
Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

author:The vitality of living with the heart
I am a senior mother, focusing on [child raising + family happiness] experience sharing, click the upper right corner + [Follow]

01. Things that happen around you

Xiaomei is a second-grade elementary school student.

She has big watery eyes, a lively and cheerful personality, and is particularly likable.

In the class, not only the girls like to play with Xiaomei, but the boys also like to tease her.

Xiaomei is very happy at school every day, walking on the way to school and telling her mother interesting things about school.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Today, my mother went to pick up Xiaomei from school as usual.

Xiaomei saw her mother and called: "Mom", and then she didn't say a word, her mother felt very strange...

Walking down the road, her mother tries to understand what happened to Xiaomei at school.

Mom said to Xiaomei: "Baby, mom is not very happy to see you. Did something unhappy happen at school today? Can I talk to my mother? ”

"Nothing, just a little tired." Xiaomei seemed to have lost her soul.

Back home, her mother made Xiaomei's favorite cream cake.

Xiaomei said: "Thank you mom! But she didn't show the joyful look she used to.

Mom is even more convinced: Xiaomei must have encountered something.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Mom put down the work at hand, took a stool, and sat next to Xiaomei.

Mom gently took Xiaomei's hand, looked at her lovingly, and said gently: "Baby, no matter when, no matter what happens, Mom and Dad will always love you!" If there is any problem that cannot be solved, be sure to tell your mother, and her mother will definitely find a way to help you! Mom always has your back too! ......”

Hearing her mother's words, Xiaomei's eyes moistened.

"Mom, there's one thing, I don't know what to say..."

"Baby, mommy loves you! If you encounter anything, just say it! Mom is here to find a way to help you solve it! ”

"There was a boy in our class who was very naughty and he often liked to tease girls. Usually it is either to push others, or to punch others, or to kick others. Today, he even spanked me, and I was very angry. At that time, I told the teacher. ”

"The teacher must have criticized this boy fiercely, right? This behavior is a hooliganism. ”

"Speaking of this, I'm even more angry! Teacher Wang called me and this classmate over, he just didn't admit it, and the teacher couldn't help him..."

Hearing her daughter say this, the mother contacted the teacher and contacted the parents.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

It's really "behind every bear child there is a bear parent".

Incredibly: this parent does not think that there is anything wrong with her child, but thinks that Xiaomei's mother is a bit of a fuss, and her child is just playing with Xiaomei...

02. Children's sex education cannot be ignored

Some parents think:

"The child is still young, and many behaviors are just a way for him to play, and it will be good when he grows up."

"I'm embarrassed to say this kind of thing, let's wait until I listen to the teacher later!"

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Some children like to push others, hit others, even spank others ...

This kind of behavior, some parents think is normal.

Don't you think that this behavior of children will affect other children?

Do you think that this behavior of children will naturally disappear when they grow up?

Do you feel that other children are wronged, and parents will sit idly by?

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Parents can choose to find the school, contact the parents, and if the problem is not solved, then only seek help from the police.

The child is now under the age of 18, and although he will not be legally liable for these actions, he may be taken away by the police for investigation and even leave a disgraceful mark on the child's file. I believe that no parent wants to let their child bear this outcome.

If children have uncivilized behavior, if not educated, it may not be just a simple matter of spanking others in the future. If parents do not educate their children themselves, they can only wait for society to help you educate.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

03. What should we do in the face of bad inducements in life?

In life, some bad media will use some sexually suggestive headlines and content to attract people's attention. On the Internet, and even on children's stationery, sometimes there will be some content that is not suitable for children to see.
Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

If parents feel that sex education is too early, or give the task of education to the school, it is equivalent to giving the right to this education to the undercurrent society, so that children are ignorant to face this world full of hidden dangers.

Our lives are inseparable from the Internet, and the environment around us cannot be changed.

The only thing we can do is to educate our next generation about sex in the right science.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

04. How should children's sex education be carried out?

As parents, we must be our children's first sex education teachers.

We must pay great attention to children's sex education, take it seriously and start as soon as possible!

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

First of all, we must respect the privacy of children.

Before the child is 2 years old, we have to do the following:

Improper diaper changing the child in front of outsiders;

Do not wear open pants for children;

do not tease the genitals of boys;

Do not allow children to defecate in the open;


These actions are not only respect for the child, but also the beginning of sexual enlightenment.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Second, let your child understand what private parts are and how to protect their own private parts.

At the age of 2-3 years, we have to do:

Let your child know about his or her body parts;

Tell children what are private parts: the places covered by boys' small panties, and the places covered by girls' small panties and small vests are their own private parts;

Let your child know to protect their private parts:

Tell the child that he cannot let others see or touch him casually, even close people, except for time such as his parents and other relatives helping him bathe, change clothes, etc.;

Tell your child that you should not touch your private parts with dirty hands, otherwise you will get sick.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Again, help children popularize how life began.

In children 3-4 years old,

They may ask some questions that we don't expect:

"Where am I from?"

"Why should girls pee while they squat and boys can pee standing up?"

"Why does Dad have a beard and Mom doesn't?"

"Why are mom's breasts bigger than daddy's?"


As a parent, you may find these questions difficult to answer.

Some parents will say to their children:

"You picked it up from the garbage heap..."

"You bought a washing machine to send it..."

"You picked it up on the side of the road..."

Although parents say it casually, such an answer will have a certain impact on the child's heart.

As parents, we need to face this problem:

You can answer your child's questions with the help of picture books;

Tell your child how life began;

Tell your child about the difference between men and women;

Let children establish a sense of self-protection;


Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Finally, let the child understand that Mom and Dad will protect him at all times!

We must let children remember that they are the masters of their bodies;

Neighbors, teachers, co-workers of Mom and Dad, anyone who makes him uncomfortable with a touch must firmly say: "No"!

If the other person does not stop, be sure to find a way to leave quickly and tell an adult who can be trusted in time.

Do not go alone to places with few remote people, where there may be danger;

Don't show the way to strangers, if a stranger asks for directions, ask him to find an adult next to him or the police officer to help;

Don't take strangers' word for it, because "bad guys" may seem "not bad";

Don't keep secrets for the bad guys. No matter what happens, don't be afraid, Mom and Dad will definitely protect him.

05. Sexual assault is not far from our lives

Many cases of sexual assault of young children on the Internet have attracted people's attention when they have occurred many times, and even caused serious harm.

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?

Sex education is related to children's personal safety, mental health, and future love life, parents must pay special attention to it, and must start as soon as possible! Whether boys or girls, parents have to pay attention!!!

Sex education is too difficult to talk about, is sex education necessary for children?


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I will continue to share my thoughts on [child parenting + family happiness]. Follow me, we grow with our children!

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