
Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

author:Sister Na's little bar

The first generation of Internet celebrity Luo Yufeng, known as "Feng Jie" said in the United States some time ago:

"My American dream is shattered, I do nail art in the black area, I have a bad life, I have a bad life, I am not even as good as a dog." 」

Is this for the eyeballs? Or is it her real state of life in the United States? "Hand tearing" insults Cang Jingkong, non-Tsinghua Peking University does not marry, many times with bottomless insults to China in exchange for the United States green card, now reduced to this point, I can only say that I deserve it.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" how is > Fengjie red? </h1>

In 1985, Feng Jie was born in a rural family in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, and when she was born, she was called "ugly girl" by her mother because of her big face.

At a very young age, her parents have divorced, as the eldest daughter in the family, Feng Jie's childhood is also sad, she has done all kinds of dirty work, she has turned over things to eat in the garbage can, and she has also picked up leftovers that others do not want, and tasted the cold and warm of the world, Feng Jie said in the program:

"Affection? It was too extravagant for me, as if I had never received it, but only endless humiliation and ridicule, beaten and tempered by life. ”

The family is poor jingle, the long is not outstanding, although it has been bullied by many people, but Fengjie is very confident.

Although he has been ridiculed by many people since he was a child, people are very optimistic, and when they start classes in elementary school, they like to look in the mirror, and they always like to compare with the beautiful female classmates in the class.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

After graduating from the Chongqing Institute of Education, she worked as a female cashier in a Carrefour supermarket in Shanghai and later worked as a Chinese teacher in a primary school.

Feng Jie's monthly salary in Shanghai is only more than 1,000 yuan, many times even can not pay the rent, living in a damp and crowded rental house, how can she be willing?

She wanted to get ahead, even if it was by any means.

At that time, the Internet era came, the first generation of Internet celebrities had emerged on the Internet, and Feng Jie also wanted to share a piece of the pie, because she knew very well that this might be the only chance for her to change her fate as a poor person, and later at a party, Feng Jie heard a friend talk about the Internet hype, and Feng Jie was very interested in it.

On October 15, 2006, an Internet celebrity named "Ai Jianyan" claimed that he wanted to exchange a needle for a villa in 100 days.

This kind of curious behavior is actually imitating The Canadian Internet celebrity MacDonald, which is hype to put it bluntly, and there is a whole team behind the scenes.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Feng Jie felt very fresh after listening to it, wanted to imitate each other's behavior, and also wanted to try to use a needle for a villa trick to make herself famous, so Feng Jie contacted the behind-the-scenes team of "Ai Qingqing" on the Internet, and proposed to cooperate with each other to hype together on the Internet, but after seeing the photo, the team people did not want to reject her, directly and mercilessly said to Feng Jie:

"You look too ugly, there is really no value of hype, the most important thing is that you are still poor, what can you give us, can not pay a penny, but also want us to help you?" You have no investment value, no money is long and ugly, even if you are willing to be estimated by the boss's unspoken rules, no one wants it. ”

In 2009, Feng Jie was married in Shanghai, although she did not look good, but people were very confident, first ran to the Shanghai subway station to distribute marriage leaflets, and then went to the emotional program of the TV station to say that they had seven marriage conditions.

Feng Jie's own conditions are probably like this:

"One meter for four or five, weighing about 42 kilograms, looks like an inexhaustible word, college education, with incomparably deep nostrils, 28 front teeth, about 1,000 yuan a month, sometimes even can't afford to pay rent."

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

But Feng Jie's marriage conditions are as follows:

"I am not married to Tsinghua Peking University, I swear to marry a Tsinghua or Peking University master's student who is 1.76 to 1.83 in height, in addition to the height to meet the requirements, but also must be very handsome."

