
Behind the murder of a Chinese couple in Bali: where the nightmare lies


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Bali is a beautiful place, but it is a place full of malice towards the Chinese.

Recently, the murder of a Chinese couple in Bali has aroused the attention and anger of the whole network.

Behind the murder of a Chinese couple in Bali: where the nightmare lies

It's hard to imagine that as a five-star hotel, no one found out for so long, the monitoring was like a decoration, and finally other people who lived with the house heard the call for help, called the front desk, and the hotel personnel arrived in a hurry.

In short, up to now, some of the conclusions and responses given by the Bali police to everyone are incomprehensible and unsatisfactory. The most disgusting thing is that after the death of two Chinese tourists in Bali, the Bali government announced that it was ready to restrict the entry of large-scale tourists, and if you want to go, you need to apply a year in advance, not to mention, just on May 12, the chairman of the Bali Tourism Association showed off that 25,000 Chinese tourists visited Bali in April this year, while disgusting the low quality of Chinese tourists. No matter how much he comes, it is useless to have low quality, he is not happy and proud, because it does not boost the local economy. What does this mean? While earning your money, while still being angry with you yin and yang, suddenly making such a decision during this period, the meaning is obvious, and the words are all about Chinese ugly, which is naked discrimination and humiliation of Chinese tourists.

Behind the murder of a Chinese couple in Bali: where the nightmare lies

The killing in Bali is not just an individual, but also reflects the historical damage of the past, not only before, but also now. When Chinese tourists go to Bali, 60% of them will be discriminated against to varying degrees, and it is obvious that Indonesians treat Europeans, Americans and Chinese differently. If the most discriminatory place in the world Chinese and Chinese is not the "beautiful country" that troubles us all day, nor the "small day" with historical hatred, but Indonesia, where Bali is located, a place that was once full of malice towards the Chinese, whether you have money or not, after you step into Bali, you will feel the subtle atmosphere of the local differential treatment of Chinese.

Behind the murder of a Chinese couple in Bali: where the nightmare lies

It wasn't until 2005 that the Indonesian government opened visa applications for Chinese, and it was so strict that it was sometimes difficult to apply. Why doesn't Indonesia Chinese? Because of a dark movement that shrouded the entire Indonesian in the last century, that is, the appalling Chinese exclusion incident in India.

The first time was in 1965, Indonesia staged a military government, the country was in chaos, and the Indian Chinese inexplicably became the target of fire and became an outlet. At that time, in the streets and alleys of Indonesia, Chinese shops were burned, Chinese property was robbed, Chinese names were insulted, countless Chinese were brutally slaughtered, crying and shouting everywhere to escape, it was simply hell on earth. It is estimated that at least 300,000 Chinese were killed and disappeared during the purges between 1965 and 1966, a great tragedy in human history.

Behind the murder of a Chinese couple in Bali: where the nightmare lies

The fundamental reason why the Chinese are persecuted is because the Chinese have money. Indonesian Chinese first came to Indonesia during the Ming Dynasty, many of them were people from Guangdong, Chaoshan and Fujian, they were very smart, good at business, and had a lot of wealth. Under contradictions and crises, hatred and attacks rushed towards them together.

Behind the murder of a Chinese couple in Bali: where the nightmare lies

The second time, in 1998, the motive was even more obvious, that is, the day after the Asian financial crisis, poor and unprofitable Indonesia once again turned its hatred and anger on the Chinese. The anti-Chinese incident, known as the Black May Riots, was counted to have injured tens of thousands of Chinese, killed thousands of Chinese, and humiliated thousands of parents. So when a Chinese couple was killed in Bali, the case carried a long history of pain, reminiscent of those black times. Many people yearn for Bali, where 20 years ago it was a Chinese nightmare.


Needless to say, this is a place with beautiful scenery and culture, but it is also undeniable that it is a place full of malice towards the Chinese. However, brothers and sisters who go out need to pay attention to their own property and safety, and wish their friends to go out happily and return their homes safely.

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