
Putin said it might exclude the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations, and the Taliban welcomed it

author:Global Times New Media

According to the Russian News Agency reported on the 24th, abdel Kajal Barki, spokesman for the Afghan interim government's Foreign Ministry, said that the Afghan interim government's Foreign Ministry welcomed Russian President Putin's remarks on the possibility of excluding the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations.

Putin said it might exclude the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations, and the Taliban welcomed it

Screenshot of the Russian news agency report

In a post on social media Twitter, Barki said, "The Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan welcomes the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the blacklist of the names of the leaders of the emirate." Now that the war is over, the countries of the world should also actively change their attitudes and perceptions of Afghanistan. He noted that the Taliban want to build positive relations with the international community on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.

Putin said it might exclude the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations, and the Taliban welcomed it

Russian President Vladimir Putin Image source: Russian Tajikistan

Earlier, when attending the annual meeting of the Valdai International Debate Club on the 21st, Russian President Putin said that Russia is close to making a decision to exclude the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations, but it should be done by the UN Security Council first. "In fact, these decisions should be made at the UN level," he said. ”

Putin pointed out that everything now depends on whether the situation in Afghanistan is moving in a positive direction. "Russia's position will be to work in that direction [to exclude the Taliban from the terrorist list]." However, how the Taliban had previously been included in the list of terrorist organizations should now be excluded in the same way. ”

The Russian president said Russia cooperated with Taliban representatives, inviting them to Moscow and maintaining contact with them in Afghanistan. The Taliban must establish relations with all ethnic, political and public organizations in Afghanistan. (Editor: HHJ)

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