So netizens said that "Feng Jie is simply invincible and super confident in the universe", in fact, it is not unreasonable.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Fengjie's series of requirements for the man far exceed her own conditions, naturally attracted a lot of people's ridicule, but she was on fire, attracted a lot of media reports and social attention, everyone wanted to see her jokes, later, many reporters also found her, gave Fengjie a "performance" opportunity, Fengjie is very confident, January 27, Fengjie said on Jiangsu Satellite TV "I want to marry Prince Charming":

"I read a lot of books at the age of nine, reached the peak at the age of 20, and no one could match for 300 years after 300 years of IQ, mainly reading some economic and humanities and social science books like "Zhiyin" and "Story Club"."

At that time, the host Zhao Danjun stayed there, did not say a word for a long time, and then said: "It is so." ”

Sister Feng often bragged about her talents, and others said:

"Few people can compare the poems I write, a bit like Gu Cheng, and I am also very good at writing articles, and Lu Xun is like that."

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

But to be fair, although Feng Jie exaggerated herself, but there is indeed a little ink in her stomach, Feng Jie's poem "This is a world of survival of the fittest" was once published by Shaanxi "Yanhe" magazine, and the magazine editor once commented on Feng Jie's poem:

"Without any colored glasses to look at, this poem is indeed OK, the style of the poem is influenced by Gu Cheng and other poets, although Feng Jie's behavior is very vulgar, I myself do not like it, but people who do not look at her, her poems are indeed very literary, directly hitting the depths of people's hearts."

And when Feng Jie was studying at Chongqing Institute of Education, many classmates privately called her "ugly female poet", although they did not recognize Feng Jie's appearance, but many people went to recognize her literary literacy, Feng Jie often participated in major interest forums, although the poems written were very beautiful, but there was not much like her, many boys hid far away as soon as they saw her, and not many girls were willing to take care of her, Feng Jie slowly liked to find comfort in the online world, because no one on the Internet knew her face, Feng Jie gave herself a screen name called "Dream" and met many like-minded poets.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

But one day, the poets held an offline party, originally thought that Feng Jie was a talented beauty, but Feng Jie arrived but let many people disappointed, and then the cost of the dinner was originally AA system, the meal has not yet eaten half, the group of poets casually found a reason to say:

"That, dream, how can eating cost you money, you eat slowly here alone, don't worry, we have to go beforehand."

It is precisely because of this incident that deeply stimulated FengJie, after graduation, she left her hometown to go to the big city of Shanghai, hoping to come to a larger platform to change her fate, and later Fengjie wrote in her diary:

"I know they hate me, I know they just want to find a reason to abandon me, and I swear that I must be famous, that I must become rich, that I must become a noble cityman, so that everyone will not dare to look down on me." 」

The program group also invited Sister Feng's ex-boyfriend Xiao Wu, Who is handsome, graduated from college, speaks elegantly, and the conditions at home are not bad, but Sister Feng said with a look of disgust:

"Xiao Wu can't do it, he's too poor, the long one is not as good as me, the person is not very smart, I think we are not suitable, he is not worthy of me, my husband must be Tsinghua Peking University, and the family must be rich and handsome, Xiao Wu will forget it."

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Sister Feng kept making fun of Xiao Wu, but Xiao Wu also said that she liked Sister Feng and hoped to get her heart.

Later, the program group invited Sister Feng's current boyfriend Xiaozhi, who had better conditions:

Tall and handsome, a proper handsome man, he was mixed with the manager of the company at a young age, and he had a house and a car in Shanghai, and he had the ability and courage to be a proper diamond king.

But for her current boyfriend Xiaozhi, Feng Jie said:

"It's barely ok."

Everyone listens to her like a joke, Sister Feng likes to "tell jokes" to everyone, in the arrogance, Sister Feng can be described as unprecedented.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Feng Jie does not have a clear understanding of herself, the mentality is not wrong at all, it is simply distorted, everyone has a heart that loves beauty and likes excellent people, everyone has the right to pursue happiness, but to seek truth from facts, with an incomparably impetuous mentality to luxury some people who are not worthy of themselves at all, this is not optimistic, or it is good to be ambitious, or that this is originally acting, some people like to act, some people like to watch.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > "hand-torn" Cangjing empty</h1>

On the evening of June 17, 2010, at the Shanghai Changning International Gymnastics Center, Feng Jie once again released the "Thunderman Remarks".

