
What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

author:Department of Urology, Dr. Li Guanru

Mr. Zhang is 46 years old this year, and recently, somehow, he always feels a little overwhelmed when it comes to conjugal life. So, he carried his wife to the hospital for a check-up.

The doctor conducted a simple physical examination of Mr. Zhang, and arranged for him to do blood and urine routine and imaging examinations, but did not find any abnormalities in Mr. Zhang's body. In the process of talking with Mr. Zhang, I found that he has been under a lot of pressure recently, and his usual activity is relatively small, so I advised him to go outdoors to exercise his body, and when he is fine, he can do lifting exercises.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

Mr. Zhang didn't quite understand what the doctor meant, and the doctor told him that men doing more lifting exercises can help them improve their ability to "that aspect" to a certain extent. So, what is an "lift"? What are the benefits of "lift" for men? Let me tell you all at once.

1. What is lift? What should be done?

When it comes to "lift", many people may feel strange and do not know what it is. In fact, lifting is a way to exercise the sphincter, and it is also an ancient and unique health exercise. The exercise is simple to do, and there is no limit to the occasion, time, and many benefits to the body.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

The "lift" exercise can be performed in a standing, sitting, or supine position. Among them, standing anal lift is to cross your feet and stand, cross your hands at the waist, stand on tiptoe while trying to clamp your legs as tightly as possible to retract your hips, at this time lift the anus up, maintain a contracted posture for 5 seconds, and then relax, and repeat 10-20 times.

Sitting to lift the anus requires maintaining a sitting posture, then straightening the chest and tummy, and consciously doing urethral contraction in the lower body, which can exercise the vagina and rectal sphincter at the same time. This action also needs to be repeated 10-20 times, each time for 5 seconds.

Supine anal lift is on the bed, the heels and head of both feet as triangular support points, appropriately raise the buttocks, so that the muscles of the genitals and anus contract, insist for 5 seconds and relax, repeat 10-20 times.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

In addition, when urinating, you can also do lifting exercises. The method is very simple, that is, deliberately interrupt urination during urination, so that the muscles of the genitals and anus contract for about 5 seconds, and then relax the muscles and continue to urinate. In the process of lift, you can combine breath holding during exercise to ensure the effect of contracting muscles.

Through lifting exercises, the surrounding perianal muscles can become tense, protect the pelvic floor muscles, improve pelvic blood circulation and reproductive system function. If men regularly lift their anus, they can get a lot of benefits.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

Second, men often do lifting exercises, and there will be unexpected gains.

lift exercises are designed to effectively exercise the pelvic floor muscles by contracting and relaxing the sphincter. For men, the main benefits are as follows:

1. Reduce pain

If men do not pay attention to a healthy diet, coupled with sedentary for a long time, it is easy to cause perianal vein congestion, local swelling, itching, bleeding during defecation, pain, itching, hemorrhoidal prolapse and other symptoms, if the stool is too dry and hard, it will cause blood and pain in the stool. By doing lifting exercises, it can promote local blood circulation and effectively relieve the pain symptoms of the anus.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

Not only that, if men have mild rupture and bleeding due to defecation, they can promote local blood circulation and reduce pain by doing lifting exercises, while enhancing local cell activity and helping cells repair and regenerate. If the rupture bleeding is severe and lasts for a long time, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination and treatment.

2. Prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are common anorectal diseases, it is understood that the probability of Chinese adults suffering from hemorrhoids is 51.14%, most men appear hemorrhoids are mainly caused by long-term sedentary and poor bowel habits. If you want to prevent hemorrhoids or repeated attacks of hemorrhoids, men can do lifting exercises appropriately at ordinary times.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

lifting exercises are beneficial to promote local blood circulation and avoid local congestion or enlargement after excessive blood deposits in the venous plexus at the lower end of the rectum. Not only that, when the rectal hemorrhoids prolapse, you can also do lifting exercises to contain the prolapsed hemorrhoids to avoid further aggravation.

It is worth mentioning that not all patients with hemorrhoids are suitable for lifting exercises, such as acute inflammation of internal hemorrhoids or protrusion, incarceration, perianal abscess, etc., to avoid lifting exercises, so as not to cause excessive stimulation to the local area, resulting in further aggravation of the condition.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

3. Improve reproductive function

Many men are more concerned about their reproductive function and are afraid of impotence, premature ejaculation and other conditions. In fact, you can usually help yourself improve your ability in this area by doing lifting exercises.

