
The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times


History Of The Rose

Throughout history, no flower has been as loved or famous as the moon season. The lunar season is older than the humans who originally cared for it, painted pictures of it, and celebrated it in music and legend. A lunar season left its mark on slate deposits in the Florissant fossil deposit in Colorado 40 million years ago, and lunar season fossils in Oregon and Montana date back 35 million years — long before humans existed. Fossils have also been found in Germany and Yugoslavia. As far north as Norway and Alaska, as far south as Mexico and North Africa, the monthly season is wild, but wild monthly growth has never been found under the equator.

It is clear that the lunar season originated in the Eocene of Central Asia about 60 million to 70 million years ago and spread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. As early as 5,000 years ago, early civilizations, including the Chinese, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans, appreciated the lunar season and cultivated it extensively.

Around 500 BC, Confucius wrote about the moon season growing in imperial gardens and noted that the Chinese emperor's library had hundreds of books on the moon season. It is said that the owners of the moon season garden during the Han Dynasty (207 BC to 220 AD) were so fascinated by these flowers that their park risked taking up the land needed to produce food, and the emperor ordered that some of the monthly season be planted.

The oldest lunar season found today is the Galica rose, also known as the French rose, which once flowered wild in Central, Southern and Western Europe, where it still survives. Although the exact origin of the rose is not yet known, as early as the 12th century BC, the Persians considered it a symbol of love.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

French rose (R. gallica)

The lunar seasons of the ancient world

Roses in the ancient world

The descendant of the French rose (Rosa gallica) is Rosa damascena.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Damascus rose ('R. damascena)

Damascus lunar season, which first appeared around 900 BC, its famous fragrance has been an important note in the history of the lunar season. Around 50 BC, a North African variant called "Rosa damascena semperflorens," known as "Autumn Damask," thrilled the Romans because it bloomed twice a year, a feature they didn't know before. "Autumn Damascus" dates back to at least the fifth century BC and is believed to be a hybrid of the French rose and the musk rose (Rosa moschata).

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Rosa moschata

It wasn't until centuries later that European merchants discovered tea and the Chinese lunar season in the East, the only recurring flowering season known to the Western world.

Another important early lunar season is the rosa alba, or "White Rose of York." Hailed as a symbol of the House of York during the Moon Wars of the Fifteenth century, the five-petal rose is actually much older, dating back to before the second century AD. It probably originated in the Caucasus and headed west through Greece and Rome. The Alba rose and its relatives are known as albas and are believed to be descendants of some assemblages of the French rose, the Damascus rose, the canine rose (Rosa canina) and the umbrella house rose (Rosa corymbifera).

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

White Rose of York

The early Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans all cultivated and traded the lunar season, which they carried with them when they traveled and went on expeditions. Because of this, the monthly season is found throughout the Middle East and elsewhere in the Mediterranean.

The Greek scientist and writer Theofrastus, who cataloged the known lunar seasons around 300 BC, described their flowers as having between five and one hundred petals. He was the first known person to give a detailed botanical description of the lunar season. Around this time, King Alexander the Great of Macedon planted the lunar season in his garden and was credited with introducing the cultivation lunar season to Europe. He may also be associated with monthly planting in Egypt.

In 1888, the famous British archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie excavated a tomb in Upper Egypt and found the remains of a monthly wreath used as a funeral wreath in the second century AD. Named "Rosa x richardii," the rose is a cross of the French rose and the Phoenician rose (Rosa phoenicia), often referred to as the "Holy Rose of Abyssinia" or "St. John's lunar season." John's Rose)”。 Although withered, these petals remain pink and, after being soaked in water, return to an almost lifelike state. Other researchers found moon season paintings on the walls of the tomb of Thutmose IV, who died in the 14th century BC. People decipher the reference to the lunar season in hieroglyphics.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

St. John's Season John's Rose)

In ancient Rome, nobles tended their gardens at home, and the public lunar garden was a favorite place to spend summer afternoons. Records show that before the fall of Rome in 476 AD, there were 2,000 public gardens in Rome. The poet and satirist Horace complained about the Roman government's short-sightedness and allowed the planting of lunar gardens in places that should have been used for wheat fields and orchards.

