
The truth of the "supernatural incident" in the Forbidden City

author:Wandering the World 48893
The truth of the "supernatural incident" in the Forbidden City

Why is the Forbidden City only half open to the public, because there have been many supernatural events in the Forbidden City! The Forbidden City is located in the center of Beijing and is the most complete preserved large ancient wooden complex in the world. Anyone who has been to the Forbidden City probably knows that although the Forbidden City is huge, due to its long history, many palaces give people a gloomy feeling. Many of the compounds have been closed. As far as the eye can see, it is overgrown with weeds, and many doors are hung with signs telling visitors to stop.

1. The "rats" of the Forbidden City: Legend has it that just after liberation, the Palace Museum's night patrol and security personnel often saw a strange animal, saying that it looked like a mouse but was particularly large, and said that it ran like a pig and ran extremely fast. People say that this is a beast kept by the royal family in the eastern and western palaces. Later, many people wanted to catch one or two, but it was almost sixty years, and more and more people saw it, but no one actually caught one!

The truth of the "supernatural incident" in the Forbidden City

Second, the gatekeeper: At five o'clock, it is the time when the Forbidden City closes and clears its doors. It is said that that hour is the moment when the yin of the Forbidden City is heaviest. Many tourists feel that even in the sweltering summer, the Forbidden City at 5 o'clock will make people feel a kind of gloomy cold... That's because, after 5 o'clock, the guests of the sun are leaving, and those who are about to appear... In the past, there were still people who kept vigil in the Forbidden City, and the children of that person were not in good health, and the old people said that it was because of the yin qi that the person suffered greatly and affected the next generation! Therefore, there were no more janitors in the Forbidden City.

The truth of the "supernatural incident" in the Forbidden City

Third, let the dog watch the door: everyone who has lived in Beijing knows that the Forbidden City is unguarded at night, and the dog (Tibetan mastiff) is released, because at night, if you can't get out of the Forbidden City, there was once a person who was just to steal some treasures of the Forbidden City, and when the museum was closed at night, he hid in the shadows and did not come out, and the next day people found him mysteriously dead on the steps at the gate of the Palace Taihe Hall

Fourth, bump into the Yin soldier: It is said that one day in the early eighties, there was a man living in the thirteen rows of dormitories in the palace, a strong young man in his thirties, when he talked to people about the Yin and Yang Dao, he didn't believe it, although this person was not tall, but he was thick and strong, dark skin, it was said that he could eat eight steamed buns in a meal, plus a small pot of rice! In order to prove that he did not believe in evil, he patted his chest and said that he would take the path of yin and yang that night, and he would not listen to anyone's advice. Early the next morning, everyone asked him how he walked on the Yin Yang Road last night? It was originally a joke, who thought that the young man actually said: "Brother, don't mention this, let's go, I won't even dare to mention it in the future!" When he spoke, his face was pale and he was full of tremors. Everyone knew that something was wrong at a glance, so they hurriedly asked him what was going on?

The truth of the "supernatural incident" in the Forbidden City

It turned out that when he was cooking and panning rice in the courtyard yesterday evening, he suddenly heard someone in his ear say: "I heard that you are going to take the Yin and Yang Road?" He looked back and saw that there was no one! I thought that I had heard something wrong, so I lowered my head again to wash rice, but the voice sounded again: "Are you going to take the Yin and Yang Road?" This time, frightened to his mother, threw the rice basin and ran to the house, his mother ran to the neighbor who called in the courtyard, everyone has not seen it with their own eyes, no one can say whether it is true or not, so they had to help clean up together, and then dispersed. After listening to this man's words, everyone thought that he was afraid and did not dare to go and make it up, so they specially went to the people who lived in their thirteenth row at that time to ask, and the people who knew confirmed it, and said that this guy was lying on the bed at that time and even said that it was unfavorable. Since then, this guy's health has become worse and worse, his food intake has been greatly reduced, and he is riddled with diseases.

