
When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

author:Dr. Jiang Feng chatted

Bathing is something we often do in our daily life, but there is a clear difference in the frequency and time of bathing. Different groups of people, different seasons, the time and number of baths are different.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

Some people love to be clean, they want every place on their body to be clean, in fact, there are several parts of the human body that should not be over-cleaned, otherwise it will cause harm to the body.

Do you know what places to try not to wash your body when bathing? Today we will find out together.

How many baths a day is best in summer?

In summer, the temperature is high, and the human body sweats easily, so taking a bath once a day can clean the skin and prevent eczema. If you often go out in summer, or exercise a lot and sweat a lot, you can appropriately increase the frequency of bathing. If you sweat less, you can take a bath once every two days.

In summer, the water temperature of the bath is best controlled between 37 degrees ~ 40 degrees to avoid too high water temperature or too long bathing. Usually you can bathe for about 10 minutes, do not take a cold bath, to avoid colds.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

First of all, let's take a look at what are the benefits of bathing?

1. Eliminate fatigue and prevent bacteria

After a hard day's work, you usually feel tired when you go home, and it is very pleasant to take a hot bath at this time, and the bath is to wash away the hard work of the day.

Even if you suffer on the outside, suffer sin, be angry. Go home and take a shower, you can also collect your mood and face your family with a new spirit.

In the process of bathing, removing dirt and bacteria from the body can improve the skin's immunity and prevent the skin from being damaged by bacteria or viruses.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

2. Strengthens the immune system

When you take a hot bath, you can speed up blood circulation, promote the acceleration of metabolism, and gradually excrete harmful substances from the body.

When bathed in cold water, it stimulates the blood vessels and lymphatic system to produce more immune cells, fight infection, and reduce the risk of immunity.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

3. Improves blood flow

Bathing can improve blood flow, can support better blood flow to the surface of the skin, and help effectively improve blood circulation.

Poor circulation refers to the unstable flow of blood to the organs of the body, making people feel cold or numb in their limbs.

In order to improve blood flow, it is recommended that you can take a hot bath in the morning to better promote blood circulation. This approach also promotes heart health and prevents the risk of blood clots.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

4. Improve male fertility

The sperm in the male body can not withstand too high temperature, too high temperature will affect the quality of sperm, and fertility will also be affected.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

5. Reduces muscle inflammation

Taking a cold shower helps constrict blood vessels, which reduces swelling and inflammation. Many professional athletes take a cold shower after exercise because taking a cold shower helps lower body temperature and reduce pain.

If you have chronic inflammation, try taking a cold shower as a natural remedy. You'll find that you may not even need anti-inflammatory drugs or any other method to cure inflammation!

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

1. Navel

The belly button eye is very sensitive, too much force or excessive cleaning will cause the navel injury, usually it is recommended that you use a cotton swab to clean to avoid the appearance of omphalitis appear. Especially for infants and young children, do not wash the navel too often.

The navel protects the intestines from bacterial invasion, and if you wash the navel too often or often lock the dirt inside, it will increase the chance of intestinal infection. So when bathing, wash your navel as little as possible.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

2. Eyes

Many people like to clean their eyes in their lives, and feel that their eyes have a lot of dust and impurities after a day of work. At this time, I like to use clean water to clean, in fact, this practice is wrong.

Because the eyes have a certain self-cleaning function, if any impurities enter, you can blow or rub them, and these impurities can come out.

On the contrary, if you wash it with clean water, it is more likely to cause infection, because clean water has certain bacteria, so you need to pay attention.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

3. Private parts

Women believe that the private parts should be cleaned in time, and the cleaner the cleaning, the more frequent the cleaning, the healthier the body.

Many women who like to be clean always use cleaning liquid to clean their private parts, which is a big mistake. Not only is this not beneficial, but it also provokes disadvantages.

Our private parts are acidic and alkaline, and if we wash excessively, this balance will be upset, resulting in gynecological diseases.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

What to pay attention to when bathing? 4 points to keep in mind

1. Do not bathe before going to bed

Some women like to take a bath before going to bed, thinking that they can relax, but in fact, they cannot take a bath before going to bed, and bathing before going to bed can easily affect the quality of sleep.

Because the body temperature rises during bathing, the secretion of melatonin in the brain will be reduced, resulting in brain excitement and difficulty falling asleep.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

2. It is best not to bathe on an empty stomach

Wen Changlu, honorary chairman of the Science Popularization Branch of the Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine, said in an article in the Health Times in 2011 that bathing must not be on an empty stomach, but should be after eating, of course, do not wash immediately after eating, it is best to rest for an hour.

Bathing after meals, first, there is an adequate energy supply. Second, it can avoid weakness, dizziness, shock and other physical discomfort that may be caused by hunger.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

3. Do not rub vigorously when bathing

When many people take a bath, they like to scrub a lot of mud with a scrubbing towel, in fact, mud is not only dirt, but also dander and oil.

If you often use too much force when bathing, it is easy to cause the cells that protect the skin to be washed away, making our skin thinner, the body's resistance decreased, and itching may occur after bathing.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

4. The temperature is suitable

The water temperature of the bath should be moderate, not too high or too low. Too high a water temperature can easily cause dry and dehydrated skin, while too low a water temperature can easily lead to diseases such as colds.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

Extended reading: Bathing every day, why does it still come out of the mud?

In fact, when we bathe, the mud rubbed from the body is also "wrinkled", which is after the body's metabolism. A waste product produced on the body surface, including dander, dust, grease, etc.

Metabolism is carried out throughout the day, so dander and skin secretions are produced all the time. Even if you take a bath, there will still be new dander and discharge on the second day, and you can still rub out mud every day in the bath.

When bathing, try not to wash the "3 places" of the body, properly dirty, or healthier

Loving cleanliness is a good thing, especially for women. Because women are inherently more delicate and focused, loving cleanliness can make themselves comfortable, charming and tidy, and it is easier to make themselves a gregarious person.

Loving cleanliness is a good thing, just don't overdo it, proper and correct understanding will not harm health, but turn it into a bad thing.