The organizers looked at the fame of Fengjie, invited Fengjie to participate in a game conference, at the press conference, Fengjie can be described as ugly, just like a "pistachio", Fengjie's every speech always caused many people to laugh, and then the host sent a copy of "Story Club" to her hand, and Fengjie pretended to tell her understanding of the book.

After the press conference, the organizer did not arrange a special car to send Feng Jie away, Feng Jie wore a bloated green monster suit and still fantasized about having a special car transfer, waiting for a long time, and could only leave alone in embarrassment.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Just as Feng Jie walked out of the International Gymnastics Center, a bold audience member rushed to Feng Jie, picked up the camera and patted him, and said in a teasing tone:

"Yes, confident enough, so funny, you're just a weird guy."

Unexpectedly, this angered Feng Jie, so she said loudly to the audience:

"You go and shoot that prostitute, what am you doing filming me for?"

After saying this sentence, Feng Jie said a lot of very ugly words, Feng Jie said not others, said is Cangjing Kong, as a heavyweight guest, Cangjing Kong was also invited to participate in this game conference, just a few minutes ago, Feng Jie and Cang Jing Kong was still on the stage to show talent, the two also said that there was laughter, and now Feng Jie turned her face and did not recognize people, and it is said that the two also had a dispute, so they fought for this.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

At that time, Aoi's popularity in China was very high, because at the time of the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai, Aoi called on the Japanese people to donate money on social platforms. Because of this move, Aoi has countless fans in China, and has been called by many people: "the kindest Japanese female star." ”

The video of FengJie scolding Cangjingkong was recorded by people with hearts, and then this video was circulated on the Internet, which angered many netizens at once, and once again made Fengjie stand on the cusp of public opinion.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" why did > Fengjie scold Cangjingkong? </h1>

Many people can't understand why Sister Feng scolded Cangjingkong, you know that just a few minutes ago, the two people talked and laughed on the stage, and also started a game, becoming a good sister, and Cangjingkong never offended her.

Some netizens said that it was because Cangjingkong's occupation made Feng Jie look down on her, but not long ago Feng Jie also said:

"I understand that Miss Aoi, under the weight of life, can't help herself, she is really a heart-wrenching woman, and I deeply admire her."

It can be said that Feng Jie is completely saying that one set does one set, and there is no reason for scolding people at all, and later someone said:

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

"Sister Feng can become popular on the Internet, relying on an ugly face, relying on constant spitting out dirty words, relying on hype without a lower limit, relying on self-confidence."

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > the more I scolded, the happier I became</h1>

There are a large number of people who mock Feng Jie on the Internet, they take pleasure in scolding Feng Jie, but Feng Jie not only looks not sad, but takes pleasure in it, and many netizens set off round after round of scolding war on the Internet, laughing at them: "You are jealous of me, so you will want to hurt me with words again and again." ”

Feng Jie showed her face more and more times, and she did not refuse to interview people, and whenever she had the opportunity, she would say all kinds of "incredible and strange remarks." ”

On May 20, 2010, when Feng Jie participated in Qinghai Satellite TV's "Ga-Popcorn", Tu Lei, a guest of the program known as poisonous tongue, wanted to take the opportunity to make fun of Feng Jie, but he did not expect that he was embarrassed instead.

Feng Jie asked Tu Lei what kind of work he did, and Tu Lei said:

"I'm an intermittent psychopath."

This sentence clearly made Feng Jie ugly, so Feng Jie replied:

"So are you sick now?" , or is it normal? ”

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Tu Lei said all kinds of sarcastic words about Feng Jie, but every time he was snubbed by Feng Jie, leaving him dumbfounded, and Then Tu Lei really couldn't stand it, and took the initiative to admit defeat and quit the program recording scene early.

The remaining guests also conceded defeat one after another, and were scolded in front of Sister Feng.

In the show is arbitrary, on the social platform will also deliberately "harass" some stars, and even insult others without reason, so as to attract people's attention.