Medieval monthly season

Medieval roses

After the fall of the Roman Empire, when Europeans struggled to survive under the raids of armies and marauders, all but a few were unable to grow the moon season. Charlemagne (742-814 AD) planted the lunar season in the palace of Aix Iachabel, but it was mainly the monks who kept the lunar season alive, planting the lunar season and other plants used for various medicinal purposes. The Benedictine monasteries of the Benedictine became a center of botanical research.

As social conditions stabilized, the lunar season in private gardens began to reappear. During the twelfth and eighteenth centuries, soldiers returning from the Crusades in the Middle East brought back the legend of the lavish rose garden, as well as samples of flowers. Tourists from all over the country increased, and merchants, diplomats and scholars began to exchange moons and other plants. There is renewed interest in the monthly season.

Early herbalists testify to the rapid development of monthly knowledge. In 1597, the English herbalist John Gerard wrote in his Herbal Treasure Book that 14 lunar seasons were known. By 1629, James I's pharmacist, John Parkinson, reported 24 different monthly seasons in his herbal medicine Paradisus. At the end of the 18th century, British artist Mary Lawrance identified and illustrated 90 different monthly flowers in a book called a Collection of roses from Nature.

Monthly seasons in the New World

Roses in the new world

Across the Atlantic, many different varieties of lunar seasons occur in the wilderness of North America. Of the roughly 200 known rose species worldwide, 35 are native to the United States, making them as native to North America as the condor. These lunar seasons include the "Virginia rose (Rosa viginiana)", the first American monthly species mentioned in European literature; Rosa carolina, "Pasture Rose"; Rosa setigera, "Prairie Rose"; California rose (Rosa californica); Rosa woodsii; and Rosa palustris, or "Swamp Rose," named after the most suitable environment for this rose.

Captain John Smith wrote that the Indians of the James Valley planted wild lunar seasons to beautify their villages, thus making the lunar season one of the first native North American plants widely cultivated as an ornamental plant.

William Payne, the founder of Pennsylvania, was living in Europe in the late 17th century when he observed that the lunar season was popular in gardens, as well as in the arts and sciences. In 1699, he returned to the United States with 18 plants. Later, he discussed their beauty and medicinal value in a "book of physiology" that provided medical care to Pennsylvania settlers.

The University of Pennsylvania has undoubtedly seen a miracle in Europe: Rosa centifolia, a cabbage rose. True to its botanical name, this rose has a shocking 100 petals arranged so densely that the flowers resemble small cabbage. Once considered ancient—perhaps the 100-petal moon season described by Pliny Elder in the first century AD—cabbage rose is now considered by many to be the product of Dutch rose growers in the late 17th century. Others believe it was imported from Asia in 1596. Regardless of its history, the cabbage lunar season can be a complex hybrid of many ancient varieties, including the French rose (Gallicas), Damask and Albas.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Rose centifolia (R. centifolia) centifolia)

A well-known budding (mutant) variety of cabbage rose is the centifolia rose, which appeared around 1700 and is still used in cultivation and hybridization. The stems and buds of this rose grow small, fragrant mossy hairs.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Cabbage Rose

Although European breeders were busy during this period, their introduction was based on a limited gene pool, which made novelty difficult to achieve. In addition, the laws of heredity were not well understood, a hurdle that lasted until after Gregor Mendel's research in the mid-19th century. In addition, early breeders were too paranoid about their methods of protection, fearing that competitors would bankrupt them.

