
"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

author:Rin Yuchen
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Lily Dafa is really good

Without talking about the preference for specific forms of entertainment, if you just talk about the subject matter in general, then there is a type I would recommend anyway - yes, the so-called "lilies are infinitely good, but unfortunately they can't be born" (?) Lilies, which give people infinite space for reverie, have always occupied a special place in my heart, and even I want to call it "eternal white moonlight", which shows how much I like it.

In fact, the audience of Bai Cooperation is not so narrow, although it has never reached the popularity of being able to have national popularity, but at least it is much better than the real niche, and it is no problem to say that the sense of existence cannot be ignored. In the end, two-corner love is also a lot of amorous love, or cute or sexy, well, to sum up, it is amorous girls, for various reasons to get together and love each other (?) It is definitely a pleasant picture, and who can refuse such a beautiful scenery?

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

But the reality is that I also want to draw energy from the hundred works, but limited by the orthodox Shimizu lily identity, well, that is, I can only accept that platonic aesthetic love (?) ), so the selection surface is suddenly much narrower. It is also relying on those classic comics and dramas to live, and the game is really not played much - throughout my GALGAME game process so far, although the amount is relatively sufficient, it seems that there is some lack of diversity, well, although I occasionally experience what heavy taste to change the mood (?) ), but in the end, it is BG's normal direction that accounts for the vast majority.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

Although human XP is free (?) But from the perspective of the production team to understand the mainstream of the market is the most important, male audiences can accept lilies on the minority side, and female audiences are not to mention, except for otome games basically have no second choice. With so much foreshadowing, I just want to illustrate the cherishing nature of Lily Games - so this time, SUCCESS's classic cooperation "Red Thread" and "Qingcheng" can be released in the form of HD versions on multiple platforms including Steam, I am still very happy, enjoy the charm of the work is over!

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

The picture is retro but tasteful

Before the official start, I think it is necessary to emphasize the nature of this port - this time it is the so-called HD REMASTER, which is the so-called HD remake, that is, the resolution has been upgraded on the basis of the original, and the 4:3 picture ratio must also be adapted to the current player has to become 16:9, stretching is certainly not an acceptable solution, so some modifications were added on both sides to fill. This kind of reproduction method as original as possible is believed to definitely capture the hearts of many old players.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

Specifically, the depiction of the characters uses the old two-dimensional beautiful girl painting method that we are most familiar with, due to the limitations of technology or the prevailing style at that time, it will inevitably have a slight sense of age, well, it will be more concentrated in the face shape, coloring and other details. However, compared to the earlier partial writing real-time period (?) It's still a lot more refined, so it doesn't get to the point of being unacceptable.

The overall route adopts a relatively conservative but very practical cute strategy, on the basis of which the characteristics of different characters are further outlined. The logic behind it is also very simple, after all, whether it is a male or female audience, who does not like that innocent beautiful girl?

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

As for the background is relatively well done, it is very good to set off the atmosphere without being noisy - in "Red Line" due to the theme, so it tends to create the kind of Japanese traditional flavor that makes players feel uneasy throughout the process, so there will be a lot of daily scenes that look gloomy, well, I myself think of classic horror films such as "Grudge" and "Midnight Bell" for no reason when playing, which can be said to be really in place.

All in all, players like me who came from the old times must be more satisfied with the artistic performance, and the verve of that time was well presented in front of everyone. And pure new students have nothing to worry about, even if you look at this work more than ten years ago from the current point in time, the painting style is still completely acceptable.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

The plot is fascinating

Since the picture will not be an obstacle, I think students who are interested in the work will naturally set their sights on the plot. The plot is indeed the most important part, the kind of leisurely wandering (?) The feeling of slowly unfolding the picture scroll and suddenly unfolding in the seemingly ordinary everyday life is really addictive.

The protagonist Katsura Hato embarked on a journey back home, and after her parents died one after another, she now has to go back to inherit the inheritance, well, mainly the old house of her hometown Jingkanzuka. Gui took the tram to a remote station in the evening, there were not two or three people here, even the mobile phone signal was very bad, and this situation exuded an ominous atmosphere, reminiscent of the famous Ruyue station. However, this game is not a real horror game after all, and it is almost the same to render the atmosphere.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

However, the subsequent plot is full of differences, and the differences are obvious depending on the choices you make, such as the plot of going directly home from the station, and asking the kind station attendant grandfather and then hesitating to stay in a hotel, which is completely different. Anyway, I would say that every moment is a good time for the so-called fate encounter to happen (?). ), well, lilies are no different from BG, and the main perspective appears all kinds of beautiful girls, I think everyone understands everything.