The truth of the "supernatural incident" in the Forbidden City

5. The Phantom of the Palace Lady: When the People's Republic of China was first founded, a person walked through the wall near the Palace Treasure Hall, and suddenly found a pair of people with palace lamps in the distance, he thought that in this era they all used flashlights, who still used palace lamps, right? But I thought that the party taught us that there are no ghosts and gods in the world, it must be blindness, or some natural phenomenon, so I wanted to step forward to see, but how to chase after the group of people with palace lights, but from a distance, it was indeed a palace maid wearing a Qing Dynasty cheongsam, walking neatly with a veiled palace lamp. This frightened him, slumped on the ground, did not dare to chase, until the light was out of sight, and then moved home step by step from the other road.

Sixth, who is calling the police: There was a treasure theft case in the Forbidden City, the suspect hid in the gap between the toilets opposite the treasure hall before closing the museum, and came out after the staff got off work, advanced the treasure hall and then the Zhongbao hall, stole a lot of things, but did not go far to be discovered by the inspectors, the process of discovery is also quite bizarre, originally the inspector did not want to look up, but there was a voice in his heart telling him, someone is taking my things, he is on the wall, this feeling has been surrounded by the heart, So he shone a flashlight on the wall and really found the suspect.

He was also frightened, in the middle of the night a figure appeared on a wall of the Forbidden City, so he shouted out, everyone shone with flashlights, and saw the figure jumping off the wall, so he called the police, and then heard that the armed police and the police blocked the Forbidden City, the city wall was surrounded by police, three steps and a post and five steps and a sentry, and arrested, and then the suspect jumped down from a place on the city wall, actually did not fall to death, was unloaded by the pine tree a lot of gravity, fell and injured his leg, was captured.

7. Strange things in the Chuxiu Palace: In the eighties, there were special night patrols in the Forbidden City, and there were also special fire brigades living inside. One summer, several fire brigades slept in Chuxiu Palace after doing fire drills, and in the summer heat they didn't need a quilt to spread a mat and slept in the hall, and at 2 o'clock in the morning at night, a team member was woken up by the cool breeze in the early morning.

Confused to open his eyes and look, wow ~ ~ how did I sleep in the corridor outside the gate of the temple, obviously sleeping inside, but it scared him, but after all, he was a soldier, trembling and hugging the mat and returning to the temple to sleep, waking up in the morning to find that he was carried under the corridor again, he said to the other team members: Don't make trouble, don't you toss me enough? The training was exhausting, and there were still thoughts tossing me.

The other team members said that we didn't carry you out, and when I woke up in the morning, I saw you sleeping outside. Are you sleepwalking, but you don't have this problem when you sleep in the team, strange. They decided to find out about this matter, and every time after patrolling in Chuxiu Palace, they stopped there, but every time that warrior was always carried out in the middle of the night and slept under the corridor, everyone was really scared, so they didn't dare to sleep in Chuxiu Palace anymore, but why were other fighters not carried out, I think it may be that the warrior who was carried out has a weak yang, and after patrol training and tiredness is when he is at his weakest, it is easy to be teased by that thing.

8. Faceless Corpse: Not only that, have you noticed that many courtyards in the Forbidden City are sealed! Not open to tourists, in fact, every prefecture has had phenomena that cannot be explained by science, and in the past, when it was not closed, many people died in these places! Either disappeared for no reason or died, but it is always bizarre that the reason cannot be found, but there is a common point: if the body can still be seen after death, then the body has no face.

The truth of the "supernatural incident" in the Forbidden City

Nine, more cautious people are Zhenfei well: Concubine Zhen was drowned alive in this well, looking down during the day on weekdays, the bottom of the well is some stones, weeds or something, but every night after 12 o'clock look down, as long as there is a moon in the sky, you will see that the bottom of the well is not stones, weeds, but water, but the reflection on the water is not your face... After the truth was investigated, the Forbidden City official responded publicly for the first time: the so-called "supernatural incident" was completely false.