
"Teratoma" caused a drop of trouble, the beauty goddess Metamorphosis!

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"Teratoma" caused a drop of trouble, the beauty goddess Metamorphosis!

In the eyes of her college classmates, Xiaoya is a girl who loves beauty, with an outgoing personality, lively and cute. She is a goddess in the minds of boys, and an object of envy for girls. Recently, some changes in Xiao Ya have made everyone wonder, how did the former goddess gradually become a strong man? It turned out that this was all the scourge of teratomas.

What is a teratoma?

Ovarian teratoma is a common female germ cell tumor, 95% of which is benign, but 2% to 5% of which is malignant. Teratomas often have no clinical manifestations, unless accompanied by infection, rupture, twisting bleeding, etc., there may be lower abdominal pain, lower abdominal swelling and other discomfort, so it is often found during the physical examination of gynecological ultrasound. Teratomas are germ cell tumors that contain oil, hair, and skin, sometimes teeth and bones, and are the most common ovarian tumors. Teratomas are common in women of childbearing age, but in fact, children without sex and women who have menopause, even men, can develop the disease. Not only that, the site of teratoma is not limited to the human ovaries, but also may grow in the human brain, lungs, waist, mediastinum and other parts of the fetus.

Because the typical teratoma will have hair, bones, teeth and other structures, the people always think that it is another fetus in the body that is not well developed, in fact, it is the original germ cells stimulated by abnormal division, of course, some people think that the teratoma comes from the primitive abnormal tissue in the early embryonic stage.

"Teratoma" caused a drop of trouble, the beauty goddess Metamorphosis!

The Metamorphosis of the Goddess of Beauty

In fact, Xiao Ya herself also found some strange changes in her body. About two years ago, the corners of the mouth grew light fluff, and the skin became rough, and these small details made Xiao ya, who loved beauty, confused. Slowly, Xiao Ya found that she had become a "tiger with a bear's waist", and the clothes of the "lady" could not be worn before. Not only did the figure become more and more "man", the small fluff at the corner of the mouth became a black beard, and the voice became thicker. Xiao Ya's menstruation also became irregular, and she did not have a menstrual holiday for 8 months at the longest. "Oh my God, you're not going to be a man, are you?" The sisters in the dormitory told her that Xiao Ya herself was particularly afraid. After visiting the hospital, the doctor found a mature teratoma in her body.

Teratoma, are you a freak?

The reason why teratomas are linked to "deformities and fetuses" is because benign teratomas are often filled with things like grease, hair, teeth, and even bones. These things are like the product of a deformed embryo, so people have not known much about it before and mistaken it for "teratoma". Note that teratomas and embryos, whether "freaks" or "normal embryos", have nothing to do with each other! Embryos are the product of fertilization after the combination of sperm and eggs, while teratomas are derived from the ovarian primitive germ cells, which require neither eggs nor sperm. For a benign teratoma, in addition to the ingredients mentioned above, even if it grows large and exists in the body for a long time, it will never grow the "human form" of head, hands and feet. In addition, people who have had teratomas will have normal children in the future and will not give birth to "freaks". Therefore, although "teratoma" has the name of "fetus", it does not have the reality of "fetus".

How to detect a girl with an ovarian teratoma

The current cause of teratoma is unknown and there is no effective preventive approach. The key is to do pelvic examination regularly to achieve early diagnosis and early treatment. If you have the following five changes, it is time for you to do a comprehensive gynecological examination.

1. Irregular menstruation: Once suffering from ovarian teratoma, it will lead to a small or large amount of menstruation, and the menstrual period will be shortened or prolonged, and even sometimes amenorrhea will occur.

2, insomnia: occasionally or often lead to insomnia, take sleeping pills to sleep. This will not only lead to a decline in work and quality of life, but also long-term use of sleeping pills will also lead to menstrual irregularities.

3. Easy to agitate: once you have an ovarian teratoma, emotions are easy to agitate, sometimes you will restrain the excitement, but sometimes you can't control the excitement.

4. Skin changes: the skin with ovarian teratoma will lose its luster and the skin will be dry. It is easy to appear stains, wrinkles, dry skin, melasma, etc.

5, sexual life: suffering from ovarian teratoma, sexual desire will decline, sexual intercourse is still painful, serious if the ability to sexual desire may also be lost.

"Teratoma" caused a drop of trouble, the beauty goddess Metamorphosis!

Ultrasound B is the best way to diagnose teratomas

At present, the accuracy of B ultrasound diagnosis of teratoma is more than 90%, as long as a uterine adnexal B ultrasound examination is done, it is not difficult to find teratoma, so whether it is the child's entrance examination, or marriage examination, pre-pregnancy examination, should be paid attention to. Especially if there is no examination before pregnancy, once the teratoma is found after pregnancy, the doctor will be more difficult to deal with. Because the uterus enlarges after pregnancy, the position of the ovaries changes, which is particularly prone to reversal, and surgical treatment has to worry about the fetus in the uterus, which greatly increases the difficulty of surgery.

The best way to self-test is to touch: get up in the morning, empty the urine, lie flat, bend your legs slightly, touch one side of the abdomen to the other, and if you find that the mass is a hard foreign body, it is suspected to be a tumor.

Tip: The current cause of teratoma is unknown, and there is no effective prevention method. The key is to do pelvic examination regularly to achieve early diagnosis and early treatment. Patients with teratomas should avoid strenuous exercise to prevent the occurrence of torsion and rupture. (Author: Zong Han)

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