
Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

author:Warred said

Kiribati is a Pacific island nation consisting of 33 islands, with relatively poor soils and no rivers and lakes on the island, but it is rich in marine resources and is its main economic pillar.

Historical background

Kiribati's fishing history dates back to 2000 BC, when people began to use local marine resources such as fish, shellfish, lobsters and sea urchins for their livelihoods. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, foreign fishing vessels began to enter the area to catch fish, which also led to a rapid decline in local fishery resources.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

Prior to Kiribati's independence in 1979, British authorities also tried to develop Kiribati's fishing industry, but were unsuccessful due to a lack of proper infrastructure and technical knowledge.

Kiribati is an island nation located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, with a total area of 811 square kilometers, making it the least developed country in the world. Due to its remote location and ethnic minority demographics, the country only gradually began to come into contact with the modern world in the early 20th century.

In the early 20th century, Kiribati's rich fishing resources became an important source of food for the local population. At that time, the fishery was mainly based on traditional fishing and marine resource collection methods, such as fishing nets, harpoons, rafts, etc. This traditional fishing method did not have a big impact on fishery resources at the time, because local fishermen usually only fished when necessary, without overexploiting the resource.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

With the development of modern technology and industry, Kiribati's fishing industry began to suffer external shocks. Many foreign fishing vessels began to pour into the country's territorial waters, overexploiting and plundering local fishery resources, leading to the gradual depletion of fishery resources. And the lack of experience in modern fishery technology management by local fishermen also makes the management and protection of fishery resources more difficult.

The Government of Kiribati recognized the importance of fishery resources and began to strengthen the management of them. The government has formulated laws and policies to restrict the entry of foreign fishing vessels into territorial waters and control fishery catches, and actively participates in international cooperation to strengthen the protection of regional fishery resources.

Fisheries development in the mid-20th century

In the 50s and early 60s of the 20th century, the Government of Kiribati took further steps to strengthen the development of the fishery, including the establishment of a marine fisheries sector, the development of fisheries policies, the training of fishery workers and the purchase of modern fishing equipment.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

With the establishment of the fisheries sector and the implementation of the policy, Kiribati's fishing industry began to develop rapidly. By the late 60s of the 20th century, the country's fishing revenues had outpaced those from other economic activities such as coconuts and phosphate mines.

The Kiribati government has used external forces to modernize its fisheries. The government actively attracts foreign investment in technology, promotes the introduction of modern fishery technology and equipment, and improves fishermen's fishery skills. The Government has also strengthened measures in fisheries management and regulation and has established a number of fisheries management bodies, such as fisheries departments and fisheries commissions, to better protect fishery resources.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

Kiribati's fishing industry has gradually modernized. The introduction of a large number of modern fishery technologies and equipment has greatly improved the production efficiency and fishing capacity of the country's fisheries. At the same time, the government's fishery management measures have been gradually implemented, and the development of fishery resources has become more standardized and sustainable.

However, due to the limited size of Kiribati's fishery resources and market, the problems of external shocks and competition still exist, which have had a certain impact on the country's fishery development.

Fisheries development after 1979

In 1979, Kiribati became independent, marking a new stage in the development of Kiribati's fishery industry, which became an important strategy for the country's economic development.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

The government has increased its investment in fisheries. Government investment in fisheries mainly includes the construction of fishery infrastructure, the introduction and training of fishery technology, and the establishment of fisheries management and regulatory bodies. The government also gives certain preferential support to fishery enterprises through fiscal and tax policies to promote the development and growth of fisheries.

The government strengthens the protection and management of fishery resources. The government has developed a series of fisheries management and protection regulations, restricted the entry of foreign fishing vessels and controlled fishing volumes, strengthened monitoring of fishery resources, and strengthened fisheries law enforcement, and encouraged fishery enterprises and fishers to adopt sustainable fishing methods to ensure the sustainable use of fishery resources.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

The government actively carries out international cooperation and strengthens cooperation in fishery resources management with neighboring countries and regional organizations, and cooperates with some international organizations and development agencies to obtain financial and technical support to promote the modernization of fisheries.

The implementation of these measures has led to the rapid development of Kiribati's fishing industry. The country's fishery output value is increasing, the contribution of fishery to the country's economy is also increasing, Kiribati's fishery management and protection has been gradually implemented, and the development and utilization of fishery resources have become more standardized.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Kiribati's fishing industry flourished, and marine fishing became the most important economic activity in the country.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

Current fisheries developments

Kiribati's fishing industry is the most important economic activity in the country and remains the backbone of the country's economy, with fisheries mainly consisting of two parts: marine fishing and coral reef fishing. Marine fisheries have a significant impact on the country's GDP and employment. According to the Kiribati government, the country's fisheries output accounts for nearly 50% of GDP and provides more than 50% of jobs.