In February 2011, Feng Jie confessed Chen Guanxi on social platforms:

"I want to marry you, Guan Xige, I want to marry Chen Guanxi, people are serious, Guan Xige is so handsome."

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Chen Guanxi estimated that he wanted to spit it out at that time, but only replied with one sentence:

"You want to marry me and marry your sister."

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Seeing that Chen Guanxi was not interested in herself, Feng Jie reached out to Yu Wenle again and confessed Yu Wenle on the social platform:

"Brother Yu Wenge, I love you, can you accept me?"

Yu Wenleqiang endured the nausea and replied:

"You love me, but I don't love you."

Later, Feng Jie confessed to other stars, almost "offended" most of the people in the entertainment industry, naturally attracted the "humiliation and ridicule" of star fans, Feng Jie single-handedly endured the "wild storm" of netizens, which can be described as a battle of tongues, singled out the entire entertainment circle, and "declared war" on all handsome guys.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Later, even Aoi couldn't help but respond in Japanese:

"If you want to marry those handsome guys, do you have to confess so publicly?" Besides, such a person, I heard it correctly, right? I felt disgusting. ”

Using such means, deliberately provoking some celebrities who have never known, and even at the expense of being violently on the Internet, there is never a shortage of topics in Fengjie's body, but it is undeniable that Fengjie is getting hotter and hotter, and the fire is a mess.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > money</h1>

In December 2011, a shampoo company posted a news on social media:

"We are willing to use 1 million to hire Feng Jie to endorse one of our company's shampoo products."

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation on the Internet, and then a reporter broke out the news:

"Employees resolutely resisted Feng Jie becoming a spokesperson, and they took a scandalized photo of Feng Jie, drew a big red cross on the photo, and shouted a loud slogan."

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Because of the protests of employees, Feng Jie did not become a spokesperson, but then, Feng Jie began to make money on variety shows, and the frequency of appearances was extremely high, and the starting price of each appearance fee was more than 200,000 yuan, and later Feng Jie also worked part-time as a car model, becoming the hottest eye at the auto show site.

Although she did not become the spokesperson for the shampoo brand, but later another gastric medicine brand found her, Fengjie thus became the spokesperson of their company, just the advertising fee Fengjie recorded 300,000, which does not include the annual share in the future.

Later, some netizens sarcastically:

"I can even not take this kind of stomach medicine, I want to vomit when I see it, but I really can't eat it."

Later, Feng Jie said that she would go to plastic surgery, so she set up a motorcade and went to a plastic surgery hospital in Guangzhou, but finally found that it was just a show, Feng Jie did not have any surgery on her face, but the plastic surgery hospital went to fire.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

At this time, where Feng Jie went, she could always attract a lot of attention, became a huge traffic entrance, and casually participated in an activity to get the money that ordinary people had worked hard for decades, and Feng Jie also began a crazy gold mining model, appearing in major variety shows and TV stations.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > blocked and boycotted</h1>

Just when Feng Jie was making a lot of money, Zhu Hong, director of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and press spokesman, mercilessly criticized Feng Jie in her speech at Central China Normal University, directly saying that Feng Jie's vulgar and bad tastes must be resisted.

After that, Feng Jie "disappeared" in the major variety shows, and there were no tv stations and advertisers to find her, not only cutting off the financial road, but also suffering from the insults of netizens.

No way, no one is looking for her, then take the initiative to find someone else, there is no opportunity, then take the initiative to create opportunities.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

In the 2010 Oriental Satellite TV's "China's Got Talent" Shanghai audition scene, Feng Jie participated as a contestant, but the performance was really surprising, not only the singing was ugly, but even the lyrics could not be remembered, holding a small note with lyrics written in her hand, and then looking at the note singing, Feng Jie did not care, but only sang for less than ten seconds, even the judges could not watch it, directly let Feng Jie off the stage, but Feng Jie said:

"I'm the best person on the show, my songs are the best to listen to, do you have any opinions about me, or are you jealous of me?"

Seeing that Feng Jie refused to leave, the staff could only pull her down, and did not expect that something worse had happened.

