
"People over sixty, three meals do not eat", what kind of food can not be eaten? What is the rationale?

author:Xiao Shen had something to say

The meaning of the phrase "over sixty, three meals without eating" is to guide us to understand a simple but important truth: as we age, our eating habits need to change accordingly. So, what are the three types of "three meals" here? What is the deep meaning of this sentence? Let me break it down for you.

"People over sixty, three meals do not eat", what kind of food can not be eaten? What is the rationale?

First of all, "three meals" does not refer to breakfast, lunch and dinner in our daily life, but represents three types of meals that are not suitable for the elderly: heavy rice, leftovers, and overeaten.

First, let's talk about the first, which is heavy rice. As we age, our bodily functions begin to gradually decline, including the functioning of the digestive system. Eating foods that are too greasy, salty or sweet can put a lot of strain on our stomachs and intestines, while also increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Therefore, the elderly should try to avoid heavy foods in their diet and choose more light and nutritious foods.

"People over sixty, three meals do not eat", what kind of food can not be eaten? What is the rationale?

Secondly, what we want to avoid is leftovers. Some people may think that leftovers are kept in the refrigerator and eaten the next day when they are warmed up again. But in fact, during the storage of food, nutrients will be gradually lost, and bacteria may also breed and cause food poisoning. For older adults, they need fresh, nutrient-rich food, not leftovers that can pose health risks.

Finally, we need to pay attention to overeating meals. The gastrointestinal function of the elderly is relatively weak, if they overeat, it will bring excessive burden to the stomach and may cause a series of health problems. Therefore, it is recommended that the elderly should be "three points hungry and seven points full" in the diet, so that they can meet the nutritional needs of the body without overburdening the stomach.

"People over sixty, three meals do not eat", what kind of food can not be eaten? What is the rationale?

The deep meaning of the phrase "over sixty, three meals without eating" is to remind us that as we age, our eating habits also need to be adjusted accordingly. We need to focus more on the quality of food, not the quantity. We need to pay more attention to the nutritional value of the food, not the taste. We need to pay more attention to eating in moderation rather than satisfying instant appetites. This is the truth that this sentence wants to convey to us: healthy eating habits are an important foundation for our healthy life.

At the same time, this sentence also reminds us that everyone's body is unique, and we need to adjust our eating habits according to our physical condition and needs. For young people, they may need more energy to support their daily activities. For the elderly, they need to pay more attention to the nutritional value of food to maintain good health and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

"People over sixty, three meals do not eat", what kind of food can not be eaten? What is the rationale?

In general, the meaning of the phrase "people over sixty, three meals do not eat" is not to let us avoid all food in life, but to make us treat diet more rationally and pay more attention to the impact of diet on our health. We need to learn to appreciate the joy of various foods, and at the same time know how to enjoy food while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The above is my understanding of this sentence, I hope it will help you. If you have any ideas or opinions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, we will discuss and share together. If you think this article inspires you, please also like and forward, so that more people can see, pay attention to our health together, and pursue a better life together.