
wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years
wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

On July 5, the WeChat public account of the Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention published an article titled "We need your help, find insects!" Get! the article calls on local people to catch a bug called the cone bug. At that time, the local disease control department will provide rewards to the insect catchers with a bounty of 8 yuan per animal.

wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years
wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

The pictures in this article are from the WeChat public account of guangzhou municipal center for disease control and prevention

Trypanosomiasis, the vector of American trypanosomiasis, which can cause irreversible harm to human health, can be called "new AIDS". Patients with potential trypanosomiasis can avoid life-threatening risks if promptly diagnosed and treated.

This is also the reason why the Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention "looking for insects and finding people".

"New AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

According to the article, the cone bug is named because the head is narrow and cone-like, the adult body is about 25 mm long, oval-shaped, the tail tip is flat or flat, dark or dark brown, and the lateral edge of the abdomen has red or yellow spots.

The larvae and adults of the triatomine bug will suck human blood, because they specialize in biting people's faces, and like to look for areas with thin skin, such as lips, eyelids, etc., so they are also called "kissing worms".

wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

The head is tapered

Trypanosomiasis is the vector of American trypanosomiasis and the global spread of trypanosomiasis should be noted.

The Shanghai Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission issued a paper in 2012 that Trypanosomiasis in the United States can cause changes in the heart, digestive tract and peripheral nervous system in the clinic, and the case fatality rate is high. With the integration of the global economy in recent years, the frequency of population movements has increased. The disease also spread from the Americas to Asia.

wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

It began to spread globally in 2011

The disease is transmitted in two ways, either through patient or storage host → cone bugs → humans, and through blood transfusion, vertical mother-to-child transmission, or in the setting of organ transplantation and laboratory accidents.

There are currently at least 40 known species of blood-sucking cone bugs that may cause transmission of the disease.

wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

Different species of cone bugs

In addition, trypanosomiasis is extremely occult, with a hidden period of up to 20 to 30 years; the diagnosis rate of trypanosomiasis is low, there is no vaccine to prevent it, and there is no specific drug in the late stage of the disease, so some scholars even call it a "new type of AIDS".

wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

Take another look and see them?

Cone bugs are commonly known as "wood lice kings" in Guangzhou. According to the Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, citizens in many districts of the city have seen insects similar to cone bugs and have been bitten. In 2016, the first cone bug bite occurred in Shunde.

Cone bugs often hide in gaps in walls or wooden objects

Cone bugs mostly hide in gaps in walls or wooden objects, such as old wooden houses, flower pots and next to wooden piles in farmhouses, and go out at night. At night, they are also easy to find in barns, chicken nests, etc. where there are woodlands or fields.

wary! All people can be infected by this insect "new AIDS", with an incubation period of twenty or thirty years

White is the egg of the cone bug

The Guangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that through this investigation, it is hoped to clearly understand the distribution of cone bugs in China, cooperate with corresponding measures, and strive to minimize the harm.

If residents see the cone bugs, please take pictures and pack them with mineral water bottles or other lidded containers, remember the time and place of collection (such as 20180626, 22:00, Room 608, No. 30 Haizhuang Street, Haizhu District), and contact the personnel in charge of this work at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in your district.

If it is determined to be a cone bug, the CDC will provide a reward of 8 yuan per animal and health consultation services.

The main means of prevention of trypanosomiasis

According to the recommendations given by the Shanghai Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, the main means of prevention of trypanosomiasis are as follows:

1. Improving living conditions and housing structure, such as applying lime and other paints to the walls of buildings, repairing and replacing roofs, etc., or spraying insecticides indoors, can prevent cone bugs from breeding and roosting indoors.

2. Eliminate the animal storage host as much as possible. Tourists should avoid sleeping in simple dwellings and use mosquito nets or insecticides.

3. In order to avoid the spread of blood transfusion, the blood bank should carry out blood trypanosoma serology, and 1:4000 gentian violet can be added to the blood 24 hours before the transfusion to kill trypanosomes. In addition, blood donors, organ providers and pregnant women should be promptly serological tested.

4. Anti-trypanosomiasis should be carried out as soon as possible in the acute stage, and the drugs used for treatment mainly include benzidazole or nifurmus.

Source | Observer Network

Edit | Zheng Qing