
"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

"You are so special, you are different from the boys I know, you give me a sense of alienation."

"You want a little thrill, a little danger, a little elusiveness, even a little torture."

This text, which begins with "Hello Special" and describes the loneliness of someone in abstract language, is not a fragment of some youth pain novel, but the "Hello Special" literature that has recently been widely circulated on social media.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

The full text of "Hello Special" literature compiled by netizens. (Photo/@辰不然)

This passage does seem literary at first glance, but if you read it carefully, you will find that it does not stand up to scrutiny: the rhetoric is piled up, the description is vague, and the language is embarrassing and contrived - how can ordinary people speak like this?

But if you send this text to some self-righteous person, if nothing else, you will get this answer: "Really? You understand me well! ”

Test the "hello special" literature of the whole network literary man, the main one first pokes your heart, and then breaks it.

It is impossible to verify who originally wrote "hello special" literature. But it is clear that the original inventor of this text was a literary youth. To be precise, it is a male "pseudo-Wenqing".

They often set up a shelf of literary and artistic youth after reading a few books, and hope to attract the attention and worship of the opposite sex.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

The most afraid of pseudo-Wen Qing telling you that he has moved his heart. (Photo/"Love Apartment" stills)

Niche music and movies are their proud talking points, and loneliness and melancholy are the best labels to flaunt their own height.

When the chat deepens, they will affectionately show their "rare" sensibility, giving a "patient" listener to his friend a complimentary "hello special", the implication is that only you can understand my language, I am willing to give you my approval, which is not easy.

As everyone knows, such an affectionate confession is like a clown who uses too much force in the eyes of the other party.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

Don't stop my sister from being beautiful alone, thank you. (Photo/"Love Apartment 2" stills)

Therefore, in order to "return a tooth for a tooth", the majority of netizens use "hello special" literature on them - use the same contrived language for you, you can understand what it feels like for yourself!

Unexpectedly, not only did they not realize it, but they also thought that their character had successfully stood and met their soulmate.

The complacency of the puppet writers has become the most ironic point in "hello special" literature.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

"A gift from God", can't hold back. (Photo/@天的那一边其实什么都没有)

And "Hello Special" really became popular because of the various replies posted by netizens playing memes.

A girl sent "hello special" literature to her boyfriend, thinking that he could see at a glance that it was copied on the Internet, but he didn't expect his boyfriend to lose his heart and run to a place where no one was crying.

"He said that the first time someone said something like this to him, he thought he would never meet anyone who understood him again." After crying, her boyfriend wrote a large reply to her sincerely.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

Full marks can be given for the sincerity of the response. (Photo/@2023顺风顺水)

Someone translated this text into English and sent it to a foreign friend, and unexpectedly received a serious one-by-one reply.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

Sure enough, the magic of "hello special" knows no borders. (Photo/@Sarah and lion)

Even AI can't escape this "read" touch, and when identifying keywords such as "loneliness" and "alienation", the cold program is as emotional as if it triggered the emotional module in the program for a moment.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

In this conversation, AI seems to have a life. (Photo/@故园无此生)

In addition, the "Hello Special" college student version "I've heard many people say that they have a lot of DDL, and yours is really a lot" and the migrant version "I feel that you have a sense of tiredness and a feeling that you can't wake up" have also been created.

For a while, the whole network was poked in the lung tube by "hello special". After the discussion became higher, this niche joke began to be sent to relatives and friends around him.

Most people choose to send it to their partner, and most of the replies posted are sincere, heart-to-heart replies, and the sender is happy to show everyone that the other party is "hooked", or "Ta loves me so much".

If you try to send it to your family, your family's more likely reaction is to be nervous for a while, and after repeatedly making sure that the text is not wrong, they say that they are very touched and must sit down and have a good chat when they have time.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

The most touching thing is that your loved ones take what you say casually seriously. (Photo/@天上小团月)

But sometimes it is also possible to witness the scene of "magic defeating magic": a rhetorical question, "Where did you copy the paragraph?" Let the sender laugh and break the work, and after posting a few mutual replies, everyone laughs.

