
The pain of perineal tearing can only be understood after experiencing it!

author:Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Soon after giving birth, Ms. Chen found that she felt pain, dryness and felt a lot of problems in her apricot life with her husband. I tried many times every time, I was very worried, went to the hospital to check the doctor said that the perineum area in the process of childbirth has a tear, so it affects the normal apricot life, this phenomenon if not treated in time is likely to lead to some other gynecological diseases. So what are the main causes of perineal tears? What are the pain levels for perineal tears? How is a perineal tear treated?

The pain of perineal tearing can only be understood after experiencing it!

First, the cause of perineal tearing

1. Childbirth

The delivery of the fetal head is the most important step in the delivery process, when the fetal head is about to be delivered through the vagina, the vaginal opening and surrounding tissues are compressed due to the continuous decline of the fetal head, which can be seen as local bulging and thinning or even shiny, not treated in time or not paying attention, and even the risk of tearing to the opening.

2. Dry stool

Due to the heat or hot weather, eating more meat, dry and hard stool can easily cause perineal tearing

3. Sex life

In the case of inflammation, the vagina is easy to dry and lose its elasticity, and it is easy to hurt or even tear the perineum during intercourse.

Second, the pain level of perineal tearing

1. I degree perineal tear: refers to the perineal skin and mucous membrane laceration, including labia and vestibular mucosa rupture.

2. Second-degree perineal tear: perineal skin, mucous membranes, muscle lacerations, but the sphincter is perfect.

3. Third-degree perineal tear: complete damage to the perineal skin, mucous membrane, perineal body and sphincter, mostly accompanied by rectal wall injury.

4. IV. degree perineal tear: it can extend to the rectal wall, and the anus, rectum, and intestinal lumen are completely penetrated, causing urinary and urinary incontinence.

Among them, the first-degree and second-degree perineal tears were relatively superficial, with less bleeding, and most of them healed well after correct suturing; Third-degree lacerations, sometimes accompanied by rupture of the anterior rectal wall, if not properly sutured in time, will lead to old perineal lacerations and even fecal incontinence.

The pain of perineal tearing can only be understood after experiencing it!

3. How to treat perineal tears?

If the perineal tear is mild and does not affect the quality of life, surgery can be without. Generally, the perineal tear has a large range and cannot heal on its own, and the perineal laceration repair should be performed, and the doctor will improve the aesthetics of the vulvar area and the tissue function of the damaged organ by repairing the scars of the skin and mucosal tissues, and repairing and restoring the deep muscles around the vagina and perianal damaged muscle tissue.

Postoperative precautions

1. Do not use spicy and irritating foods for 2 weeks, and avoid excessive or stretching exercises

2. Antibiotic treatment is recommended within 1 week after surgery to avoid the formation of infection.

3. Do not get water and contamination within 7 days of wound incision, and properly disinfect the wound daily or after stool.

4. Rehabilitation training of perineal diaphragm, levator ani, external sphincter and other muscle groups can be performed 4 weeks after surgery to increase the rehabilitation effect after surgery.

The pain of perineal tearing can only be understood after experiencing it!

Perineal tearing is a common condition in women during childbirth, but it should never be ignored because it is common or normal, or because it is a fluke that perineal tears will recover naturally. If the perineal tear is not repaired in time, the wound at the incision in the middle of the perineum may continue to tear backwards, leading to another laceration, and the adverse consequences may be difficult to recover, so it is very noteworthy to do a good repair of the perineal tear.

The content of the article is only as an outpatient case, not as a diagnosis and treatment opinion, nor is it applicable to all patients with similar conditions, if you also have related questions, do not be shy, you can leave me a message.