
A summary of the problems of breeding small-tailed cold sheep

author:Sugar Sugar Electric Vehicle
A summary of the problems of breeding small-tailed cold sheep

What makes money from farming should be decided according to the local market demand. Here the first agricultural economy [breeding technology] column will be the most profitable breeding products in 2015 (click to open the article) species have been discussed one by one, this article will take you to understand the breeding problems of small tailed cold sheep:

1. How to identify the small-tailed cold sheep?

The sheep is tall and large, the nose bridge is raised, the whole body is white hair, the adult ewe is 90-100 cm tall, the ram is 110-120 cm, the tail is not long but the flying joint, and there is a prominent hook-shaped small tail in the middle of the tail, which is also the most obvious feature of the small tailed han sheep. Purebred small-tailed cold sheep legs are tall (three-fifths of the body height), ears are large (generally the same as the sheep's mouth), body length, short tail, square tail, nose bridge is raised, and the ewe must have short or long horns. Standing and lying in a serene form, not afraid of people. eyelid.

  2. How much does it cost to set up a farm with 120 ewes, what is the daily cost of raising each sheep, and how many sheep barns are needed?

A farm with 120 small tailed cold sheep invests 120 * basic ewe 800 yuan = 96,000 yuan, the daily cost of each sheep is 1.5-2.0 yuan, and a sheep needs 2 square meters. The answer is referenced.

A summary of the problems of breeding small-tailed cold sheep

  3. How about the profit of raising small tailed cold sheep?

The benefit is OK, for example, Shenyang farmers, the profit is not more than 1000.

4. I would like to ask how much money is needed to breed small-tailed cold sheep now, want to graze mainly, and want to introduce about how much investment is needed in the early stage of about 20-30? Then what should I pay attention to?

Answer: The weight of the purebred small-tailed cold sheep and the hybrid small-tailed cold sheep are different, and the price is also different. Breeding small-tailed cold sheep, sold as meat sheep, the price is about 12 yuan per city pound; breeding purebred small-tailed cold sheep lambs, each kilogram is more than 15 yuan; breeding purebred small-tailed cold sheep adult sheep, each kilogram is about 13 yuan. You plan to take a few months, generally speaking, lambs 600 yuan a piece, the first pregnant sheep 1300 yuan a piece, adult breeding ram 3000 a piece, health and epidemic prevention is the focus. According to the current market price, generally speaking, 30 breeding sheep are enough for 20-30,000 yuan here.

A summary of the problems of breeding small-tailed cold sheep

  5. How to prevent common diseases of small-tailed cold sheep?

Answer Anthrax

Clinical symptoms: Sheep occur mostly the most acute or acute passage, manifested by sudden fall to the ground, convulsions, trembling, teeth grinding, dyspnea, body temperature rises to 40 ° C ~ 42 ° C, conjunctival cyanosis; from the eyes, nose, mouth, anus and other natural holes flowing out with bubbles of dark red or black blood, and is not easy to coagulate, can die in a few minutes. When the sheep's condition is moderate, it is manifested by agitation, walking and swaying, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, convulsions of the whole body in the later stages, bleeding from natural holes, and death within a few hours.

Prevention and control measures: In areas with high incidence, meat sheep should be injected with Anthrax No. II spore seedlings every year, and 1 ml per subcutaneous injection should be insisted on. For sheep suspected of anthrax, it is strictly forbidden to autopsy, peel and eat, the carcass of the sick sheep should be buried deeply, after the sick sheep leave the group, the whole group uses antibacterial drugs for 3 days, which can play a certain preventive role. The contaminated mat grass, feces, etc. should be burned; the contaminated sheep house, utensils and ground should be thoroughly disinfected, and 10% hot alkaline water or 0. Disinfect 1% mercury solution or 20% to 30% bleach powder three times in a row, each time at an interval of 1 hour.

Treatment should be carried out under strict isolation conditions. At the beginning of the disease, 50 ml of subcutaneous or intravenous anthrax serum can be injected, and if the body temperature does not recede after 4 hours, another 30 ml can be injected. For sheep with subacute disease, penicillin can be treated at 1 kg of body weight. 5 IU intramuscularly every 8 hours for three days. At its most acute or acute, it is often too late to treat.

  Sheep are plagued

Clinical symptoms: Sick sheep often die suddenly before they can show clinical symptoms. Slow death, reluctance to walk, dyskinesia, abdominal pain and diarrhea, teeth grinding twitches, and finally weakening, body temperature rises to 41 ° C, mouth, nostrils out of the red foamy liquid, the course of the disease is extremely short, more than a few minutes to a few hours to die. The dead body quickly decayed and swelled, and the visible mucous membrane was engorged with dark purple.

