
Zhongguancun Forum丨Kai-Fu Lee: The AI 2.0 era will subvert many industries and is the biggest platform revolution ever

author:Red Star News

Red Star Capital Bureau news on May 28, at the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum "Artificial Intelligence Big Model Development Forum", Kai-Fu Lee, chairman and CEO of Innovation Factory, said in his speech that the AI 2.0 era will subvert many industries, such as search engines, e-commerce, finance, education, film and television entertainment, medical care, games, etc., and AI will enter the entity in the future, which will reconstruct human life and work. "AI big models are a historical opportunity that China cannot miss."

Zhongguancun Forum丨Kai-Fu Lee: The AI 2.0 era will subvert many industries and is the biggest platform revolution ever

"This is the biggest platform revolution ever." Kai-Fu Lee predicts that every existing APP today will be reconstructed by AI 2.0, and the entire AI 2.0 model will bring a wave of technological revolution, even 10 times larger than Windows and Android in the past, it will make every application rewritten, it will reconstruct human work, and many repetitive labor will be replaced.

In March this year, Kai-Fu Lee announced the preparation of a new company, Project AI 2.0, a new global AI company, targeting the field of large models. After the meeting, in an interview with the media, he also responded to the media including Red Star Capital Bureau on relevant matters.

He believes that AI 2.0 is not just a technology company, but a platform company and application company. "In the past, platform companies, they built success with technology plus platform plus application, and I think it is a very unique opportunity to be able to integrate application platform and technology. There have probably been three or four such opportunities in human history, and this time it was 10 times greater, so we decided to do such a thing. ”

Kai-Fu Lee pointed out that breakthrough technology development is often not China's lead, but when technology gradually matures, it is possible for China to catch up with or even surpass the United States.

From an investment point of view, today's AI has entered the 2.0 era from 1.0, especially the outbreak of artificial intelligence large models, which makes large models have a very large market value.

Kai-Fu Lee believes that AI 2.0 platforms and applications will disrupt many industries. He stressed that high-quality data is very important, and future large models will have multimodal functions and the ability to perform tasks.

Zhongguancun Forum丨Kai-Fu Lee: The AI 2.0 era will subvert many industries and is the biggest platform revolution ever

"The development path of large models needs open source, but we can't rely too much on open source models." Lee Kai-fu said.

He explained that first of all, the open source model cannot achieve the performance of the self-developed model of overseas large manufacturers, and other people's floors are your ceiling. Second, from a commercial point of view, the open source technology of overseas manufacturers is at risk of being shut down, and may even set more restrictions. Finally, it is very dangerous to fine-tune models trained overseas in China, because different cultures, user habits, and laws and regulations at home and abroad will pose huge risks.

There are some views that need to be examined when developing large models in China, such as using overseas open source large models to make a Chinese version of OpenAI, not needing large models and small models, and too many Chinese large models entering companies. Kai-Fu Lee believes that these views are not accurate, and independent innovation is the only way for the development of large models.

He said that China's large model companies should no longer rely on the open source models of others, and need to establish their own IP and technical advantages as soon as possible to form a moat and establish competitive barriers.

It is worth noting that Kai-Fu Lee stressed that China is still catching up in the field of big models, so it is necessary to encourage a variety of different models to do it, and it is impossible to determine which company will end up in the end. "Everyone has a chance now."

Red Star News reporter Wang Tian

Edited by Yu Dongmei

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Zhongguancun Forum丨Kai-Fu Lee: The AI 2.0 era will subvert many industries and is the biggest platform revolution ever

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