Feng Jie just got off the stage was surrounded by a large number of people, Feng Jie just wanted to express her feelings, who knew that suddenly a man dressed in black suddenly rushed up to Feng Jie's head and threw an egg, and said loudly:

"Such a disgusting person should not come, I hope that the disgusting Feng Sister will get out of the talent show."

The man in black threw away the egg and ran, Feng Jie stayed there alone, her face was covered with egg liquid, Feng Jie was a little wanted to cry out, her eyes were also red, and the female host was worried that she would be hurt again and held her with both hands.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

At this moment, everyone suddenly found that Feng Jie is not an indomitable strong woman, but also has a fragile side, but usually did not show it, and many little girls in their 20s also know how to cry, wronged also need people to comfort and protect, just because of the appearance and bold behavior of many people hate, many people will think that she is an outlier.

I thought that I was successful in making money when I was red, but in the end I was woken up by a rotten egg, although I was already so red, but others still hated her so much, Feng Jie slowly doubted herself, thinking that since she could not go on in Shanghai, it was better to go back to her hometown, thinking that she was a celebrity, how could she be looked up to by others.

Unexpectedly, after returning to her hometown, Feng Jie was once again "punched in the face".

Feng Jie first went back to her alma mater, originally thought that someone would send flowers, hug back and forth, and engage in a grand welcome ceremony, but the security guards of the alma mater drove her out like a monster and splashed her with a basin of cold water, and the people at the school did not like her, thinking that she was a strange person.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

After returning to her hometown of Chongqing, her parents were ashamed of her, looked at her with disgust, looked at the news about her on the Internet, the family felt that their faces were lost, all the relatives and friends did not even want to talk to her, pretended not to know her, although Feng Jie had more money than all her relatives and friends at this time, but the people around her still looked down on her. Feng Jie got the money, but lost everything.

Later, walking on the street of her hometown, some people smashed eggs and spit on Feng Jie, and many people felt that Feng Jie had lost the face of the local area, and said that they would drive her out and forbid Feng Jie to return to her hometown.

After returning to Shanghai, Feng Jie did not want to stay in that sad place for a long time, so she thought of going to the United States, and unscrupulously got a green card in the United States, so that everyone envied her, at this time, Feng Jie did not care about any face, her personality had been distorted, or she could no longer be called a Chinese.

On January 7, 2011, Feng Jie posted various articles without any lower limits on social platforms:

"I want to be a traitor, I want to be a traitor, in fact, I don't have to sell the country, when I have money, I will buy everything, all the people who say bad things about me will die, and the ugly men and women will also die." 」

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Feng Jie also said:

"Only the United States and Russia are eligible for military parades celebrating victory in World War II."

On April 28, 2010, Feng Jie posted again:

"I went to the United States, I don't plan to go back when I go abroad, I plan to find an American to marry, and I want to find a husband who graduated from a high-achieving ivy school, you bless me." 」

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" > hated by Americans</h1>

When interviewed by many reporters in the United States, Feng Jie said:

"I'm hated by a lot of Chinese, I'm ugly in their eyes, here, I want to start a new life, and I believe I can live well here." 」

Soon after, Feng Jie's savings were spent in the United States, and because she did not have any academic qualifications, and did not have any professional skills, even English was unfavorable, when in New York, Feng Jie could not even afford to rent a slightly more expensive house, and lived in the basement for the first time, Feng Jie said on social platforms:

"The basement was dark and damp, I felt like I was about to freeze to death, when did I live so badly, I was looked down upon by many Americans, I was also looked down upon by the Chinese, when I was looking for a job, I was rejected by many people, I felt that I could not live." 」

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Later, a South Korean nail shop wanted her, and Feng Jie did nail art in it, because the nail salon happened to be in the black area of Brooklyn, the health was dirty and messy, the security conditions were not to mention, basically no one dared to come out after 12 o'clock, because there were a lot of small on the street, and there was a gunfight at every turn.