The lunar season from the East

Roses from the orient

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there was a revolution in rose breeding and cultivation in Europe, when increased trade with China Yueji-Dong attracted the attention of Europeans "Old Blush" as the first Chinese variety to enter the West, introduced to Sweden in 1752 and to the rest of Europe in 1793. "Halo (also known as 'Hume Pink Tea Fragrant Chinese Moon Season', 'Perfume Moon Season' Rosa×odorata)", followed in 1808 or 1809. Tea rose is so famous because its leaves give off a tea-like aroma.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Old Blush

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Halo (i.e. Rosa×odorata)

Although Chinese have been cultivated for centuries with these and others, their impact in Europe is truly amazing. Their most remarkable qualities - the continuous repeated flowering - were completely unknown in Europe at the time and made them an immediate sensation. Unlike the repeated blooming "autumn Damascus", which blooms briefly twice a year, these Chinese monthly seasons will bloom continuously during the growing season, and they will bloom for a long time. In addition to its flowering capacity, the Chinese lunar season has almost evergreen leaves, while the leaves of the tea moon season are mold-proof. Monthly breeders in Europe are eager to combine these traits with their existing monthly strains. In fact, China and the tea lunar season are the genetic basis of almost all modern lunar seasons. Unfortunately, they also passed on the lack of cold resistance to any of their offspring.

The Chinese lunar season is also known as Bengal rose because it was imported to the West from Kolkata, the capital of the region. In the eighteenth century, a large botanical garden flourished there, housing the monthly season brought from China by merchants from the British East India Company. In 1789, a British captain brought flowers back to England. Beginning in 1793, Dr. William Roxburgh, director of the company, shipped more specimens from Calcutta to many parts of Europe.

In the British colony of the United States, the lunar trade was very active in the eighteenth century. In 1737, Robert Prince opened the first American nursery in Flushing, Long Island, and began importing more and more new plants. By 1746, he had advertised 1600 monthly seasons, undoubtedly one of the largest collections in the world at the time. Prince's records show that Thomas Jefferson ordered two centifolias, a "Common Moss," a Rosa Mundi, an unidentified yellow, a musk rose and, interestingly, a Chinese moon tree. Since the Chinese lunar season did not reach most of Europe until 1793, it is possible that the lunar season came directly from Asia by clipper ship across the Pacific Ocean via Cape Horn.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Common Moss

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Rosa Mundi

The Portlands are a type of lunar season that appeared around 1800, probably stemming from the hybridization of the "Autumn Damask" with the Chinese lunar season and the French rose (Rosa gallica). Named after the Duchess of Portland, "Portland" was one of the first good garden hybrids that fused East and West, with the ability to repeat flowering with its Chinese monthly parents. Also known as the damask perpetuals in Damascus, it was cultivated until the hybrid was permanently introduced nearly forty years later. Portland continued to grow until the introduction of the hybrid evergreen season nearly forty years later.

Josephine and Malmeisen

Josephine and Malmaison

At the beginning of the 19th century, no one promoted the lunar season more than Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon I. She was an avid fan of the lunar season, and she began the "lunar season revival" by trying to grow all the known varieties in the gardens of Malmeissen near Paris.

In the 16 years between her first founding of the garden in 1798 and her death in 1814, a month before her fifty-first birthday, she collected 250 monthly specimens. To support her hobby, Napoleon ordered his captains to bring home any crescent season they found on foreign shores. She was so widely respected that the British, who were at war with the French, allowed Josephine to grow plants across the blockade and her chief gardener to cross the English Channel freely. The fame of Josephine's garden spread throughout Europe, inspiring interest in monthly planting and hybridization, which eventually led to the birth of the modern moon season.

Thanks to famous gardeners like Malmaison, France has become a leading monthly grower and exporter. In 1815, French growers offered about 2,000 monthly seasons. This number has increased to 5,000 varieties in just 10 years. Before the Civil War, French growers also exported the monthly season to cities along New Orleans and the Mississippi River. Southern gardeners find the tender Chinese and tea moon season particularly suited to their warm climate.

The rise of the hybrid tea moon season

The rise of the hybrid tea

The "Rosa x borboniana" was brought to France in 1817 from the island of Reunion (then known as L'Île de Bourbon Rose) near Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Its background is unknown, but it could be the Chinese rose and the "autumn Damascus", as both roses were planted on the island as hedges. The bourbon lunar season quickly became one of the most popular lunar seasons of the early 19th century due to its repeated flowering. Along with Portlands, it was one of the first roses to combine the best roses of Europe and the East. The original bourbon moon season was bright pink; This lunar season variety is now gone, but among the many hybrids left over from the Bourbon season, one is the original source of today's red lunar season.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Bourbon rose (Rosa x borboniana)

Another product of European and Eastern monthly hybridization is the hybrid China series. These tall and unattractive plants do not reproduce their flowering well and never catch on on their own. However, they are one of the creators of hybrid perpetuals, polyanthas, floribundas, and hybrid teas.

