
Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

author:The wind passes without a trace of the world

There are all kinds of wonderful and eccentric creatures in the world, they may be cute in appearance, but behind them there is a deadly crisis, you may already know that tigers can not be touched, but will you believe that koalas, cats and even chipmunks also have an extremely dangerous side?

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Today I bring you 8 kinds of terrible creatures that you must not touch.

<h1>Forest Pelican</h1>

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

The Lynx is a native breed of birds in New Guinea that looks elegant and beautiful but hides deadly toxins.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

In fact it is the only poisonous bird in the world, its skin and feathers contain powerful neurotoxins, in 1989, the first time humans discovered the poisonous forest bird, at that time, there was a foreigner with a net to catch the forest bird, but unfortunately his hand was scratched by the bird, and bleeding, he habitually put his fingers in his mouth, only to find that his tongue and lips were numb and swollen.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

As soon as the news spread, it shocked the entire scientific community at the time, so when you see this bird, you must stay away, fortunately there is no such bird in our country.

<h1>Flame cuttlefish</h1>

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

This cuttlefish is one of the beautiful marine creatures, however, it is also one of the three most poisonous cephalopods, in fact, his body contains the same toxins as the blue-ringed octopus.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Although the flame cuttlefish looks beautiful and not aggressive, it is a deadly creature in the ocean, and the flame cuttlefish releases enough venom to cause the death of an adult human, so no matter how beautiful this cuttlefish is, don't go near it.

<h1>Siberian chipmunk</h1>

The Siberian chipmunk is a very cute little animal, but this small mammal has a terrible and deadly side.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Many people keep them as pets.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

But wild Siberian chipmunks are better off not touching it, because wild Siberian chipmunks are very sensitive to everything around them, they have sharp teeth and strong jaws, resulting in their bite force is extremely strong, if you bite by it, it may cause you to get a variety of infectious diseases including rabies, this chipmunk teeth are very sharp, the danger is extremely high, you must stay away from them.


Lorises are small primates with a pair of large eyes, very cute, they are so precious animals that some people will secretly raise them as pets, but what most people don't know is that lorises are the only poisonous primates in the world.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Before they bite, they will shoot out venom, which can cause you to have anaphylactic shock, and their bite force is amazing, so you can imagine it.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

So even if they are cute and you want to hold them, don't get up close.

<h1>giant panda</h1>

There is no doubt that the giant panda is the most iconic and popular member of the bear family, but many people do not know that the giant panda also has a very dangerous side. The giant panda is the animal with the strongest bite force per square inch in the entire animal kingdom, and it can easily bite off people's limbs. Although they look very cute, don't get too close to them.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat


Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Maybe koalas really live the life we aspire to, eating and sleeping every day, sleeping in trees and climbing around, very leisurely, this cute mammal can be said to be the symbol of Australia, they sleep in the sun for 22 hours a day, feeding on eucalyptus leaves.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

These leaves have a special effect that makes the koala docile, but the koala has super sharp front teeth.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

When threatened, they can attack dogs and even humans.

<h1>Blue Angels</h1>

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

It is known as the Blue Dragon Blue Angel, an Atlantic marine creature, and is a mollusk.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

They are fluorescent blue on the outside, and their body length is 1.5 inches, which makes them look very beautiful. However, never touch these gleaming creatures, each of whose antennae have a deadly poisonous sac of thorn cells, and there is evidence that being stabbed by such creatures can lead to direct death.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Maybe that's why they're called sea dragons.

<h1>Sand cats</h1>

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

There is no doubt that sand cats are a very cute cat, and cat animal lovers all over the world will love this wild kitten because they are so cute, they are elegant, soft-haired, and live in desert areas.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Feeds on small birds, insects and poisonous snakes.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Although these cats look petite, their bite force is greater than that of a cheetah.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

This means they can easily crush your bones, and their sharp teeth make their bite force more powerful.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

Like most cats, sand cats don't like to be led by the nose by humans.

Encounter them in the wild, or hurry up and run to the forest crane flame cuttlefish Siberian chipmunk loris giant panda koala blue angel sand cat

So if you see these cats in the wild, it's best not to approach them.