Because Feng Jie did not get a green card for a long time, she actually put words on the social platform:

"This damn USCIS, I'm going to burn it, what's the use of wanting it?" I hate America. ”

Because of this sentence, Feng Jie was sued by the US Immigration Bureau, in addition to huge compensation, she almost led to prison disasters.

In 2014, Feng Jie put a message on the Internet again:

"I'm going to run for the next president of the United States, and I want to compare with Obama, who is more capable of governing the country?"

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

But at this time, Feng Jie even spoke English unfavorably, and did not know where his confidence came from, and later Feng Jie went to the most prosperous street in New York to distribute marriage leaflets, but no one was willing to take care of her, just treated her as a neurosis.

Later, Feng Jie turned her eyes back to China and publicly called out to the star Yang Mi:

"You ugly woman with a plastic surgery."

Yang Mi couldn't bear it and replied:

"Not as ugly as you!"

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans
Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

In 2015, Feng Jie also recounted her love experience in the United States:

"I've lived in Chinatown for many years, I've had a lot of boyfriends, whether it's high school or Harvard, Yale graduates, I've been in a relationship, including an accountant, who naively thought he would marry me, but I didn't expect that one day I suddenly turned my face and kicked me out of the house, and I had to take the bus back to New York from New Jersey."

In 2016, Feng Jie opened a public account again, which wrote an article "Luo Yufeng: Ask for Blessings, Ask for Encouragement" and soon broke through one million, and the amount of rewards was as high as more than 200,000.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Sister Feng, mentioned in the article:

"I was very poor in my hometown, when I was feasting in my hometown, even spicy strips could be made into a dish, I also had a very hard time in Shanghai, and later although I got a green card in the United States, I was not happy, I can only say that the green card is a testimony to my visit to the United States."

We can't admit our fate, the sparrow can become a phoenix like flying on the branch, even if it is low to the dust, we can change our fate. ”

Some people began to sympathize with her, some people said that Feng Jie was at least working hard, from her hometown to Shanghai, and from Shanghai to the United States, lived in the basement, also lived in a mansion, some people said that Feng Jie did not recognize her fate, has been working hard to learn English, some of the poems she has written have been praised by Gao Xiaosong, some people say that Feng Jie is very real, living very freely, even if she has suffered a lot of insults, but Feng Jie still chooses to be optimistic, look up, never give up, Feng Jie is indeed sensational, but it is undeniable that she has indeed shed countless sweat, There are also thorns behind him.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Later, Feng Jie donated all the tips for this article to poor children in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, and also took the initiative to close the appreciation function of the public account, but by January 2017, because of the fraud Feng Jie's public account was banned.

During the Sino-US trade war in 2019, Feng Jie spoke on Weibo:

"Huawei should have collapsed a long time ago."

Because of this sentence, even Fengjie's Weibo account was banned a few hours later.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

Later, Feng Jie opened the live broadcast again, and in the live broadcast room, she said:

"America is not as good as you think, and you may not even be as good as a dog here."

Many people want to change their fate by going abroad, but no matter where a person goes, if the personality is distorted, the psychology is pathological, everywhere is hell, people still have to be down-to-earth, so high and far away will not last long, Feng Jie finally removed the mask of defense, unveiled her own scars, Feng Jie relied on the ugly culture to go on fire, but also briefly flew up the branches, became "the phoenix in her heart", but in the end she destroyed herself.

This is an era of traffic, this is also a strange era, compared to Fengjie's grandstanding, some down-to-earth practical people are always ignored, such as teachers who stay up late to correct homework, such as backstage customer service personnel without holidays, such as soldiers stationed on the frontier, they will not be as eye-catching as Fengjie, nor will they always complain, but they also lack attention and are ignored by many people.

Saying that Yang Mi is an ugly woman with plastic surgery, confessing Chen Guanxi, Cang Jingkong described Feng Jie: I think it is a little disgusting How is Feng Jie red? Why did "hand tearing" Cangjing Kongfeng sister scold Cangjing Kong? The more I scolded, the happier I was to be banned for money and to be hated by Americans

The heaven you think may also be hell, sell your dignity in exchange for a green card, don't do it.

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