
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

author:Animal world

Ring-necked lizard

It is 20–38 cm long and the males are brilliant blue and green and the females are tan. Running speed is fast, up to 26 km / h. It lives mainly in the deserts of Mexico and the south-central United States. Males are very aggressive, and if two males are put together, they will fight to the death. It feeds on insects and occasionally eats plants.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Male collared lizard

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Female collared lizard

Sea sail lizard

It is 28-38 cm long and has a "sail" of its own shape on the head. When threatened, the upper body will be slightly lifted, and the lower head will open the "sail" and bulge the throat, so that the body will be inflated to achieve the purpose of intimidation. It is found from Mexico to South America, prefers humid and warm climates, inhabits tropical rainforests, and is arboreal. It feeds mainly on insects, spiders and other lizards.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Ashi anabolic lizard

The length is 14-20 cm, the male's anterior body and head are blue, the female's body is green, and the abdomen is white. Both male and female can change color in a short time. It is now mainly distributed in Cuba, Honduras, Belize, and there are also suspected discoveries on the Mexican island of Sumer.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Male Assad lizard

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Female Aster lizard

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

The discolored Ashian lizard

Point-tailed lizard

It is about 15 cm long and is green overall, with black spots and bands, and a shorter spiny tail. Its natural habitats are the rainforests of Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, Guyana, France, Peru, Venezuela and Brazil. It feeds mainly on ants.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

White-lipped tree lizard

The length is about 28 cm, the maximum can reach 40 cm. It lives in the forests of Cambodia, China (Yunnan), India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, and also in suburban parks or plantations. It feeds mainly on insects.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Desert lizards

It is 25–33 cm long and has a bright colour on the back and head of the male during the breeding season. It is mainly found in the mountains of southern India. It feeds mainly on insects.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Male desert lizard

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Female desert lizard

Blue-tongued lizard

Commonly known as the Eastern Blue Tongue Dragon or the Northern Blue Tongue Dragon. It is about 40 centimeters long, weighs about 700 grams, has a thick body and short legs, and is most notably a cobalt-blue tongue that lasts up to 30 years. It is found in southeastern and northern Australia, as well as the Indonesian islands of Tanimbar and Babal. Omnivorous.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

American lizard

It is mainly distributed in Brazil and Argentina, inhabiting open grasslands and specializing in digging tunnels to cover itself. Feeds on insects and spiders.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Striped whiptail lizard

It is about 30 cm long and is found in woodlands, meadows and coastal beaches in Central and South America and the Caribbean. New research has found that striped whiptail lizards can reproduce in parthenogenesis.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Male striped whiptail lizard

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

Female striped whiptail lizard

Red Salvatore lizard

Also known as the red double-collared lizard, it is large and grows rapidly, with a total length of about 90 cm, and individual large individuals can reach a length of up to 140 cm. It is found in the rainforests of Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay in South America. The recipe is extensive, including fruits, vegetables, insects, birds, rodents and fish.

The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards
The world - 10 species of beautiful lizards

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