Because men do anal lifting exercises, they can exercise the muscles of pelvic floor control and urination control ejaculation, which helps promote penile erection and ejaculation regulation. If the man's own muscle strength to control ejaculation is insufficient, it is prone to premature ejaculation, and by improving exercise and improving the strength of the muscles in this area, premature ejaculation symptoms can be alleviated to a certain extent and the quality of sexual life can be improved.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

It can be seen that anal lifting exercise for men can increase penile erection hardness, maintain erection time, improve sexual function, and also help health.

Not only that, women can also improve pelvic blood circulation and sexual function by doing lifting exercises. Because this exercise can contract the vaginal sphincter, the elasticity of the vaginal muscles is enhanced. Postpartum lifting or Kegel exercise can improve women's quality of life by 91.16%.

Especially after husband and wife life, lifting exercise can effectively relieve vaginismus, enhance vaginal elasticity, improve sexual function, and prevent and improve gynecological diseases. However, everyone's situation is different, and lifting exercises are not suitable for anyone.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

Third, not everyone can raise the anus, it is recommended to exercise reasonably according to their own situation.

Although lifting is good for the body, it is not suitable for exercise in some cases. For example, if the anus has been traumatized, or has undergone hemorrhoid surgery, and left old injuries after treatment, avoid lifting exercises. If the anus is lifted frequently, it may cause local rupture again, bleeding, and even infection.

In addition, people with rectal protrusion and pelvic floor muscle retardation symptoms should also avoid lifting exercises, so as not to overstimulate the local area and further aggravate the condition. If there is sedentary motion, constipation, obesity, urine leakage, etc., you can do lifting exercises appropriately.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

For example, sedentary people are prone to poor blood circulation in the lower limbs or buttocks, increasing the incidence of constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity and other conditions, if you can insist on lifting exercises, you can alleviate these conditions to a certain extent. In addition, people suffering from prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia can also effectively promote the improvement of prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia and other conditions by doing lifting exercises.

The effect of lifting exercises may not be as fast as everyone thinks. Because everyone has individual differences, the time of effect is different, and it usually takes 1-3 months to see some effect. Moreover, when doing lifting exercises, there are some precautions to follow.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

4. What are the precautions for lifting exercise?

lift exercises can be performed at any time of the day, and the best time to exercise is every morning or before bedtime. Especially when you get up in the morning, it is when the body starts to work and the blood circulation of the whole body returns to normal, and the body muscles are more relaxed, so the effect of exercise is better.

When doing lifting exercises, pay attention to maintaining a gentle breathing rate to pay attention to the consistency and uniformity of movements, in order to effectively stimulate the pelvic floor muscles and make the effect of exercise reach a more ideal degree. If you are emotional and overworked, it is recommended to rest for a period of time and wait for the body to recover calm before exercising.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

It is worth mentioning that when performing lifting exercises, it is necessary to pay attention to the amplitude of force, slow speed, and standard movements. Although it is necessary to exercise the body, it is not advisable to do this exercise for a long time, and it is best not to exercise more than 3 times a day, so as not to cause abnormal spasms of the muscles and affect urination.

If discomfort occurs during the exercise, it is recommended to change to another exercise method or stop the exercise. If the discomfort symptoms are obvious, it is best to go to the hospital for examination and treatment according to the actual situation.

What benefits will men who insist on "lifting" get? Don't be shy and make it clear all at once

The doctor has something to say

Men who insist on "lifting" can improve sexual function and prevent and treat some diseases. Not only men, but also women can do lifting exercises, and the body can also reap benefits. It is recommended that everyone reasonably carry out lifting exercises to maintain health care.

Dear friends, have you ever done an lift exercise? If you have other questions, or have a better way to exercise, you can leave a message below and discuss together.


【1】. "Always raise the anus, live and kang". WANG Yanqun. Family Medicine.2023-04-01

【2】. "Did you raise your anus today". Irving; CHEN Bangfei. HealthExpo.2021-08-01