Kiribati's main fishery resources include fish, lobsters, sea urchins, corals and shellfish. Among them, fish stocks are the most important resources of the country's fisheries, including tuna, mackerel, sharks and sea bream.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

The Government of Kiribati actively participates in international cooperation to strengthen the management and protection of regional fishery resources. It is a member of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries and Marine Resources Management Programme (FFA) and participates in the development and implementation of regional fisheries management plans.

In terms of marine fishing, Kiribati is rich in fishery resources, and the Government of Kiribati is committed to strengthening the management of marine fisheries and implementing a sustainable fisheries policy. The government restricts the entry of foreign fishing vessels, strictly controls the amount of catch, strengthens law enforcement, strengthens monitoring of fishery resources, and promotes modern fishery technology.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

Kiribati is also rich in coral reefs, including pearls, shellfish, sea leaves and corals. The government also attaches great importance to the management and protection of coral reef resources, and the government has taken a series of measures, such as strengthening the assessment of coral reef resources, restricting the collection and export of coral reef resources, encouraging the sustainable use of coral reef resources, and promoting new industries such as coral reef ecotourism.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

Modernization of Kiribati's marine fisheries

The Government of Kiribati is committed to promoting the modernization of fisheries and the increasing contribution of fisheries to the country's economy, strengthening cooperation and communication in fishery management and protection, and making positive efforts to achieve sustainable development of fishery resource utilization.

Kiribati's modern fisheries are mainly focused on both industrial fishing and offshore fishing.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

Industrial fishing mainly refers to the fishing activities carried out by large distant-water fishing vessels in Kiribati's exclusive economic zone. These vessels are usually equipped with advanced fishing equipment and technology to efficiently catch a variety of fish, crustaceans and shellfish. The Government of Kiribati has signed cooperation agreements with a number of international fishing companies that allow them to conduct industrial fishing in Kiribati waters. These cooperation agreements have brought significant economic revenue to Kiribati while also increasing the modernization of Kiribati's fishing industry.

Offshore fishing refers to fishing activities carried out by local fishermen in Kiribati in offshore waters. These fishermen use traditional fishing tools and techniques such as nets, gear, boats, etc. They mainly catch tuna, mackerel, mackerel, etc., which are rich fisheries in the waters of Kiribati. Offshore fishing plays an important role in the livelihoods of Kiribati fishermen and the development of the local economy, while also helping to protect the fisheries in Kiribati waters.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

The Kiribati government has also taken a series of measures to protect fishery resources and the rights and interests of fishermen. The Government has established the Fisheries Authority to regulate and supervise fisheries in the waters off Kiribati and has also worked with international organizations and other countries to develop fisheries management policies to protect Kiribati's fishery resources and ecosystem.

The development of modern fisheries in Kiribati mainly includes two aspects: industrial fishing and offshore fishing, which play an important role in the sustainable development of the country's economy and society. The government will continue to promote the healthy development of fisheries, protect fishery resources and fishermen's rights and interests, and promote fisheries to make greater contributions to the sustainable development of the country's economy and society.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

Status of marine fisheries in Kiribati

Kiribati's fisheries development occupies a very important position in the country's economy. As a small island nation, Kiribati's rich fisheries provide the country with abundant economic income and employment opportunities, and Kiribati's fisheries also contribute a lot of income to the country's exports, especially products such as tuna.

In addition to its economic significance, Kiribati's fishing industry has had a positive impact on the country's social and cultural development. In Kiribati society, fishermen are a very noble professional group, they play an important role in the livelihood and cultural heritage of the local community, and the traditional culture of Kiribati is deeply integrated into the fishing elements, such as dance, music, etc. The Government of Kiribati also attaches great importance to the socio-cultural impact of fisheries and is committed to promoting the sustainable development of fisheries, while strengthening the protection of fishery resources and fishermen's rights.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati

The development of fisheries in Kiribati has a very important place in the country's economy, society and culture. The government will also continue to work to promote the modernization and sustainable development of fisheries and protect fishery resources.

Kiribati's marine fisheries have undergone a long and complex development process over the past few decades, from early overexploitation of resources and invasion by foreign fishing vessels, to sustainable management and regional cooperation today. With the efforts of the Kiribati government and the international community, the country's fishing industry will continue to develop and contribute to the country's economic and social development.

Marine fisheries development in Kiribati


1. Kiribati Ocean Atlas

2. Marine Resource Management in Kiribati

3. Fisheries Outlook: A Blueprint for the Ocean in the 21st Century

4. Tuna Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific: Status and Management

5. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 - Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

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