One American contribution to the history of the 19th-century monthly season is the noisette month, the first known hybrid month season in the United States. The Noisette lunar season is a cross between the musk moon season "Rosa moschata" and the Chinese monthly season "Rosa chinensis". It was crossed in 1812 by a South Carolina rice farmer named John Champneys, who called his variety "Chanpneys 'Pink Cluster." But he lacked interest in seasonal marketing, so he gave his neighbor, Philippe Noisette, a branch. Philip sent it to his brother Louis, a nurse in Paris. By crossing this slow-growing moon season with other higher-growth varieties, Louis bred a tall crescent season, which he called "Blush Noisette," ruthlessly snubbing the original hybrid.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Neuster (Noisette)

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Moon Red (Rosa chinensis)

In the mid-19th century, Rosa rugosa, known as the Sea Moon Season, came to the Western world from Japan. This rose hybrid is not good and therefore does not contribute much to the history of the lunar season. However, for more than a thousand years, it has been valued for its folded leaves, single flowers, and large amounts of chlorophyll, an excellent source of vitamin C.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Rose (Rosa rugosa)

By 1837, the cultivation of the modern lunar season had begun, when most of the Chinese lunar season went to Europe. That year, the advent of hybrid perpetual, a complex French hybrid whose ancestors included the Bourbon moon season, Damascus moon season, Chinese moon season, Portland moon season, cabbage moon season, tea moon season and Neuster moon season. Hybrids have always been very tenacious; Its flowers are large and fragrant. Early hybrid evergreen varieties were pink, but when they crossed with the bourbon moon season, the red color of the bourbon moon season entered the ranks.

Hybrid evergreen moon seasons have always been popular, and it was not until the turn of the twentieth century that they were replaced by high-quality hybrid tea fragrant moon seasons. Unfortunately, most of them breeds have disappeared. There are more than 3,000 hybrids in the Golden Age of the Season – starting with Josephine's garden in Malmaisen, only about 50 varieties can be bought today by absorbing roses from the East.

As a result of the hybridization of the evergreen season and the tea moon season, the growth habit of the hybrid tea fragrant moon season is more compact and the flowering quality is more reliable. The first hybrid tea, La France, appeared in 1867. In 1893, the British National Monthly Society officially recognized the category "hybrid tea". Since then, it has improved a lot and remains the most popular monthly variety category today.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

La France

The advent of the hybrid tea fragrant moon season marks the beginning of a new era of monthly season breeding. All species of lunar seasons that existed before 1867 are considered ancient garden lunar seasons, and all new varieties after that are called modern lunar seasons. The year 1867 became an important dividing line between the ancient and modern lunar seasons.

In 1900, after 13 years of experimentation, French breeder Joseph Pernet Duchesrint produced the "Soleil d'Or", a hybrid between the red hybrid evergreen season Anthoine Ducher and the "Persian Yellow" Rosea duvetous rose (Rosa foetida persiana). D'Or is the world's first serious yellow lunar season. It was brought to England from Persia by Sir Henry Willcock in 1837. This hybridization produces a yellow color that allows the hybridization to survive. Soon after, the Duke of Pennett's golden "Rayon d'Or" appeared. With the introduction of these varieties, unprecedented colors have appeared in the modern lunar season: gold, copper, salmon and apricot. Pernet Fixer soon became known as the Wizards of Lyon, and it was in Lyon that he worked. During the first 30 years of their existence, these months formed a separate group called the "Pernetianas". Later, they merged with hybrid tea aromas.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Golden Sun (Soleil d'Or)