Prevention and control measures: regular injection of sheep anaphylocosis triple or penty or sheep rapid disease single seedlings in common areas (mostly wet, low-lying and swampy areas), subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of 5 ml. At the same time, strengthen feeding management and environmental disinfection, and strictly prevent cold attacks or eating frost feed.

Sheep with a slightly longer course of disease can choose intramuscular injection of penicillin, 800,000 to 1.6 million international units each time, twice a day; or internal sulfame, 5 grams to 6 grams each time, 3 to 4 times a day; or internal administration of 10% to 20% lime milk, 50 ml to 100 ml each time, twice a day; can also be 10% sodium coffee 10 ml with 5% glucose solution 500 ml ~ 5000 ml, sheep intravenous injection.


Clinical symptoms: mostly acute cases. The sick sheep suddenly became restless, quickly fell to the ground, fell unconscious, had difficulty breathing, and then suffocated to death. The course of the disease is slow, manifested by initial agitation, empty chewing and clenching teeth, turning in circles or hitting obstacles, and then falling to the ground and dying. Before the sick sheep are dying, diarrhea may occur, and the feces are mixed with mucus and gray-white pseudo-membranes, with a foul odor. Nasal white foam, pale mouth color, died in a coma. The body temperature of the disease is generally not high, and the duration of the disease is 1 hour to 4 hours (the elderly do not exceed 24 hours).

Prevention and control measures: strengthen feeding management, so that fine, green, coarse and juicy feed are evenly matched, to prevent sheep from eating too much concentrate or eating too much juicy and tender grass. Before the epidemic season, sheep are given an injection of sheep for rapid disease. Sudden death, enterotoxemia tripartites. Lambs born in that year should be injected with triple seedlings once during lactation and after weaning, with an interval of 40 to 50 days.

The disease dies quickly, and most sheep are too late to treat it. In a slightly longer course of illness, the following treatment may be taken: intramuscular injection of chloramphenicol, 0. 5 g ~ 0. 7 g, three times a day; mix 800,000 international units of penicillin with 500 mg of streptomycin, do intramuscular injection, inject again every 1 hour, 3 to 4 times in a row; in severe dehydration, intravenous injection of glucose normal saline 500 ml, plus 10% sodium coffee 5 ml, injected every 3 hours to 5 hours.

  Sheep suddenly died

Clinical symptoms: short course of illness, often sudden death without seeing symptoms; sometimes found that the sick sheep fell out of herd, lying on the ground, showing restlessness, weakness or spasms, and died within a few hours. Autopsy found severe congestion and erosion of the mucosa of the duopolyte intestine and jejunum, fluid accumulation in the body cavity, and 8 hours after death, blood-like fluid accumulated between skeletal muscle muscles, muscle bleeding, and gaseous holes.

For more information about prevention and control measures, see Sheep rapid disease and sheep enterotoxemia.

A summary of the problems of breeding small-tailed cold sheep

  Sheep black plague

Clinical symptoms: very similar to sheep enterotoxemia, sheep rapid disease, etc., the course of the disease is short, and sudden death. A small number of cases can be delayed to 1 to 2 days. Affected sheep often have no appetite, rumination stops, lack of energy, shortness of breath, body temperature 41. Around 5 ° C, lethargy and lie prone to death. Autopsy found that the subcutaneous veins were significantly congested, giving the sheep a dark black appearance (hence the name black plague); the true stomach pylorus and small intestine were congested and bleeding.

Control measures: control of liver flake trematode infection. Regular injections of pentatonia seedlings of sheep anorexia. At the onset of the disease, the circle can be moved to a high dry place, and early prevention of anti-Norwistinium serum can be used, and 10 ml to 15 ml can be injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For sick sheep with a slow course, intramuscular penicillin is given 800,000 to 1.6 million international units twice a day, or intravenously or intramuscularly anti-Clostridium serum 50 ml to 80 ml each time, twice.

  Lamb paratyphoid fever

Clinical symptoms: lamb body temperature rises up to 40 ° C ~ 41 ° C, loss of appetite, diarrhea, viscous bloody feces, with stench; mental commission, weakness, bowed head, arched back, and then fell to the ground, after 1 day to 5 days of death, the incidence of about 30%, the case fatality rate of about 25%. After autopsy, the corpse of the sick lamb was emaciated, the true stomach and small intestinal mucosa and spleen were congested, and the intestinal contents were as thin as water.

Prevention and control measures: mainly to strengthen breeding management. Lambs should be born with colostrum as early as possible, and pay attention to keeping the lamb warm. Timely isolation of sick sheep, thorough disinfection of polluted pens, and drug prevention of sick sheep.

A summary of the problems of breeding small-tailed cold sheep

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