There are loli and plump royal sisters at home, and the inn's black nagano sister is the one I care about the most, not only because I like Kuro Nagao, but also because she seems to have a deep connection to the main line, whether it is who she is looking for at the station, or the battle form shown later, it can be regarded as proof.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

Of course, things are not so simple, and some of the people and things that Gui dreamed of in a trance showed that this journey could never be peaceful. In short, the plot of this work is the kind that can show the charm across time, and it interprets the traditional Japanese world view very well, even beyond the meaning of the hundred works themselves, I think as long as you are interested in this kind of theme, then it is definitely not to be missed.

Multiple selection limbs and multiple outcomes

In addition to the script, what impressed me about "Red Line" was the gameplay - the gameplay of this work is no different from the general AVG work or GALGAME, which is through one selection limb after another to determine which ending to lead, but the number of selection limbs and the number of endings in this work are quite powerful.

Well, at the beginning, I also followed the steps of each choice limb to save a file, but there is impatience in the existence, the main options for choosing limbs look really unremarkable, such as at the beginning I was entangled in whether to ask the station attendant grandfather, where to eat and eat later, etc., the first sight is really very confusing, making people unconsciously paralyzed in thought.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

However, soon I found out that it was not right, how to choose Gui and run to the mountains with friends to set off fireworks, are you not afraid of such a big heart? Sure enough, here first met the previous black straight sister Qianyue Wuyue, well, the eyes of the little sister are very chic, after talking a few words, the two broke up, and then the situation took a sharp turn, the characters who had not appeared at all before appeared, and then the game ended directly?

To be honest, this experience is really quite rare, that is, the feeling of "this work is interesting and eye-catching" immediately comes out. At this time, I found that this work actually has 32 endings, which is really a very bold setting, which means that players need to experience choices and occasional "failures" again and again, stripping away the cocoon spirally, slowly showing the complete world view, and finally the truth of everything is completely presented in front of the player's eyes, which is still very enjoyable.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

Of course, there is a foreshadowing that still has to be recycled, and after the first ending, I realized that don't be fooled by everyday illusions, and that archiving is still very important and will save you time watching repeated episodes. After all, the game system is indeed relatively old, although there is a so-called "divergence chart", but you can only check the title of each chapter, well, the average player's brain can not remember who is who, there is no complete flowchart function is still a little inconvenient, and the game does not jump to the next selection limb such a convenient function key.

All in all, recommended to experience

I am still very satisfied with the experience of "Red Line", the excellent script is still very convincing, the worldview shaping is even more interesting to me, and the large number of choice limbs and endings also bring that refreshing feeling, well, the fragments are pieced together little by little, and the setting of unraveling the truth with your own hands is rare nowadays. Although the picture performance is retro, I can also accept it, anyway, I am omnivorous (?) Except for the oldest style, all other beautiful girl painting methods are acceptable.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

Of course, the system function may be a little rudimentary, in addition to the problem of repeatedly watching the script mentioned, in addition, although this work supports F12 screenshots, F12 also seems to be a button to turn on the automatic button, that is, there are often no interception of the text, jump to the next sentence of text and the like, which requires you to adjust the text display speed in the settings, well, anyway, I can only say try more, this little flaw is nothing.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

There is another point to mention about the experience, although this time "Red Line" and "Qingcheng" were launched at the same time, but the original work was definitely not released - "Red Line" was in 2004, "Qingcheng" was in 2008, and the evaluation was also higher than the former, mainly because "Red Line" will be much better in the completion of the script, and "Qingcheng" is somewhat hasty although it shows ambition, which I think is also the reason why the series has not been sequered for many years.

To get back to business, so in the order of experience, I recommend that you start with "Red Line" step by step, so that your emotions reach the highest peak, well, often accompanied by a feeling of unfulfilled, don't stop and then experience "Qingcheng", even if it declines, it can be well accepted.

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

As for the audience, I still say that no matter how new you are, or a student who has never experienced a hundred works before, you don't have to worry, the lilies of this game are not the kind of people who are very heavy on taste and picky about the audience (?). What's more, even if you put aside the lily element, this is an excellent normal work, so don't hesitate to hurry up and play!

"Red Line": A high-definition remake that lives up to expectations

Overall rating: 8.5/10

Recommended group: Japanese suspense lovers, lily lovers


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