
How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

author:East China crayfish platform

1. What wild trash fish are generally found in crayfish farming ponds?

1.1 Crucian carp (crucian melon seeds, crucian carp). Very strong ability to adapt to the natural environment, resistant to low oxygen, omnivorous fish, like to grab feed and crayfish shrimp, 1 year of sexual maturity, 4-6 months of spawning peak.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


1.2. Minnow (strips, white strips). Prefer sufficient dissolved oxygen, water quality is clearer than water bodies, like to live in groups, omnivorous partial carnivorous, weak ability to grab feed, 1 year old sexual maturity, 6-10 months breeding peak period.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


1.3. Trout (square skin, mirror fish, colored rounder). The breeding process requires the use of water bodies such as river mussels to stir water bodies to hatch fertilized eggs, omnivorous fish, and the ability to grab feed is poor. Sexually mature at 1 year, peak breeding period from April to June.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


1.4. Stick fish (climbing tiger fish, sand hammer, flower stick): Stick fish is an omnivorous fish, grabbing feed and crayfish shrimp ability is strong. Sexually mature at 1 year, the peak period of breeding is from February to April.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

Stick flower fish

1.5. Wheat ear fish (mosquito-eating fish). Strong ability to adapt to the natural environment, tolerant to low oxygen, omnivorous partial carnivorous fish, like to feed mosquito larvae and adult insects, commonly known as mosquito-eating fish, grab feed and crayfish shrimp shrimp ability is strong, 1 year sexual maturity, breeding peak is 4-6 months.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

Wheat ear fish

1.6. Goby (sand ditch fish, light fish, oil light fish). Strong ability to adapt to the natural environment, low oxygen tolerance, omnivorous partial carnivorous fish, strong ability to grab feed and crayfish and juvenile shrimp, 1 year sexual maturity, the peak period of breeding is 4-6 months.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


1.7. Yellowtail (yellow horned fish, yellow bone fish, yellow spicy fish, angfish). He prefers diurnal and nocturnal, omnivorous and carnivorous fish, strong ability to grab feed and crayfish juvenile shrimp, 3-year-old sexual maturity, and the peak breeding period is 4-5 months.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


1.8. Snakehead (blackfish, mullet, bonito). The ability to live is very tenacious, with the help of skin and intestines and gills are very resistant to low oxygen, humid environment can survive from the water for several days, ferocious carnivorous fish, the ability to grab feed is not strong, like to eat other small fish and crayfish without hard shell protection, 2 years of sexual maturity, the peak of breeding is 4-9 months.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


1.9. Loach. Life ability is very tenacious, like to drill dirt to hide, omnivorous, like to eat humus in the water body, grab feed and crayfish wash shrimp ability is strong. Sexually mature at 2 years of age, the peak period of breeding is from April to June.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


1.10. Yellow eel (common fish, long fish). The life ability is very tenacious, fierce fish, omnivorous to carnivorous, poor ability to grab feed, and strong ability to eat crayfish without hard shell protection. Sexually mature at 2 years of age, the peak period of breeding is from April to June.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

Yellow eel

1.11. Cocked-billed bream. Upper fish, strong swimming ability, active, is a ferocious fish, omnivorous partial carnivorous fish, poor ability to grab feed, residual food without hard shell protection of the small dragon washing ability is strong. The female reaches sexual maturity at 3 years old, and the male reaches maturity at 2 years old, and the peak breeding period is 6 to 8 months.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

Cocked bass

1.12. Bream. It is a herbivorous fish that likes to eat aquatic plants in crayfish ponds, has high water quality requirements, is sexually mature at 2 years old, and the peak breeding period is from April to June.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds


Second, the harm of wild miscellaneous fish

2.1. Rob crayfish food; wild and miscellaneous fish have strong mobility, mainly grabbing feed, aquatic weeds, algae, water fleas, humus, aquatic insects.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

Wild trash fish on the food platform grab crayfish feed

2.2. Muddy water bodies; wild trash fish are active and have strong mobility, when looking for food in the silt, the sediment is brought into the water layer, affecting the photosynthetic growth of aquatic plants and algae is hindered, and the muddy water also causes damage to the gills of crayfish and breaks the stability of the water ecosystem.

2.3. A large amount of dissolved oxygen in the water body is consumed; resulting in serious oxygen debt in the water body, and a large number of harmful substances (ammonia nitrogen, sulfide, nitrite, etc.) are formed in the water body, causing the death of crayfish.

2.4. Endanger the growth of aquatic plants; omnivorous fish nibble on the young roots and young stems of aquatic plants.

2.5. Residual crayfish; embodied in the residual eating of crayfish, soft shell shrimp, shrimp without protective ability of shrimp fry are easy to become the main target.

2.6. Destroy the structure of algae in water bodies; omnivorous fish feed on a large number of algae in water bodies, and the growth of algae is much lower than the amount of food to be ingested, resulting in imbalance of algal phase.

2.7. Difficulty in fertilizing water; wild trash fish swallow saprosity, algae and suspended nutrients in water bodies. This results in a short duration of fertilizer water retention.

Third, how to reduce the number of wild trash fish

3.1. Clear fish medicine to kill: with "Qingtang 2008", in the pond with silver carp, big head fish set in the pond according to the instructions to mix feed feeding, if not, you can turn the water into the whole pond sprinkled.

3.2. Tea seed cake medicine killing: the tea seed cake is bagged and soaked for 1-2 days, and the soaking solution of the active ingredient is sprinkled with residue throughout the pool, and the tea seed cake can be fertilized and also become a good bait for crayfish, but the active ingredient of the tea seed cake has no effect on the bacterial fungal virus.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

Steep the tea seed cake

3.3. Catch the cage under the ground, clean up the food table: in order to avoid catching crayfish by mistake, only catch wild trash fish, and the next cage chooses to be in the daytime, because the wild trash fish have a large amount of crayfish activity at night, and the wild trash fish have a large amount of activity during the day. Put bait on the food table to lure wild trash fish to grab food, and then propose the food table to clean up the wild trash fish. Catching wild trash fish from ground cages and tables is the safest and least harmful to crayfish, but time-consuming and laborious.

How to deal with too many wild trash fish in crayfish farming ponds

Wild trash fish collected on the table

3.4. Small amounts of mandarin fish, perch: the use of predation between organisms to control the number of wild trash fish, be sure to pay attention to the stocking time node, density and specifications of carnivorous fish.

3.5. Inlet water filtration: 80 mesh dense net pockets are tied at the inlet of the crayfish breeding pond to prevent wild miscellaneous fish from mixing into the fish pond.

3.6. Clear pond: When the number of crayfish is not large, you can use the clear pond method, sprinkle the whole pond with quicklime, bleaching powder and other chemical water, and it is not applicable when it is more.

Fourth, breeding recommendations

4.1 It is normal for wild trash fish to appear in the crayfish breeding pond, but the number should be strictly controlled, the number is not large and does not need to remove wild trash fish, the control of wild trash fish is focused on prevention, and preventing wild trash fish fry and fish eggs from entering the pond is the top priority.

4.2 Choose to clean up wild trash fish in combination with the specific conditions of the pond, and try to choose the practice of not hurting the crayfish.

4.3 Choose to use it on sunny mornings when there is a breeze, do not choose to use it when it is rainy and sweltering and the crayfish are sick.

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