
Wanbailin District, Taiyuan City: CPPCC members of the district investigated and inspected the industrial economic operation of the whole district and the cultivation of "small upgrading" enterprises

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station is comprehensive

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On October 14, Liu Guijiang, secretary of the CPPCC leading group and chairman of the CPPCC District Committee, led some CPPCC members from the economic sector to inspect the industrial economy and the cultivation of "small upgrading" enterprises in Wanbailin District, and Chen Junfeng, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and deputy governor of the district, and Lu Baodong, member of the party group and vice chairman of the District CPPCC Committee, attended. The District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology was mainly accompanied by responsible comrades.

Wanbailin District, Taiyuan City: CPPCC members of the district investigated and inspected the industrial economic operation of the whole district and the cultivation of "small upgrading" enterprises

The inspection team successively went deep into the production workshop of Fenxi Electric Company, the robot production workshop of HIT Robot North China Manufacturing Base, and the robot exhibition hall of Hong Kong and Macao Center for on-site inspection, and learned in detail about product research and development, production and sales with the relevant responsible persons of the enterprise. Subsequently, the inspection team held a discussion in the conference room of the Hong Kong and Macao Center on the operation of the industrial economy in our region and the cultivation of "small upgrading" enterprises. At the forum, after the principal responsible comrades of the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology reported on the operation of the industrial economy and the work of "small upgrading" in the whole region, the CPPCC members talked freely about their feelings in light of their own work reality and what they learned during the inspection, and put forward many constructive opinions and suggestions on the problems found during the inspection.

Wanbailin District, Taiyuan City: CPPCC members of the district investigated and inspected the industrial economic operation of the whole district and the cultivation of "small upgrading" enterprises

After listening to the suggestions of the committee members, Chen Junfeng said that the opinions and suggestions of the committee members have great reference and guiding significance for the economic development and industrial development of the whole region, and the district government will implement the suggestions and opinions of the committee members one by one, transform the opinions and suggestions into specific measures for promoting high-quality development in all aspects of our district, and save new momentum for the industrial economy of the Wanbailin District to become bigger and stronger. At the same time, it is hoped that the district CPPCC committee will actively build a bridge for the members to make suggestions and suggestions, establish a system of regular meetings of the committee members, hold regular forums in different industries and sectors, and form an information-based reporting and notification mechanism.

Liu Guijiang fully affirmed the work of the District Industrial and Information Technology Bureau and pointed out: Industry is the main body of the real economy and the main focus of building a modern economic system. The first is to improve the position of the station and effectively enhance the sense of mission and responsibility for doing a good job in the cause of industry and information technology. Take the focus of the district party committee and the district government as the source of dedication of wisdom and strength, understand the overall situation, look at the overall situation, grasp the major events, grasp the regional conditions to find ways, break the predicament, do a better and stronger advantage of the manufacturing industry, accelerate the transformation of the manufacturing structure, strengthen the cultivation of emerging industries, do a good job of "addition" and "increment"; the second is to recognize the situation, strengthen confidence and fully promote the completion of the industrial economic goals and tasks. Establish the concept of promoting the expansion of the total economic volume with industrial development, seize the opportunity, take extraordinary measures, so that both service and management must be firm, solve problems in project promotion, promote project advancement in solving problems, and complete all work goals and tasks for the whole year; the third is to target forces and accurately solve problems to create a new situation in the development of industrial and information technology undertakings in our region. From a high starting point and high standards, we plan the industrial and information work of the whole region, and introduce corresponding support policies to promote the healthy development of the industrial economy in the whole region. Enhance the basic capabilities of advantageous industries and the level of modernization of the industrial chain, continue to promote the intelligent manufacturing industry to "make up for shortcomings, strengthen the chain, and increase efficiency"; accelerate the construction of key projects in our region, further strengthen the monitoring and guidance of the industry in the region, and promote the integration of enterprises in the region into the regulations; support a number of supporting enterprises in the industrial chain, strive for financial policy support for enterprises, adapt enterprises to the national innovation-driven development strategy, and create a new growth point for high-quality development of the regional economy.

Source: District CPPCC Office Editor-in-Charge: Tang Hua Li Lin

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