
The temperature exceeds 35 degrees, hydrangeas should be "carefully raised" and do 4 things well to make hydrangeas bloom

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

Hydrangeas are essentially summer-type flowers, and they bloom large and beautiful flowers every summer. But don't think that its blooming period is in the hot summer, just think that it has the ability to withstand the sun and high temperature to survive the summer. On the contrary, if it is not "treated" in summer, it will also affect its flowering and growth.

Especially when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, it is necessary to "carefully raise" hydrangeas, and do the following 4 things well to make hydrangeas bloom smoothly and brilliantly.

The temperature exceeds 35 degrees, hydrangeas should be "carefully raised" and do 4 things well to make hydrangeas bloom

1. Provide sufficient moisture

In hot weather, hydrangeas are prone to the problem of insufficient moisture. Therefore, make sure that the hydrangea soil is kept moderately moist. But at the same time, care should be taken to avoid standing water, so as not to cause root diseases. Each time you water, make sure that the water can penetrate into the roots of the plant, and avoid direct contact of water droplets with the flowers to prevent the flowers from burning. In hot and dry weather, it may be necessary to increase the frequency of watering, but care should be taken to avoid overwatering.

I usually water once in the morning and once in the evening to meet the moisture needs of the hydrangea and make the leaves full of life. In addition to watering, it is necessary to regularly spray water around to increase air humidity and promote hydrangea growth.

The temperature exceeds 35 degrees, hydrangeas should be "carefully raised" and do 4 things well to make hydrangeas bloom

2. Shade protection

Strong summer sunlight can cause damage to hydrangeas. Therefore, in hot weather, it is very important to provide proper shade for hydrangeas. Hydrangeas can be shaded in a bright but not direct sunlight environment using shade nets, awnings or shade nets. Shade can not only reduce the heat burden of hydrangeas, but also reduce the evaporation of water, providing a suitable growth environment for hydrangeas.

If it is a potted hydrangea, you can move the pot to a semi-shaded and ventilated position at noon to avoid strong light. The rest of the time let the hydrangeas receive direct light, and you can bask in the sun more.

The temperature exceeds 35 degrees, hydrangeas should be "carefully raised" and do 4 things well to make hydrangeas bloom

3. Proper fertilization

Some flower friends feel that after the temperature rises, they cannot fertilize hydrangeas, in fact, this idea is one-sided. Hydrangeas have more flowers and grow faster, and need a lot of nutrients to meet their own needs. If you do not apply fertilizer for a long time, it will definitely weaken the overall growth.

It's just that when applying fertilizer, you should control the amount and frequency of fertilizer, do not apply too much at one time, and try to thin fertilizer. After fertilization, a small amount of water can be watered to promote root absorption, so that the fertilizer can exert its maximum effect.

The temperature exceeds 35 degrees, hydrangeas should be "carefully raised" and do 4 things well to make hydrangeas bloom

4. Strengthen ventilation and do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and pests

The high temperature and humid environment is easy to breed various diseases and pests, which adversely affects the growth of hydrangeas. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of pests and diseases. The leaves and stems of hydrangeas can be checked regularly, and if hydrangeas are found to have yellow, withered or invaded by pests, they should be controlled in time.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen ventilation to promote the breathing of leaves, and do not let hydrangeas be in a relatively stuffy and airtight environment, so that hydrangeas can grow strong and vigorous, and bloom more and more beautifully.

The temperature exceeds 35 degrees, hydrangeas should be "carefully raised" and do 4 things well to make hydrangeas bloom

Hydrangea is a beautiful and popular flower with a very high appearance value, its flowers are colorful and can give people a fresh feeling. Therefore, whether it is a flower bed, a pot or a hydrangea planted in the garden, it is worth our good care.

When maintaining, pay attention to the above four things once the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, create a good growth environment for them, and enjoy the beautiful flowers brought by summer. How is your hydrangea growing? Blossom?

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