
The little prince reads and shares ppt


Some people will think that children's literature is easy to understand, that it is all fairy tales and fables, and that it is inappropriate for adults to read children's literature. But there is such a children's literature, in the eyes of children, is a fairy tale strange story about hunting and adventure, but in the eyes of adults, it is indeed a philosophical novel with profound meaning and far-reaching meaning, which cannot be understood thoroughly without certain life experience.

In fact, the plot of this short story is a typical fairy tale for adults, but after reading it carefully, the meaning is intriguing.

The little prince reads and shares ppt
The little prince reads and shares ppt
The little prince reads and shares ppt
The little prince reads and shares ppt

The protagonist of the story is a teenage prince from an alien planet, and from the memories of a pilot, a series of stories are narrated about the little prince traveling from his planet to Earth. While advancing the plot, the author judges some of the things he encounters through the eyes of the little prince, a child, which reflect the real situation, and the shortcomings of the adult world - emptiness, blind obedience, ignorance, etc. are revealed and judged.

In the article Little Prince, the author guides readers to find the "authenticity" of life from the perspective of children, advocates responsibility is the true meaning of love, and attacks the distorted values of the adult world.

This courseware mainly focuses on the book "The Little Prince"; It is divided into the following six parts:

I. About the author.

II. Brief Introduction to the Content.

3. Character Profile.

4. Background of creation.

5. Appreciation of works.

6. Award Record

This manuscript has a total of 9178 words, and the PPT courseware produced according to the manuscript has a total of 28 pages. The courseware was originally designed and produced by HIPPTX.

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