It seems that not everyone cannot escape "hello special" literature.

After reading more "heart-to-heart answers" in various scenarios, I can't help but wonder how such a groundless and false text can resonate with so many people?

The "Barnum effect" in psychology may explain this phenomenon.

In 1948, the American psychologist Bertram Fowler experimentally demonstrated this psychological phenomenon, that is, people often think that a general, general description of personality reveals their characteristics very accurately.

When experimenters describe a person with common, vague, and broad adjectives, people tend to easily accept these descriptions and think that what is said in the description is themselves.

These keywords actually express all the meaning of the whole text. (Photo/Weibo screenshot)

So are the zodiac signs, tarot cards, zodiac signs, and so is "hello special" literature, and there are some commonalities in this text that everyone has.

"Want a little elusive" - everyone has a desire to pursue excitement deep inside; "You have a protective film on the outside" – everyone has more or less their own social boundaries.

After falling into the Barnum effect, partial recognition of information will produce the illusion of positive evaluation of the overall information, thus triggering the "halo effect" of partial generalization in cognition.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

When I see one feature, I think that's all. (Photo/"Pojack the Horseman Season 1" stills)

It is precisely because of this cognitive fallacy that the recipient of the information will always tend to receive the overall information, and then constantly look for evidence to support himself to convince himself, and the right or wrong of the information has been left behind.

In "Hello Special" literature, the "loneliness" that has been emphasized many times is not only a common feature of all people, but also often appears as an attitude of "everyone is drunk and I wake up".

Everyone wants to be special, and saying that they are "lonely" seems to find self-identity and a special sense of identity in the crowd.

Therefore, even if this text does not completely say what is on the heart of Zhong Ta, the recipient will still naturally search the text to find out the points that fit with him and convince himself that he is such a person.

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

In fact, this passage can be true for everyone. (Photo/@靠谱的靠靠)

Plus at the same time, human attention is unique. When attention is fully focused on emotional statements, human reason also temporarily leaves the dominance of conscious judgment.

So the other party can't see that this is a copied text, or it may be because Ta is in emotional thinking and does not think and judge carefully.

The original intention of the emergence of "hello special" literature was to ridicule those narcissistic and greasy and unaware pseudo-literary youths, but today's memes include a group of true literary youths, pseudo-literary youths, and even "innocent people".

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

It is recommended that everyone do not try it lightly. (Photo/Weibo screenshot)

Because of this, there are not a few people who play "hello special" literature.

It is not difficult to understand that it is clear that the terrier gives up the center of the conversation to the other party, deliberately triggering their emotional thinking and behavior.

When the recipient thinks that the hidden corners of his heart are keenly observed, he is told that this is just copy-pasted text.

How can I not be sad that my sincere reply has become a joke for people's amusement?

"You are so special", deceived a piece of pseudo-Wen Qing

"Hello special" literature, use is risky. (Photo/"The Legend of Zhen Huan" stills)

Once the joke is excessively misguided, people who understand this meme and those who do not understand it become clowns.

Some time ago, the daddy-flavored "Let me test you" resonated deeply with everyone. Daddy carriers (both men and women, but mainly men) always like to take exams and teach others to be people, which makes everyone feel arrogance and arrogance.

They aspire to occupy high positions in conversations, subconsciously telling themselves to "take power" and to behave better.

And today's "hello special" literature has gradually changed from the original memes and irony to the "test questions" sent to everyone around them indiscriminately.

Using an abstract phrase to identify whether the other party is "pseudo-wenqing" and "sincere", and expecting the other party to be ugly, isn't it also a kind of "let me test you" type of narcissism?

In this way, "Hello Special" literature is just a lose-lose game in which both parties are deeply narcissistic and unaware.


[2] No young man can escape the attack of his father | New Weekly