
These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

author:Hedgehog reads

"This is the best of times and the worst; it's an age of wisdom, it's an age of stupidity; it's a time of trust, it's a period of doubt.

This is a season of light, this is a season of darkness; this is the spring of hope, this is the winter of disappointment; there is everything before people, there is nothing in front of people; people are on the way to heaven, people are going to the gates of hell."

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

The above classic quotation, from the opening chapter of Dickens's "Tale of Two Cities", has been quoted countless times and is regarded as one of the most classic opening statements in literary works, this passage is magnificent, witty, full of wisdom and insight, it shows the outstanding writing of Dickens's great literary heroes.

Dickens, one of britain's greatest writers of the 19th century, was born on the outskirts of Portsmouth on 7 February 1812 to the son of a British naval quartermaster and to a mother named Elizabeth Barrow. Dickens was the second of eight children in the family. Today is the 209th anniversary of the birth of Dickens, whom is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, let us commemorate this great writer today.

In 1837, Dickens completed his first novel "Pickwick Biography", which was the first realist novel creation, the book revolved around a single old gentleman Mr. Pickwick, a series of stories told, Dickens portrayed Mr. Pickwick is very vivid, because Dickens in shaping the character image, not only from the character's inner world to portray the character, but also use a large number of words, from the character's external portrait, clothing, attire, demeanor, language used and living environment, all-round 3. Show the characters from multiple angles.

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

In 1838, Dickens published a long realistic novel "Orphans of the Mist", which is set in the London of the Fog Capital and tells the tragic life and suffering of an orphan. The book has also been adapted several times into film, television, and stage plays, and Orphans of the Mist was Dickens's first social novel, in which the section "Oliver Asks for Porridge" was included in a variety of English textbooks. Dickens's works, mostly from the perspective of humanitarianism, expose and criticize various ugly social phenomena and problems, and he shows sympathy and support for the suffering of working people and their resistance struggles.

Between 1849 and 1850, Dickens's novel David Copperfield, published in twenty parts month by month, became known as his "favorite child of his heart", using a first-person narrative that incorporated much of Dickens's own life experiences.

In 1859, "A Tale of Two Cities" came out, set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, exposing the social contradictions that had been deeply intensified before the French Revolution, strongly attacking the absurdity and cruelty of the aristocratic class, and deeply sympathizing with the suffering of the lower classes. "A Tale of Two Cities" further expresses Dickens's humanitarian thought, exposes and satirizes the feudal aristocratic regime before the French Revolution and the bourgeois revolutionary regime after the victory of the Revolution, and explores the good and evil of human nature.

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

Known as the "Father of Christmas in England" because of one of Dickens's works, "Ode to Christmas", the first Christmas-themed novel, he also wrote a number of Christmas-related books, essays or short stories every year. So until now, he is considered one of the most influential figures on Christmas.

On 9 June 1870, Dickens died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and after his death he was buried in the Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey, his tombstone read: "He was a sympathizer of the poor, suffering and oppressed people; his death deprived the world of a great British writer." ”

Today, let us enjoy ten famous words of Dickens in honor of this great writer.

You don't understand the value of money, your life is very hard, and one day you will be exhausted and poor. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

If a person has a certain quality himself, he has the power to appreciate that quality. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

It's useless for a person to brag about it, it's important to let people see how you do it and prove it with facts. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

I am absolutely convinced that any innate or acquired talent can succeed without the need for firm long-term qualities. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

All outstanding extraordinary people have wonderful mothers. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

Father, should be a generous friend. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

Whatever you do, don't worry. Whatever happens, be calm and composed. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

Don't hurt anyone in any interaction and never treat your men roughly. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

Forgiveness is a noble quality, a noble virtue, something that you can never control or control. - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

Whatever you do, remember: don't be stingy, don't be false, don't be cruel! - Dickens

These ten good words of the great novelist Dickens are full of wisdom and insight

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