
National name! Minhou Olive was selected

author:Meet Minhou

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National name! Minhou Olive was selected

On May 17, the reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that recently, the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced the first batch of national famous and excellent new agricultural products in 2023, and five agricultural products from Fujian were selected, namely Minhou olives, Chengxiang fresh eggs, Hanjiang cauliflower, Zhao'an Baxian tea and Tongjiang sea bass.

National name! Minhou Olive was selected

▲ (Minhou Olive Wu Xinyu/Photo)

It is reported that the planting area and output of olives in Minhou have been in the forefront of the province for many years, with a wide variety and high quality. The main producing areas have deep soil layer, fertile soil and high organic matter content, which has achieved the unique and excellent quality of Minhou olives. At present, three agricultural products in the city have been rated as national famous and excellent new agricultural products, namely Changle tomatoes, Yidu loquats and Minhou olives.

National name! Minhou Olive was selected

▲ (Lush olive grove • Wu Zihang/Photo)

"National Famous and Excellent New Agricultural Products" refers to agricultural products produced in a specific area, with a certain production scale and commodity volume, with significant regional characteristics and unique nutritional quality characteristics, stable supply and consumer market, high public awareness and reputation, and registered and announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and issued a certificate. Agricultural products selected for the list can be marked with the words "National Famous and Excellent New Agricultural Products" on the product packaging.

Fuzhou Daily Lan Yuping

Correspondent Ye Qianqian/Text

Editors: Chen Nuo, Li Xiaolong

Proofreader: Li Xiaolong, Song Guiying

Reviewed: Chen Yan Pan Jie

Executive Producer: Xie Yongjie Ni Xinxin

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National name! Minhou Olive was selected

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