secretion of growth hormone reaches the highest, which can reach 5-7 times that of the day; An hour or two around 6 a.m. is also a small peak in secretion.

The bone age is one year older, the height is less than 5-7 cm, do you know the child's bone age condition?

❌ Five wrong ways to affect your child's height growth

1. Overfeeding

Excessive nutritional supplementation, on the one hand, may lead to indigestion in children, on the other hand, excess nutrition can easily damage the spleen and stomach, showing problems such as difficulty in defecation, and may be counterproductive.

2. Don't go out

Ultraviolet rays in sunlight can accelerate the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, which is very important for children's bone development.

3. Less exercise

Exercise can help stretch joints, promote cartilage stress, etc. Generally, 2 hours of exercise per day can be guaranteed.

4. Go to bed too late and wake up too early

Ensuring that children get enough sleep can help hormone secretion and promote height development.

5. Calcium supplementation

Excessive calcium supplementation can easily lead to early closure of the child's bones, limiting the baby's height. As long as you are not partial eaters, not picky eaters, balanced nutrition, and insist on basking in the sun, there is basically no need to supplement calcium.

How to reduce gasoline consumption (delay bone age)?

1) Avoid being overweight and obese

We can understand it this way: weight grows fast, "gasoline" (bone age) is consumed quickly, so overweight and obesity are not good for growth and development.

Because rapid growth of weight will cause fat accumulation, there is a substance called aromatase in fat will increase, aromatase will convert testosterone into estrogen, excess estrogen in turn accelerate the growth of long bones and growth plate calcification closure, accelerate bone age growth.

Therefore, short and obese children need to control their weight to delay the growth rate of bone age and buy more time for subsequent height growth.

2) Adjust your diet and avoid bad habits

The daily diet should be scientific and reasonable, to ensure the protein, vitamins, etc. needed by the body, eat more dietary fiber-rich cereals, vegetables, fruits, such as corn, spinach, cabbage, bananas, apples, etc., to enhance physical fitness, make bone age grow slower, and promote the growth of height;

If excessive intake of puffed food, etc., puffed food contains preservatives, excessive intake may cause precocious puberty, causing endocrine disorders, so that bone age develops early, and then causes the situation of low growth. Since the night is the time when the secretion of growth hormone is relatively strong, you should also develop a good work and rest time to avoid staying up late excessively;

3) Early prevention and treatment of diseases

It should be noted that if the child's bone age is more than one year or more ahead of the actual age, the growth potential is impaired, and the adult lifelong height is not ideal, it is best to take the child to the hospital for a detailed examination, and the bone age needs to be intervened under the guidance of a professional doctor.


[1]. Health Times, Life Times, Pengcheng Evening News, etc

[2]. Blue Arc - It turns out that bone age is the real baton for height growth.

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