
"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold


"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

Original2023-05-15 14:21·Early mother food

Braised taste is one of the traditional Chinese snacks, and its unique taste and rich taste are deeply loved by the majority of Chinese food lovers. So why do Chinese like the brine? First of all, because the taste of the marinade is unique, there is a salty and fresh taste, which makes people eat one bite after another. This texture is different from other snacks, making the marinade one of Chinese's favorite dishes.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

The second is that marinade is a very convenient and fast snack that can be purchased and eaten anytime, anywhere. It doesn't need to take time to prepare like other cuisines, and the marinade can satisfy people's taste buds and meet the needs of fast-paced life.

Braised taste has an important position in Chinese traditional food culture, but also a taste that people all over the country like, it can be simply divided into red brine, white brine, yellow brine, among which the more popular is the red brine in Sichuan brine, red color, spicy and enjoyable.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

Nowadays, with the rise of prices, the price of marinated flavor is also rising, such as braised beef a pound is almost 80, pig head, pork elbow, etc. also about 40 a pound, so many people want to marinate at home, but unfortunately there is no good step and recipe, resulting in the marinated meat is not fishy, or the taste level is not good.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

Today, I will tell you the marinated meat recipe that I have been using for 20 years, the marinated meat is beautiful in color and rich in aroma, even if it is sold out, it is completely possible, and you can use this recipe no matter what you marinate.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

【Homemade brine】

Main ingredients: chicken liver, chicken feet, chicken thighs, lotus root, quail eggs

The first step, first prepare 4 yuan of chicken liver poured into clean water, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of white vinegar, because the fishy smell of chicken liver is heavier, with this method can be greatly reduced, after grasping evenly, soak for 5 minutes.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

The second step is to prepare an appropriate amount of chicken feet, clean them and cut off the nails for later use.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

Step 3: Chicken liver, chicken feet in a cold water pot, add a large chicken thigh, put green onion and ginger cooking wine to remove fishy, boil first over high heat,

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

After boiling the blood foam, beat the snow foam off and continue to cook for another 3 minutes. Remove and rinse with hot water. In this way, the meat quality will not be woody.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

The fourth step, the bottom of the rice cooker is first spread with ginger slices, and then put more green onions, which can not remove the fishy smell well and will not cause sticky pan paste.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

Step 5, then put in blanched chicken liver, chicken feet, chicken legs, and then put the child's favorite lotus root, quail eggs, put a few dried red peppers, a bag of prepared marinated meat spices (10 grams of cinnamon, 8 grams of galangal, 10 grams of Sichuan peppercorns, 5 grams of licorice, 20 grams of cumin, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 5 grams of coriander, 5 grams of nutmeg, 5 grams of grass fruit, 5 grams of cloves, 10 grams of grass fruit) These ingredients are powdered, and about 10 grams of about 2 pounds of ingredients each time.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

Step 6: Then start seasoning, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of soy bean paste, an appropriate amount of rock sugar, add an appropriate amount of water, and choose the cooking mode for 30 minutes.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold

It's time, wow! It's really fragrant, soaking for 1 hour tastes better, the color is beautiful, the aroma is fragrant, and the marinated meat learned to go out and set up a stall, you guys also hurry up and try it.

"Everything can be marinated", my family has been using a 20-year-old stewed meat recipe, which is beautiful in color and flavor and can be sold
Make the most beautiful dishes with the simplest ingredients, make a meal of love for the family, I am Mommy early, and every day I will bring you a home-cooked meal. If you like me, just like it, forward and follow it!