Hybrid tea can withstand cold weather, but it does not grow vigorously and has a slender root system. At the end of the 19th century, nursery workers learned that they could grow better if these seasons were grafted onto the roots of Rosa multiflora. The multi-flowered rose is a vigorous plant with inconspicuous flowers.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Rosa multiflora

Twentieth century roses

Twentieth-century roses

In the early 20th century, Denishros' breeder Svender Poulson crossed a number of "polyanthas," a new rose bred by French nursery owner Jean Sisley in the late 19th century, who crossed a multi-flowered rose with a dwarf Chinese moon season. He crossed the multi-flowered rose with a dwarf Chinese lunar season. The multi-flowering moon season is a low bush covered with clusters of small flowers that reopen throughout the summer. For much of his work, Poulsen used the East Asian species Rosa wichuraiana to provide cold resistance to its offspring.

In the 2020s, Polsen crossed these multi-flowering seasons with hybrid tea to produce the first floribundas: the pink "Else Poulsen" and the red "Kirsten Poulsen". As its name suggests, the Fenghua lunar season has abundant flowers, which is the inheritance of its multi-flowered lunar season parents. The Harvest Flower Moon Season inherited plant height and long stems from its hybrid tea parents.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Else Poulsen

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Kirsten Poulsen

As the shrub season developed, Climbers began to appear. The vine has a complex history and genealogy that is often difficult to trace. Many of them evolved from ramblers, the first being the Crimson Rambler, imported from Japan in 1893. The "crimson branch" is a descendant of Rosa wichuraiana and Rosa multiflora. Other vine hybrids of Rosa lightleaf include "American Pillar," "Blaze," and Dr. Van Vliet. W. van Fleet," "Dorothy Perkins," and "New Dawn." The large Bourbon moon season and the tall Neuster moon season also have a great influence on the vine month season.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Crimson Rambler

Other vines are budding from the shrub season, and the rattan produced is long and flexible; Still others are descendants of large shrubs. In recent years, many of the lunar seasons have evolved from Rosa kordesii, a tall, semi-climbing shrub that was crossed in 1952 between a rose (Rosa rugosa) and a species of Rosa wichuraiana. Hybrid musks is a large shrub or small climbing plant that was crossed between noisettes and Rosa multiflora ramblers in the 2020s.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Rose of Cordes (Rosa kordesii)

The twentieth-century German breeder Wilhelm Kordes II created Rosa kordesii, which he bred in large numbers with the "Rosa spinosissima," a variety of roses that existed in the Middle Ages or earlier. He crossed it with the hybrid tea lunar season, breeding a group of modern lunar seasons called kordesii shrubs, including "Frülingsgolds" and "Frölingsmogen", which are commonly found in public areas and roadsides in Europe and are cold-tolerant, low-maintenance flowers in winter.

With the advent of World War II, the hybridization craze slowed, especially in Europe, but resumed after the war. Despite the proliferation of varieties and colors, there is still a lack of a long-sought color range – pure orange to orange-red – in the modern lunar season. The Independence season, introduced in 1951, was the first modern rose in the orange-red range. The key to its unique coloring is the pigment geranium, which also gives geranium its scarlet color. It wasn't until 1960, when the German hybrid company Rosen Tantau launched the "Tropicana", that we had the orange-red hybrid tea season.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times


The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times


In 1954, a new lunar season was created, Queen Elizabeth. This is a variety known as grandiflora, which is a hybrid of tea fragrant moon season and abundant flower moon season. Its flowers are similar to those of hybrid tea, but they bloom in groups like flowers in the abundant moon season.

The history of the month season - from ancient times to contemporary times

Queen Elizabeth

Today, there are 30,000 (as of the end of the last century) varieties of roses (about 11,000 of which are hybrid tea season). However, many of these varieties, especially the older ones, are no longer sold; They can only survive in private gardens. Combing through their background and history is often a daunting task. Some lunar seasons are natural hybrids, so their kinship is almost impossible to determine. Others are commercial hybrids, whose lineage has either disappeared or been completely covered up to stop piracy. However, that hasn't stopped enthusiasts from trying to rebuild its confidence.

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