
Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

author:Pulmonary expert Wang Qing

Today's article teaches you Chinese medicine to distinguish asthma, collect it for children, do it in your own heart, and ask for less people.

Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

Pediatric asthma lesions are mainly lung, involving the spleen, kidney, and later involving the heart.

Therefore, asthma is mostly in the lungs, mainly evil reality, long-term illness and kidneys, and insufficient healthy qi.

However, due to repeated attacks, the course of the disease is long, clinically there is often a phenomenon of deficiency of the lungs, spleen and kidneys, and the patient then feels the trigger, the new evil leads to drinking, phlegm and qi are blocked, and the lungs are blocked, so that asthma attacks are manifested as the miscellaneous phenomenon of evil and reality.

Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

Urgent treatment of the symptoms, that is, asthma attack period is mainly to lower the lungs and relieve asthma, the first defense of cold and fever.


Mainly manifested as sudden onset, shortness of breath, phlegm in the larynx, irritability, heavy night, cold intolerance, ice hands and feet, sneezing, runny nose, thin sputum, long urine, pale tongue thin white or white greasy, fine pulse or slippery.

In severe cases, shortness of breath, pale complexion, blue lips, and heavy sweating can be seen.

In terms of treatment, it can be given Xiaoqinglong soup, laurel branch thickened apricot soup, shot dried ephedra soup, etc.

Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

Hot wheezing

Mainly manifested as fever and irritability, self-sweating, red lips, high voice and thick breath during the attack, phlegm in the throat, sore throat, thick and yellow sputum, thirst and cold drinks, short urine, dry stool, red tongue, yellow moss, smooth pulse.

In terms of treatment, it can be given Dingxian soup, Daqinglong soup, Ma Xingshi Gan soup, etc.

Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

Slow treatment is the root cause, that is, the asthma remission period is mainly to regulate the internal organs, mainly from the lungs, spleen, kidney three organs, and also treat the two toxins that children often have, that is, wet and food inclusion.

Lung deficiency type

Lung deficiency is the main symptom of chronic allergic asthma, and most patients with chronic allergic asthma have lung deficiency, and pulmonary qi deficiency is more common.

Since the lungs are the main of qi, the main manifestations of Pingsu are cold intolerance, cold limbs, sweat, susceptibility, shortness of breath, fatigue, low and lazy speech, pale tongue and thin white, and weak pulse belong to lung qi deficiency.

Traditional Chinese medicine can replenish lung qi, give jade screen wind scattering, astragalus laurel branch five-object soup, etc.

Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

Spleen deficiency type

Manifested as loss of appetite, bloating and loose stools, cough and phlegm, yellow face, fatigue, pale tongue, slow pulse or fine weakness.

Traditional Chinese medicine can add Chinese medicine to eliminate food and accumulation on the basis of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, and you can choose Four Gentlemen's Soup, Six Gentlemen's Soup, and Exotic Gongsan.

Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

Renal deficiency type

Often recurrent, long-term illness and kidney, or congenital insufficiency, so resulting in kidney qi deficiency, abnormality, chills, shortness of breath, backache and tinnitus, self-sweating, warm hands and feet, wet and cold skin, pale complexion, long urine or nocturia, children's enuresis, loose stool, pale tongue, white moss, weak pulse, etc.

It can replenish kidney qi, warm yang and stop excretion. Only then can the choice of treatment be distinguished, such as guizhi aconite soup, four god pills, shrinkage spring pills, eight flavor kidney qi pills, etc.

Children don't always take medicine for asthma, parents know these points, may not commit it again!

Wet clipping

On the basis of the main prescription, add dampness removal Chinese medicine, such as white cardamom, white lentils, cangshu, poria, etc.

Accumulation of food

On the basis of the main formula, add drugs to treat food accumulation, such as Jiao Sanxian, chicken inner gold, malt, etc.

If there are still some things you don't understand, or there are some symptoms that are difficult to distinguish by yourself, you can talk to me, and I can also help you match.

When I saw lung disease and other diseases were also better, patients were thankful, but also dissatisfied by colleagues