
Mao Weiming sent a message at the provincial government counselor forum: Seek the largest concentric circles, seek the largest common divisor, and seek the greatest centripetal force

author:New Hunan

Mao Weiming delivered a speech at the provincial government counselor forum

Find the largest concentric circle Find the largest common divisor Find the maximum centripetal force

Contribute wisdom and strength to the implementation of the "three highs and four new" strategy

Mao Weiming sent a message at the provincial government counselor forum: Seek the largest concentric circles, seek the largest common divisor, and seek the greatest centripetal force

(On August 26, Mao Weiming, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, attended the provincial government counselor forum and delivered a speech.) )

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client, 26 August (Reporter Sun Minjian, Huang Han) This morning, the provincial government counselor forum was held in Changsha. Mao Weiming, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, sent a message to all counselors to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" speech and the spirit of the important speech inspecting Hunan, seek the largest concentric circles, seek the largest common divisor, and seek the greatest centripetal force, be a good "think tank" for government decision-making, and contribute wisdom and strength to the implementation of the "three highs and four new" strategy.

Huang Lanxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee and director of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, and Deng Qunce, secretary general of the provincial government, attended the meeting.

Mao Weiming sent a message at the provincial government counselor forum: Seek the largest concentric circles, seek the largest common divisor, and seek the greatest centripetal force

(Mao Weiming issued letters of appointment to Wang Qun and other newly appointed counselors.) )

At the meeting, Mao Weiming issued letters of appointment to 17 newly hired provincial government counselors. Tan Weihong, Sheng Boji, Luo An, Li Lin, Xu Xiangping, He Qingyun, Tang Yuwen and other counselors and special researchers spoke successively, focusing on the construction of electric power energy, county economic development, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, the construction of "five good" parks, and the cultivation of small and medium-sized aviation engine industry clusters. Mao Weiming listened attentively to the speeches, pointed out that the theme of the counselors' speeches was "good," the times were "accurate," the problems were analyzed "thoroughly," the measures were "realistic," and the enthusiasm was "true." He also urged the departments concerned to conscientiously absorb the research results and policy suggestions of the counselors and special commentators to better improve government work and raise the level of scientific decision-making.

Mao Weiming sent a message at the provincial government counselor forum: Seek the largest concentric circles, seek the largest common divisor, and seek the greatest centripetal force

(Symposium site.) Photos are taken by Hunan Daily And New Hunan client reporter Liu Shangwen)

Mao Weiming pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the whole province has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the "three highs and four new" strategy has been fully launched, the "steady progress and high-tech" has achieved remarkable results, the "four ten congresses" have been solidly promoted, the "stable" situation of the province's economic operation has been continuously consolidated, the trend of "entering" has been increasingly strengthened, and the quality of "good" has become more obvious. We will always adhere to the development of the first priority, perseverance in strong industry, strong investment, strong consumption; adhere to the first driving force of innovation, focus on promoting scientific and technological innovation, open innovation, market innovation; adhere to the people's livelihood first pursuit, focus on stable employment, excellent ecology, do practical things; adhere to the concept of safety first, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, keep the bottom line of safe development, strive to achieve the second half of the year, and strive to shine throughout the year.

Mao Weiming pointed out that the province's economy cannot achieve high-quality development without the suggestions and suggestions of the counselors. I hope that everyone will focus on the center, serve the overall situation, conscientiously perform their duties, keep an eye on the first step, see the new atmosphere, focus on the implementation of the "three highs and four new" strategy, focus on solving problems, focus on promoting key work, conduct in-depth research, scientific analysis, serious research, and accurate suggestions. Keep a close eye on the positive energy of extensively condensing the great cause, gather strength and wisdom with the strategy of "three highs and four new", better observe the people's feelings, conform to the will of the people, listen to the voices of the people, widely publicize and promote Hunan's good business environment, and strive to make every word for Hunan's cause and Hunan's development further. Keep a close eye on high-standard and high-quality consultation and suggestions, closely follow the requirements of the central authorities, closely follow the general trend of development, and closely follow social hot spots, understand the past, see the present clearly, plan for the future, promote the implementation of the central government's major policies in Hunan, and highlight the epochal, strategic, and people's nature of the consultation and suggestions.

Mao Weiming stressed: The provincial government counselor's office should base itself on building a high-level new type of think tank, promptly discover and absorb experts in various fields, guide the vast number of counselors to go in the same direction as the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and strive to produce more excellent works. All levels and departments should fully support the counselor work and better transform everyone's wisdom and achievements into policy measures for high-quality development and high-efficiency governance.

Link: List of 17 newly recruited provincial government counselors

Wang Qun (appointment until June 2024);

Peng Xiaoqi (appointment until January 2025);

Luo Jianjun (appointment until June 2024);

Xu Xiangping (appointment until January 2024);

Wan Yuebin (appointment until September 2025);

Tan Weihong, Tang Sulan, Wu Yueshi, Qu Maohui, Tang Yougen, Zhang Guogang, Hu Xiaohua, Xu Chunxiao, Chen Liangming, Wang Rencai, Tan Xiaofeng, Cheng Songliu (appointment period 5 years).

[Editor-in-Charge: Zhang Xiao]

[Source: Hunan Daily· New Hunan Client]

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